Qualys VMDR vs Skybox Security Suite comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Qualys VMDR
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Asset Management (7th), Configuration Management Databases (3rd), Container Security (12th), Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (3rd)
Skybox Security Suite
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (22nd), Firewall Security Management (6th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Risk-Based Vulnerability Management category, the mindshare of Qualys VMDR is 14.2%, up from 13.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Skybox Security Suite is 1.7%, up from 0.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Risk-Based Vulnerability Management
Unique Categories:
IT Asset Management
Configuration Management Databases
Vulnerability Management
Firewall Security Management

Featured Reviews

Jan Vobruba - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 3, 2022
Easy to use, well supported with continually improving functionality
If you're not overly experienced and you're looking for something in their management, it can sometimes be quite difficult because they can move buttons around without sending an update. Previously, if you deployed the Cloud Agent, you could define which tech would be under the agent and where it would be deployed. It now requires some text preparation and the Cloud Agent then downloads the specific profile defined without any indication that this might happen. If you are not using vulnerability management, you are not able to create the correct patch process for all applications stored on the system. It would be helpful if Qualys would integrate with more systems like ServiceNow, Jira, and so on, to create some tickets and integrate them into the active directory, because each group works differently and if you need to prepare a ticket, it must be defined to a specific group of people. Qualys just created a kit on ServiceNow, but it doesn't have the correct group of people in the active directory.
NenadMijatovic - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 8, 2024
Efficient in vulnerability management, stable and easy to use
Vulnerability management is the most valuable feature because it lets you focus on the most critical vulnerabilities. That's the important thing. Here in Serbia, there are not so many companies that have too many firewalls inside one company. So, they usually don't buy this model for Firewall Assurance unless there is some compliance. So you can prove that your firewalls are compliant. So, that model is not so important here in Serbia. It's for bigger companies. So, they usually buy network assurance to build the model of the network and vulnerability management to focus on the most important vulnerabilities. Moreover, Skybox can collect data for many vendors. From the endpoint protection vendors to the network equipment vendors to other security vendors. So, it supports more than one hundred vendors to collect data from them.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's very configurable to adjust impact to systems."
"It is very easy to use and there are lots of options. We can usually easily go through it and all of the things we want to configure, and we can configure everything to our specifications very easily."
"The product's patch management is excellent for keeping our critical servers and third-party applications updated efficiently."
"Tech support is helpful."
"It is a simple solution that makes scanning easy. You just give it a scheduled task, and it will do everything for you."
"I like that we have many scanners and channels that don't overload. It helps us scan and track easily. Also, the tagging system is good for tagging. We can still use QualysAgent task ID tools even if tags aren't made."
"The most valuable features of Qualys VM are its ability to do proper vulnerability assessment. It has a lot of updates for all the vulnerability databases from all over the globe. It's an amazing solution when it comes to the versatility of the features it has. Additionally, the reports are very good. It generates very detailed reports about the vulnerabilities inside the environment"
"Detects new hosts along with vulnerabilities."
"It shows me a client's or an organization's entire network. I can see everything."
"instead of asking for firewall rules which may or may not be relevant, or could already be there, or could be over-permissioned, Skybox can be used to map out the resources that that application is going to use and provide the exact rules that an application would require to function correctly. If the traffic isn't able to flow for the application, if it's erring out, Skybox can be used to troubleshoot that and say, "All right, where is the traffic being stopped and why, and how do I fix that.""
"The solution offers very nice dashboards and they've recently added a very good Java-based web interface."
"It's given us more visibility in terms of what are the kinds of configurations that are on these devices, and how many of these are stale rules. So it's helped greatly in terms of cleaning up of rules, for sure. And it has definitely given us a more secure way of backing up the configuration on these devices."
"The way that it's built with three-tier architecture, it makes it very horizontally scalable, so I can have multiple fallbacks. If one machine does fall offline, there are four other machines that are doing the exact same job to pick it up"
"We use Network Assurance for network visualisation and troubleshooting."
"Aside from Firewall Assurance, we are using Network Assurance and Change Manager for an overview of the whole network and for documenting requests and the recertification of the ruleset."
"The most valuable features are the rule compliance and the OS vulnerability checks."


"If anything, I would like to see the user interface modernized a bit more."
"Qualys could be improved in its overall performance compared to other vulnerability management or scanning tools."
"It's quite complex on the way it is set up, so it takes a fair bit of time in order to get your head around it in order to deploy it. Once you've deployed it, then you're never confident on the versions of the browsers and the SSL certificates, etc. You have to always go back into Qualys and check."
"Qualys VMDR is basically susceptible to false positives, and false negatives."
"The only improvement I can think of is on the implementation side. At times it is a bit slow."
"Reports were lacking somewhat on the customization side."
"Finding things in management can be quite difficult."
"Qualys VM could improve by having more skilled support personnel."
"Change Manager can be improved. If they can improve Change Manager so that whatever we want to do on a firewall, we are able to do it through Change Manager, it will be helpful for us. Whenever we are doing a change, it only does them at an L3 and L4 level, but all the firewalls are at the application layer. So, whatever needs to be done on the firewall, we aren't able to get it done through Change Manager. Currently, this functionality is not there because of which we are sometimes losing customers. I can create a role on Layer 3, Layer 4, but when it comes to the application layer, such as configuring and defining URLs or other things at the application level, it can't be done through Change Manager. Customers demand that they should be able to do everything through Change Manager. They don't want to do it through some other mechanism to accomplish their complete change management policy. They don't want to use a firewall manager because sometimes, they don't have any manager. They ask if they can use our solution so that a manager is not required. If Change Manager can do all the management automatically without involving any other manager, it will be great. They can also provide better integration with other managers so that everything can be done through a central point."
"There are multiple dashboards but no custom dashboard. It would be good to include a custom dashboard so that we can actually choose which field and what kinds of things we want to look at."
"Skybox Security Suite's attack surface management feature needs improvement."
"They are not satisfied with the complexity of the solution and the price."
"During implementation, we realised approximately 30 devices were not supported by the Skybox platform​."
"There is room for improvement in pricing. It would be better, especially if a customer bought all four modules."
"Skybox Security Suite can improve the change management module. It is the one part of the tool that is used with the firewall devices and you have a change management module that is used to record changes of all firewalls in the company. It's not compatible with all brands, this is where they can improve the solution."
"The support could be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price is very reasonable."
"The tool's pricing is expensive and I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten."
"The license is on a yearly basis."
"The pricing is very competitive."
"The pricing and licensing for Qualys could be improved."
"It is different for every company, but for us, it's every three years."
"It is more expensive than other products on the market."
"I used to work there, so I never paid for the product. As an employee, we get a lifetime license for personal use, and that's what I'm using. It is a comprehensive platform, so there is a lot more to it. There could be other solutions that are probably a little bit cheaper, but it depends on what people need. Different people have different needs. It offers many things on the same platform. If you add all the things up, it should be cheaper, but I have not done any analysis specifically."
"Licensing is normally on a yearly basis. There may also be a perpetual license. Normally, the customers ask for a lower price. If you want to sell more, you have to think about it."
"Skybox comes with extra licenses and has a change management license. The licenses are expensive, but they come with extra value."
"The price of the Skybox Security Suite can be expensive."
"I've seen the pricing of every solution on the market. When you compare apples to apples, where Skybox becomes exceedingly expensive is if you look at it compared to something like FireMon that only does a fraction of what Skybox does. But if you include everything that Skybox does, it becomes way more expensive than the competition, but you're also not comparing apples to apples. If you look at FireMon, and you look at like just the firewall assurance piece, they are fairly comparable and, actually, Skybox comes in a little bit cheaper in some cases, depending on which product you're looking at."
"The product's pricing is excellent value. In terms of licensing, make sure you understand your network components, all your hops through your network, thoroughly, before you decide on the total cost. If you want to do point-to-point flow analysis and such, you need to have the configuration of all the devices in between point A and point B. A lot of people don't realize all their network components until they start using this product."
"The software is expensive. I rate its pricing an eight out of ten."
"When compared with other companies, the license is more costly."
"I would rate the tool's pricing an eight out of ten."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your primary use case for Qualys VM?
Qualys VM is used for vulnerability scans for the internet and applications using application exchange. There are many applications. We also use the solution for asset management per team, and the ...
What do you like most about Qualys VMDR?
I like that we have many scanners and channels that don't overload. It helps us scan and track easily. Also, the tagging system is good for tagging. We can still use QualysAgent task ID tools even ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Qualys VMDR?
We have an annual contract for Qualys VMDR. I believe it's for either two years or five years.
What do you like most about Skybox Security Suite?
Overall, the tool has helped us reduce risks. If any step is missing, it's easier for my team or engineers to identify it. The tool provides accurate recommendations based on the data. Its integrat...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Skybox Security Suite?
Skybox Security Suite has indeed helped us reduce costs. The prices of AlgoSec and Skybox Security Suite are approximately 50 percent different. The tool may require special vendor support from abr...

Also Known As

Qualys VM, QualysGuard VM, Qualys Asset Inventory, Qualys Container Security, Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance
No data available



Sample Customers

Agrokor Group, American Specialty Health, American State Bank, Arval, Life:), Axway, Bank of the West, Blueport Commerce, BSkyB, Brinks, CaixaBank, Cartagena, Catholic Health System, CEC Bank, Cegedim, CIGNA, Clickability, Colby-Sawyer College, Commercial Bank of Dubai, University of Utah, eBay Inc., ING Singapore, National Theatre, OTP Bank, Sodexo, WebEx
ADP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, BT, USAID, Delta Dental, EDF Energy, EMC, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson
Find out what your peers are saying about Qualys VMDR vs. Skybox Security Suite and other solutions. Updated: March 2023.
790,761 professionals have used our research since 2012.