The integration of online jobs and documents is one of the most valuable aspects of the solution. The ability to integrate tasks and to assign tasks to certain people is great.
Associate Director of Technology at Microland Limited
Jun 25, 2020
Microsoft Teams has helped us improve collaboration through the use of chats, as well as conferencing, voice calls, knowledge management, and maintaining a repository.
The solution should standardize the options across platforms. What I mean by that is, sometimes, on the mobile, there are not the same options and set up features and functions as are available on the web or on the desktop app. Everything should have the exact same functionality, otherwise, it's difficult if some people are on mobile and others are on desktop.
I don't like the online version of Word and Excel. It skews the layout. It is no longer representative of the layout that you actually have in a document. You always have to open it in the desktop application to get an accurate representation of how the document will look.
Associate Director of Technology at Microland Limited
Jun 25, 2020
Microsoft Teams is quite demanding on bandwidth, which has been a problem during the COVID situation because we don't get enterprise-class bandwidth at home.