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Netwrix Endpoint Protector pros and cons

Vendor: Netwrix
4.2 out of 5
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Netwrix Endpoint Protector Pros review quotes

Feb 16, 2021
There are effectively two areas of DLP to look at from a technical perspective. One is how it performs the pickup of information traversing the system and the other is how the policy engine, which analyzes the data, works. On the first aspect, CoSoSys is probably best of breed for macOS because they're reasonably well-integrated into the operating system. They're looking at the file system operations level, not at the execution level.
Apr 21, 2021
The versatility regarding the exit point Endpoint Protector supports in making sure that important data doesn't leave our organization is vital for us. In the industry that we're in, data breaches are a significant concern. While our staff is contractually required to maintain confidentiality and they're all very aware that they shouldn't try and transfer company data of different classifications elsewhere to non-company devices, there's a risk.
Mar 10, 2021
The most valuable features are the ability to prevent access to external devices, and also site blocking.
Learn what your peers think about Netwrix Endpoint Protector. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
805,335 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Dec 16, 2020
There are a lot of features, but the main feature is that I can use a device serial number to unlock any particular machine or for all machines. If I have a phone, like a Samsung phone, I can whitelist that specific phone for full access wherever it is plugged into any of our devices. This is the same with a USB, because most USBs come in bulk and have the same serial number. I can then whitelist that particular USB to be read-write with full access.
Dec 9, 2020
The product is forward-looking, in my opinion, which is a requirement nowadays.
May 18, 2021
It is fantastic in terms of the granularity of the policies. It has many built-in policies, and we can add or create more policies as well. It is perfect, and it gives us more options. We have some users who go outside and then come inside. With EPP, we can even control those users who are outside. If they need to access the media that we are using right now, we can provide OTP messages so that they can access the media even when they are outside of their organization. With our previous solution, we were facing some issues in doing this.
Apr 7, 2021
The search for keywords is very important in our security operations because one of the key use cases we had was for the ability to search keyword-based on an internal database of keywords that have been submitted by other project managers within the company that's around intellectual property. The ability to search on keywords was part of that.
Dec 27, 2020
Compared to a lot of the USB management systems out there, Endpoint Protector is the only one that comes with true USB management and the DLP side of it. I'm pretty impressed because I've used several solutions with DLP and USB management, and I've never seen granularity like this solution has.
Apr 14, 2021
The device control is a big deal for us because we can actually lock out removable drives and different types of hardware. It allows us to have better control over what end-users plug into their computers, and we can have deny lists and tighten our security posture.
Dec 8, 2020
It is easy to manage the DLP between MacOS and Linux.

Netwrix Endpoint Protector Cons review quotes

Feb 16, 2021
The policy engine could use a bit of work. They're definitely going in the right direction. We've been working with them over the last few weeks to try and optimize that. But it's reasonably clear that they're just not putting as much effort into the policy engine as into other things, like content discovery.
Apr 21, 2021
Sometimes, it should try to focus on one thing rather than multiple things. Endpoint Protector does device control very well, which is why we use that particular function.
Mar 10, 2021
This product provides zero-day protection for macOS, although I'm currently dealing with an issue on the most recent rollout of the Endpoint client that doesn't seem to be fully functioning.
Learn what your peers think about Netwrix Endpoint Protector. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
805,335 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Dec 16, 2020
When you want to uninstall and reinstall, there are a lot of issues. You have to do a lot of workarounds to reinstall Endpoint Protector. This is a major issue that we have constantly because we still have old systems with XP. While there are only very few, we need to run them because there are machines attached that only run on XP. When we need to uninstall and reinstall on XP or Windows 10, we have serious issues left in the Registry Editor everywhere. There is a lot of manual interference to get the reinstallation to work. For the uninstallation of Endpoint Protector, they need to work on this so it doesn't leave any leftovers behind.
Dec 9, 2020
I have faced issues which shouldn't be related to this product. This product is purely a DLP, so it should only protect my data. I don't know what is happening with their agent or what is happening with the software, but it messes up my endpoint. For example, people are facing bandwidth issues. Before I deployed this on an endpoint, people were getting internet speeds of 40 or 50 Mbps. After deploying it, that would come down to 10 Mbps. And if I uninstalled the agent, it would go back to 50 Mbps.
May 18, 2021
We are using it to only apply media restrictions. When we are installing a new agent, we have to install EPP manually on a device. It would be great if the installations can be done from the server instead of me going to each PC or device to implement EPP or using a policy. They should have some sort of system so that a domain admin can install EPP on all PCs from a central manager.
Apr 7, 2021
I would rate the role-based access features for administrators a six out of ten. There's work to be done on the granularity of roles that can be assigned to an administrator but there is role-based administrator access present. That's why it's not a zero rating.
Dec 27, 2020
One of the areas where there is room for improvement is support. It takes time for them to respond. They need to respond on time. Instead of sending an email, I think it would be very helpful to say, 'Let's set up a WebEx to see what's really going on,' instead of the back and forth of email.
Apr 14, 2021
The reports and analysis could be improved. There could be a little more data, and the logs could be a little more granular, but it's nothing major. It does what it needs to do, and it's fine.
Dec 8, 2020
In Linux a user can remove a getent anytime. There is no control there on the file structure in Linux. So if this solution could give us information on what users removed in the dashboard, it would help us.