OpenText MBPM is the #36 ranked solution in BPM Software. PeerSpot users give OpenText MBPM an average rating of 7.0 out of 10. OpenText MBPM is most commonly compared to Camunda:
OpenText MBPM vs Camunda. OpenText MBPM is popular among the large enterprise segment,
accounting for 67% of users researching this solution on PeerSpot. The top industry researching this solution are professionals from a
financial services firm, accounting for 19% of all views.
As of March 2025, the mindshare of OpenText MBPM in the Business Process Management (BPM) category
stands at 0.3%, down from 0.3% compared to the previous year, according to calculations based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Key learnings from peers
Valuable Features
"Not just the solution's automation capabilities, but we like everything about it since we are more of a system integrator."
Room for Improvement
"There are shortcomings in the solution's support and documentation part."
"The user interface could be better in OpenText MBPM."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cost-efficient, and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing somewhere between nine and ten since it is a costly solution."
"There is an annual license to use OpenText MBPM."
These insights are based on the in-depth reviews provided by peers to help you make a better buying decision.
OpenText MBPM was previously known as Metastorm BPM.
OpenText MBPM customers
Kommunales Rechenzentrum Minden-Ravensburg/Lippe (KRZ), Hawksford Group, Gauteng Provincial Government Department of Economic Development, Deutsche Post DHL, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, London Underground, Great Clips, Fiat, Rompetrol, Gaston Memorial Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Bachmann, Alliance Healthcare