We are mostly using it for HR processes. We have two departments: Accounting and HR/Payroll. However, we mostly use it for payroll and travel.
We are only using Unattended Robots. We need to start talking about Attended Robots more.
We are mostly using it for HR processes. We have two departments: Accounting and HR/Payroll. However, we mostly use it for payroll and travel.
We are only using Unattended Robots. We need to start talking about Attended Robots more.
We moved IT to a business unit, so the business now knows more about IT than before.
The automation technology at our organization is not so mature.
The platform is open, and we can connect it to other technologies. We connect it to SAP using the SAP Connector. We are also using intelligent OCR technology to read receipts.
While the product is easy to use, it is not easy for all business people to use. It needs to be improved to be like Excel, since everybody should have an RPA tool. So, it needs to be easier to use.
It can be stable, if you build it stable. However, you have to know the tools or activities which make it stable.
It can be scaled. We have it scaled for all our customers.
We are a shared service center. We have scaled to run task by task, which we find easy to scale.
Working with the customer support is easy.
There is a lot in the UiPath Academy. It should be divided into smaller tasks and smaller certificates. 40 hours is a whole week, which is a lot, and most people need more time than 40 hours to complete the Academy. As a baseline, the training is helpful, but not anymore than that.
We did not use a solution prior to UiPath.
The initial setup was not straightforward. With some of the technical infrastructure that we deployed in 2017, we were an early adopter, so there wasn't a lot of product experience. We made a lot of mistakes with it.
We used a consultant for purchasing the licenses and deployment. While we still use them for licenses, we now do everything in-house.
We don't have a money saving initiative. Our goal is to do more with less, e.g., we have taken on more cases without scaling up with people.
We have eliminated human errors and saved our organization time.
We did a PoC of UiPath with our main processes, and it showed good results.
We did try Blue Prism before during ramp up. They were quite similar at that point, but UiPath seemed like a more open platform with the better possibility of using the best technology available and integrating with it, instead of having an all-in-one system.
We are in the public sector, so we had a public bid, and there were only two.
Just do it. Start with a PoC and do the trial. It's easy for a technical person to look into it. Every person that can do programming can learn RPA in a short amount of time.
It is an open platform where you can do a lot of stuff.
We don't use Citrix. We run the application on virtual machines. The implementation was good.
I have performed the following use cases:
UiPath has improved my organization in many ways:
There are many features which I like about this tool a lot:
OCR is something which could be improved on to some extent as the result is not very accurate.
The primary function of the organization is quick data entry to specific systems better than humans, with accuracy and without any interaction.
This product can work heavily with data entry. Most of the software, when working with them, don't allow you to input data directly to DB. This is the simple solution that fulfills the requirement by using a bot to enter data into any third-party application easily. It's not only about entering data but also the accuracy, speed, reducing human interaction, and more.
Although, think about the officer working at midnight, so what about a bot working 24/7 without having any salary, without using your resources -- that would save money for your company.
This product provides most of the good software APIs such as ABBYY that can easily integrate our solutions with processes.
Organizational internal processes automation — especially in areas of operation and admin (back-office).
I believe that UiPath opened topics of RPA and AI/ML in our company (which consequently led to a shift and much stronger orientation of our company — globally — towards technologies and technological areas like software development, the blockchain, IoT, etc.). I believe that this role ("enabler" role) was crucial and also helped tremendously in raising overall 'digital'/'ICT' and 'programming/integration concepts' awareness company-wide. You might agree that the impact of this scale might be much higher and more important than any time and costs saved by actual automation.
UiPath Studio as a whole (the very 'core' component of the entire platform) allows you to concatenate all the different pieces/actions/sources you need — and doesn't matter which one that is (API, web, database, legacy system, OS application, email, or anything else like Excel, data transformation or even OCR).
Also, I'd like to highlight Academy (and e-learns) — it's very good and provides you with everything necessary you need to know.
2018.3 and 2018.4 releases made a huge leap in terms of functionality — we're not missing anything currently.
Very good (up to 10k robots — definitely OK).
Very good.
The entire Orchestrator setup is a bit tricky (a lot of different components — Kibana, Elasticsearch, URL Rewrite, PowerShell scripts), but we had guidance and description on the web which is also very good.
One year.
Strategic partnership might bring you a significant discount (it also depends on the size of your company and future potential of the vendor — your business cases).
Yes (Kofax, Blue Prism).
My primary use case is for creating custom-specific products based on the customer's needs. The requirements can be received from the customer on emails and then based on it the order can be created. This reduces time, ensuring no human error and on time delivery.
The total time taken to enter this in the system is less compared to the manual process which is indeed error-prone. This also removes the process of reviewing the order for correctness as the straight-through processing is enhanced. By making this scale on all the other locations and geographies, lots of time and effort can be saved. This also enhances the reputation of the services and organization.
In addition to this, the confidence created by the successful implementation is a real eye-opener as the big step is taken with great success.
UiPath has taken automation to a pinnacle of excellence by mixing technology, attention to detail, and keen observation. The way UiPath has revolutionized automation with excellent coverage, user-friendliness is helping companies focus on their core areas. Employees can now focus on real problems than spend time on routine jobs.
Feature-rich options to help easy implementation: It's flexible, scalable, and easy to implement. The time taken to create the bot is less.
The easy drag-and-drop options make it easy to solve the challenges within a short time frame. Another important aspect is the framework and other useful tools and templates available have that makes it easy to document the audit trail and also standardization.
More support for certification is needed to attract professionals. The certification process could be made more interesting.
Our platform, it's called Cevitr. It's a best-of-breed platform through which we offer automation as a service. In our world, we have two kinds of robots. Our robots have a personality. Jo is our robot. Jo is a gender-neutral term that can be John, that can be Josephine, that can be Joe. We have two variance of Jo. Simple Jo, which does the normal routine repetitive mundane stuff, and Smart Jo, which is more focused with the AI and cognitive capability. Both of these are part of our co-platform offering, Cevitr Jo.
We offer UIPath as one of our core technologies on a platform, through which we offer automation as a service. There are multiple use cases for our end customers on UiPath. It's one of our core offerings as a core product on a platform. I think UiPath as a production, it's obviously one of the leaders in the RPA space and there are quite a few technology features outside which are quite good for us. But I would say one of the key differentiators of the product itself is the community enablement of the platform. If you talk about how they enable write from their training, it is being opened for everybody to be able to enhance their skills to the new UiPath Go!, where people can come and collaborate and create and put compliments for others to share. The whole community enablement of UiPath is a fantastic way for customers to benefit and move forward.
As a product, the stability that it brings in, the volume of transactions it's able to handle, and some of the leading feature functionality in terms of AI and cognitive capability. It's absolutely brilliant.
We are focused more on the unattended space. That's where our predominant offering is. Though in the newer version of UiPath, there are new features coming up in the attended space, which we might have a look at. From a cost point-of-view, since it's a platform offering, we are able to offer it as a service so it's not a price per robot that we typically charge our customers. It's a slightly different model.
I think from a feature functionality point of view, it's an evolving product. There will be more features added. Every product is going up. I think from a UiPath perspective, it is evolving as we speak. But I think where it could really improve is being able to create a development platform that is easier to use. Today, as an end user, if I have X number of developers, each of them have to have a studio environment to be able to use. Typically, that's not a license model. But if that is more easily accessible to the development teams. Without constraints, it would be easier for us to use this platform more widely among our customers. So, I think, from a licensing point of view, studio environment should be more easily accessible. But other than that, from a feature functionality point of view, I think it's pretty comprehensive.
We've been quite pleased with the stability of UiPath across platforms and even things like Citrix. There, we have found UiPath to be quite good so far.
It has been able to handle certain volumes with ease. We believe that it is one of the products, which is quite scalable. The tech support so far has been good. But like I mentioned earlier, what we find is the community. It's brilliant.
If there is a standard problem that we have, we probably aren't in the first people in the world to have faced it so we can very well go to the community forums and ask questions and get them clarified.
It's pretty straightforward, like most of these products. RPA is a technology. It's been around for a few years so it's very easy to deploy to end customers. Even the installation for usage isn't that technically complex, but we had to have had to cross certain boundaries to make it extremely robust on the platform. We have done those investments and made it seamless as possible.
ROI is for our end customers. With the technology like this powering our platform, we're pretty confident that we can give quite a good reasonable ROI to our customers.
We have a best-of-breed platform. It has other products in it, as well. UiPath is one of our key products and platform. What we want to give our customers is a comprehensive portfolio of end-to-end capability. This is across simple RPA to more robust AI-based process automation scenarios. To be able to do that, we have to have a best-of-breed capability. You know, we will be plugging in the right components. UIPath is a core component of that.
We are early in the journey with UiPath, We've had it for a few months, and I would say on our basis, I would definitely give it an eight. We are very happy with the product so far and we hope to do much more with it.
A lot of our business development teams (end users) use it by going to a vendor's site.
For example, end users download information at the point of sale and export it to an Excel sheet, where what happens next is usually manual labor. Whereas, we can go to a site and download a file, then that file is loaded to our business data warehouse. Therefore, we are taking an element away and leveraging UiPath, so staff can do other stuff. That is how were leveraging the UiPath.
It works without human intervention. Since it has become more popular in our company, we will see how we can leverage UiPath with our supply chain, because it seems like supply chain is one of the top five ways to leverage UiPath.
There is a big community, which is very helpful and end user friendly.
The stability is great. The product works. UiPath seems better at this than Automation Anywhere.
Technical support has been good. I am happy with their response times.
We have not used UiPath Academy RPA training. I plan to suggest this as a training solution when I return from the UiPath conference to eliminate people asking me random questions about using UiPath.
I came from Automation Anywhere. The UiPath GUI is better for the end user, since I don't have time to develop a bot. Any user can use it.
While UiPath can be complicated, it is much easier than Automation Anywhere.
We were able to replace what we had with Automation Anywhere with UiPath, meeting our expectations. Then, it got popular within the company, exceeding our expectations. A lot of people are interested in UiPath. A lot of people weren't interested in Automation Anywhere.
The initial setup is straightforward. It's not like an SAP product that takes forever to configure something. It was easy to install.
We haven't upgraded yet because it seems like they just released the next version.
We're a team of eight business analysts. All of us try to create a bot, so we can familiarize ourselves with the process. So, if I create a bot and someone else has to support it, everybody knows at a high level what the bot does.
We created an orders to cash department bot, which is already saving man-hours and money. Because of it, we don't have to hire an employee.
I would rate the performance benefits as a 10 out of 10.
UiPath keeps growing, so it has met and exceeded our expectations.
Look into the data web scraping. I don't think another tool has that feature and we use it a lot. Data web scraping was probably the bonus of why we went with UiPath.
We use UiPath for automating activities that which from operations, such as policy administration, claims handling, HR activities, and finance to a little bit of underwriting support.
We are still at about a year and half of implementation, so the benefits are already being realized. Because of the size of our organization, it's going to take more time for it to make a real tremendous impact. What I already see is there are financial benefits that we have been yielding. There are also operational benefits in terms of time savings and user satisfaction of not having to do the menial, repetitive tasks.
Ease of use could be improved. The newer features are easy to use and positive additions, but there is room for improvement, specifically of the UI console for the developer. There are also other features that could use improvements.
I would like to see the OCR, machine learning, and cognitive package that is being discussed in the next release.
One to three years.
The customer support is supportive and knowledgeable. I tend to deal more with the account and management directors because of the relationship. They are always willing to help and support me.
The UiPath Academy RPA feedback from my team has been positive. It's real structured. One of my guys did the RPA development course, and it should have been an in-depth development and less high-level development. So, it was supposed to be an advanced training, but it wasn't advanced from his viewpoint. I think he wanted more hands-on experience.
The version that we implemented two years was probably harder to implement than what it is now. Though, I would not necessarily say it's very complex to set up. It's fairly straightforward compared to other solutions.
We're still figuring out how much staff we need for deployment and maintenance, as it has been a much bigger requirement than initially expected. We're not at the stage yet where everything is hands-off.
At the moment, I have a team of seven people offshore that do maintenance, support, and run operations. This is helping us have a seamless experience for the user. The staff in the those roles are support analysts and maintenance level 1 support.
Make sure you have your infrastructure correctly set up and that you are ready to scale up, because it will grow.
Ease of use has met our expectations. It would only exceed them once we see the new features come in and they all work seamlessly together. Every release gets better, which is what I want.
This is now a cognitive solution. It's leading in the industry, but there's still room for improvement. However, I know they're getting there.
Although the structured data can be read but parsing still remains a sophisticated task. OCR engines or data readers can give you data but making sense of it and using it in business processes is something that the RPA developers are expert at.