The DAW, especially, is very nice. Even DXP has an agent migration feature, which is technically very nice.
Initially, Broadcom said that migration was not feasible and that it would be a fresh implementation. But now we have found that instead of deploying a new agent, removing the 10.7 agent, and deploying the new agent, we can actually point the agent to the new server, the new DXP server.
So, we don't need to remove the old agent and deploy a new one. We can just redirect it. This saves a lot of time and effort on the application server side and on the Wow agent where we serve. So, it's good in terms of migration.
And as an application of DXP itself, it's pretty good, comparatively. It's kind of on par with AppDynamics and Dynatrace, apart from the AI and ML capabilities, which are kind of missing.
Broadcom is promising and going in the right direction, but still not up to the max of the industry standards whereas Dynatrace is, with a single click and a few hours of observed availability, showing end-to-end visibility.
This solution still relies on inbuilt configuration. For example, I'm pretty much impressed with Dynatrace POC, where we deploy the agent with a simple click, click, click, and then that's it. And we did not build any alerts or anything. We just started getting the alerts, warnings, and everything on its own system, understood what the benchmark is and what is the threshold, and it started giving you the warnings and the caution alerts, the danger alerts.
So we expect something like that should be there in Broadcom at the level. But, instead, it expects us to configure. So that is what is missing there.
Even if the server CPU usage is 95%t, it doesn't harm you. It doesn't send you any alerts. We think the system is normal. So it's not normal. So this is what they should think and send you AI/ML-related alarms on their own.
In future releases, I would like to see more AI and ML capabilities, which are kind of missing.
Another area of improvement is its infrastructure monitoring perspective. For example, they are still using UIM, which is a good tool. But for APM, they have come to DXP. However, in terms of UIM, the unified infrastructure management, there is no DXP version or AIML version of it. So they should try to find an updated version of it so that it is not competing with the rest of the solution.
CA APM 10.7 is having new features and very attractive look & feel. Which will increase the overall visibility to the end users.
It provides the holistic view to understand experience view, Agent view, map, dashboard, metric view, etc.
CA APM 10.7 have filter option to segregate the views limited to hostnames, applications, business transaction...can be customized.
It provides deep dive visibility of every components present in the application architecture.
Now many customizations for management modules can be done from the webview only. Still some can be done through workstation only.
Enhancements are being done with every upcoming releases.