We're a health plan, a health insurer. We're not a big one, we have about a million members. We are growing through adding new business and we're looking to expand into the government programs: Medicare, Medicaid. Right now we provide individual and family, large corporate, self-insured, and a couple other types of health plans.
We are headquartered in Minnesota, outside of Minneapolis. We have a data center in Minnetonka and one in another suburb. We do most of our work on-premise. We don't have much in the cloud for our core backroom applications. We use a package from a company called HealthEdge in Boston, to do our claims processing, membership, enrollment, etc.
Our main use case is application performance monitoring, right at Dynatrace's sweet spot. First, we wanted to know what the performance of our healthcare and our health claims processing system was. Then we wanted to be able to segment it by where the transaction response time is spent. We also wanted to get into the deep dive of the Java profile, because HealthEdge is a Java application that runs on several JVMs. We wanted not only to get into the Java code but to get into the SQL that's created to call into the database, which is where the response-time problems are.
We're using Dynatrace SaaS now. It's the newest version.
Since we have the OneAgent feature available, we have real-user monitoring. So not only do we know the response time and availability of the synthetic route, but we know what real users experience on our website. If our service desk gets a call, which seldom happens — but let's say you, as a member, had trouble with something — we can go back and find exactly what you did and why the response was poor. We've used that many times to find errors. JavaScript errors caused by a setting in Internet Explorer were the latest ones that were annoying the members. But members don't call our service desk and say, "Hey, your website sucks." So we have to look at the data and say, "Geez, why does Internet Explorer have these huge JavaScript errors?" And then we find out.
We found an error where developers used a Google API that was supposed to find a Medicare workshop by loading a Google Map and help a member find a place where they could go to a Medicare workshop. The API had so many calls an hour and we saw that, usually, about 45 minutes after the hour, that transaction was failing. It turned out that we'd used the 1,000 allocated calls and, when, the hour turned over, it worked again. It integrates all things monitoring, from an application perspective: synthetic, real users, and Java deep-dive.
Dynatrace provides us with a huge benefit for triage because by the time a Dynatrace problem is open, AI has identified all the components and where the response-time issue is or where the failure is. It's really mindless. We don't have to try to pull out a map and figure out how the application looks.
And Dynatrace has a feature called SmartScape. I don't use it a lot because their AI is so good that I've never had to go dig through it myself. But if I were to go through it, it would go from data centers to hosts to processes to services and applications, to show how they're all linked together. So it has a topology view. We use that sometimes when we're doing performance testing, which is something another part of my team does. They need to know which pieces are involved and this helps them know that.
But from a day-to-day event-management and IT operations-center perspective, the Dynatrace AI is what has identified the failing component. The dashboard has all the problems. They open up these problems, which are already events in our ServiceNow environment, and these problems have the call-path and everything else laid out in them. So I've never had to dig into the Smartscape to figure out where my failure is. The Dynatrace AI has done that for me.
What we found early on in our HealthRules environment was that the response-time problems were, 99 percent of the time, in the type of SQL that we throw at the database, because the DBAs would say, "It's not the database, it's the bad SQL." Dynatrace helped us focus immediately on that and get away from: "Is it the network? Is it the server? Is this too busy?" There are all the different things that the vendor wants to throw at you. I went up to Boston to help the vendor a year or two ago. I took them right through the code and the response times and said, "Here's the piece of SQL that makes this particular function slow." Dynatrace was able to do that. We got there in minutes. They said, "Well, your server might be too busy, it might be your network," and I could say, "No, it's none of that. Here's the response time of that transaction and here is the decomposition of it. The thing runs for 13 seconds and spends 12 seconds on this one piece of SQL. I think that's where your problem is." Dynatrace was a huge help there.
The solution has decreased our MTTR by well over 50 percent and maybe by as much as 90 percent. It enabled us to identify some things, first of all. Before, it was endless war rooms, and not really an identification. Dynatrace has driven that almost to zero. When the problem is opened, we know the root cause.
As for mean time to repair, since we know what we need to repair, we can point the developer right at it. It has decreased that by 50 to 60 percent.
It has also dramatically improved our uptime. One of the biggest problems we have with the JVMs, of course, is garbage collection and memory saturation. A memory leak will develop and Dynatrace will show the memory increasing steadily. It will create a problem and they'll work on the problem proactively, and either fix it or schedule graceful downtime. If they have to shut down the environment, they can stage through the three different servers in a type of HA arrangement. So without any disruption to the client, we've been able to fix things that would have turned into major outages of the whole environment. It's a definite help on the preventive side.
In terms of time to market, the guys who work on our web portal interface, who are in-house, were early adopters of the technology on our team and learned what works and what doesn't. Dynatrace has significantly decreased their time to market. They're not really part of the development cycle, but the way they use it and the things they say about it and the reports they've made indicate that it has probably cut nearly 50 percent of the development of their portal code.
It has also helped us with consolidation of tools. We got rid of some New Relic and we got rid of some older tool which was a great, early innovator in this space, but it was acquired by CA or Microsoft. We were still paying licenses for that and were able to consolidate it. We were about to buy a network tool to help us with ACI conversion on our network side, a tool that would mainly tell us who an application is talking to on the and network. We use Dynatrace to do that, so we saved tens of thousands of dollars in not acquiring that tool. We also took the synthetic work that we paid an outsourced company to do for us and we converted all of that. Once we had Dynatrace in the house, we could do it ourselves and that saved $20,000 to $30,000 a year. There's probably more, if I were to look at it, that I could do with Dynatrace. I have to focus on the core system right now, but I think they'll get it in the SNMP monitoring space soon, if they're not already there. And the plugins on the ActiveGates have a lot of capabilities we could use. We already monitor our VMware environment with it now.
We've started to use the Apdex score in all of our communications. It's a standard metric that's used for websites to indicate how they're performing. That idea is baked into Dynatrace and we've built on that throughout our company. The weekly service quality reports that are produced and sent via email to all Dynatrace users are starting to get some notice. They show, from the web portal side, what the Apdex is. Is it acceptable, tolerating, or unacceptable? It shows the percentages of the time of use and where they're coming from. It also shows it geographically and what type of browser most of your users are using. It shows how much of it is mobile versus desktop, which has proved very valuable to our digital experience people. Things like that are a huge benefit, and those are things I didn't even know existed when I bought it.