Considering regular use cases of the solution, we wanted to cover two things, external vulnerabilities and the ability to identify misconfigurations on the perimeter, like, let's say, if someone is open, something vulnerable to outside, we monitor it. The use case was monitoring the external parameter addresses with and seeing changes there. If something changes or if something becomes vulnerable, as it's seen from the outside, without actual credentials to scan, you know, like, we can have several layers of scans. So,, we used as seen outside without providing any credentials, So it
gives you the true picture of how and what the attackers can use. It might be that if we use it with the credentials, we won't find additional vulnerabilities, but we don't cover that because it's not important because external attackers will not see it, actually. So, it's the first use case, and generally, is used for identifying vulnerabilities in the company infrastructure, servers, endpoints, and additional hardware and software, like routers, switches, and whatever has an IP address. Let's say, not for IoT, just for IT infrastructure and development infrastructure, and that was the use case of
It improved basic things in resiliency, like cyber resiliency in the company, so as to not be attacked, not to be breached, or not be successfully attacked by hackers. So, it's basically a non-vulnerable state. This provided us with visibility of our actual status of where all the infrastructure is and helped to prioritize the vulnerability mitigation. It also indicates what to tackle first because you have a lot of stuff there, but you need to prioritize it. The main point here is to know how to prioritize since we never have enough time and resources to deal with fixing everything. You need to understand what to do first, and actually helps with that because they have additional intelligent sources to not just give you, like, CVSS because all the vulnerabilities have CVSS scores from zero to ten. So it gives you not just to always work by the score number because it just represents the vulnerability and how it can be hacked. But just take into account when you prioritize if it's a public-facing asset or computer or server or if not, or if this is now a trendy vulnerability to use and to exploit or not. Also, they have an additional score represented only in the system in addition to the CVSS score that helps you prioritize the mitigations.