The primary use case of Tufin is firewall management, firewall reviews, and eventually, to do rule deployment.
It was more to start standardizing our prior work changes. The initial first step is to understand and make sure that whatever change goes in is complying to our policies and standardized. The eventual goal is to get everything automated.
We are using SecureTrack at the moment, but we do have licenses for SecureChange as well.
We use this product to sharpen our change cycle. A request used to take quite a while as we did manual assessments. A lot of that is now done through SecureTrack.
At this stage, we are doing only manual checks. We are only using SecureTrack to verify the flows through Tufin. At a later stage, when we will also automate certain types of rules to be done through SecureChange, this will tremendously help us. We are not there yet, but this will help us in terms of time and resource costs.
In the past, we would do certain things because of private knowledge of people's own understanding of the network. We don't have to rely on just that piece of it, because of the topology. We now know which firewalls come into play.
We use Tufin to help us clean up the firewall policies. It provides very easy reporting. We get all the aged or unused rules listed very quickly, as soon we run the report. It's a quite easy way of doing it. However, we have not automated our process. We are hoping that at some point that we will be in a position to automate that process.
We use the solution to automatically check if a change request will violate any security policy rules. If a request comes in, and it is from an Internet zone going straight out to an inside secure zone, then we definitely flag it. There are other policies that we find in our USP, which we flag. These are the type of things that we check.
We definitely use the compliance reports, which has simplified things. However, we haven't fully integrated it into the GRC process with Tufin yet. The desire is to make sure our GRC resources are fully aware and engaged in our Tufin deployment.
We are leveraging some components to provide reports for our GRC process, but there is no plan to integrate those processes. Those are run by different teams. We were planning to integrate our ticketing system (ServiceNow) with Tufin, which is ongoing. We are working on that now.