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Lead Computer Technician
Real User
Doesn't show you the last successfully backup. We can back up our servers without having to install a client.
Pros and Cons
  • "It makes it possible for us to back up our Unix machines without installing a host, client, or any client software. It gives us some peace of mind in regards to those servers getting backed up."
  • "Vembu will tell you the next scheduled backup, but it doesn't show you the last successful backup. I would have them include a column under "List of Backup Jobs" and have two other columns which say, "Last Successful Backup" and "Next Scheduled Backup", because you don't know now if it's backed up successfully. It just says, "The next scheduled time is this." You don't know from looking at that pane of glass when the last time it actually happened without digging further into reports."

What is our primary use case?

We use it to back up ESXi clients, so mainly Linux based or Unix based servers on our ESXi host.

We use the solution to back up our virtual environments (VMware). It has been good for our organization so far.

How has it helped my organization?

It makes it possible for us to back up our Unix machines without installing a host, client, or any client software. It gives us some peace of mind in regards to those servers getting backed up.

What is most valuable?

The number one feature is that we can back up our servers without having to install a client. It is the only reason why I have this product.

What needs improvement?

The user interface isn't that good. I don't think that the product is user-friendly. Comparing it side by side to Acronis, I would say to Vembu, "Hey, you could make your user interface a little easier."

Vembu will tell you the next scheduled backup, but it doesn't show you the last successful backup. I would have them include a column under "List of Backup Jobs" and have two other columns which say, "Last Successful Backup" and "Next Scheduled Backup", because you don't know now if it's backed up successfully. It just says, "The next scheduled time is this." You don't know from looking at that pane of glass when the last time it actually happened without digging further into reports.

Buyer's Guide
BDRSuite Backup & Replication
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about BDRSuite Backup & Replication. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

Two years or more.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is stable. I haven't had it crash or break on me.

I don't think we've actually had a reason to restore a machine as it's never failed. We've never had a server fail. The only thing that it has done for us is give us peace of mind that our server is backed up.

Everybody is impacted if one of these servers failed. The only way we could get it back up and running was to restore it from a Vembu Backup. It would impact everybody if the servers went down, so approximately 3,000 users would be impacted if the backup wasn't successfully happening and we needed to use it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We haven't had reason to scale it up to back up anything else. We aren't really using the product to its fullest capabilities. I think it has a lot more that it can do.

I am the only user using it, as we only use it for backing up our servers.

I do have plans to increase usage.

How are customer service and support?

Every time I have called, I've had good tech support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I didn't use a previous solution. I selected this solution because it was the only one I could find for the cost that did what I needed it to do.

How was the initial setup?

It was pretty easy to set up. The initial setup was probably only 15 minutes.

Our implementation strategy was to make it so we could back up our VMware clients. That was the whole purpose of the software. We don't use it for our Windows Servers. For that, we use a different product. However, we couldn't use the other product on the Linux and Unix space machines because the other software requires that a client be installed.

What about the implementation team?

We bought it directly from Vembu and installed it ourselves.

What was our ROI?

This solution helps us deliver an enterprise level data protection solution and reduces budgets. We are saving $6,000 every three years versus having another product.

Backups are an insurance thing. This is a life insurance policy to make it so if our servers failed, we would have something to get them back. Since we haven't had a server fail, it is just like life insurance. While it has cost us money, it has given us peace of mind that if we needed it, then it would be there.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is very good.

Our license is about to expire on it.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We did evaluate some other products before choosing this one. 

We also use Acronis Backup Advanced. The way that Vembu backs up to a backup drive, it uses a pool of drives to back up. Whereas, Acronis backs up to just a single file. You can see that individual file on its own. You can browse to it and see that the file that has been saved. It also says the last successful backup it did. 

Vembu's user interface isn't as easy to use compared to Acronis Backup Advanced, which has a better interface for me to be able to see what's happening.

I haven't found a competitor who does as good a job for the money.

What other advice do I have?

This is a good product to choose if you are in the same situation as we are in.

It does do compression and that works fine.

We don't use Hyper-V.

I would give it a five out of 10, because I think that it could use some polishing on the interface for the client.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

Thank you for the feedback, Ben.

We have noted down your suggestions on UI. We are already working on improving the UI in our upcoming release to give you a better user experience.

For further updates & queries, you can reach us through

Systems Business Manager at a construction company with 11-50 employees
Real User
The problem is their support system; they told me to leave a message when I called in
Pros and Cons
  • "I get my backups done."
  • "The phone [support] system is a negative five on a scale from one to ten, where one is the worst. They wanted me to leave a message. When there is a problem with the product and you call in, you want to talk to somebody or wait to talk to somebody, not leave a message."

What is our primary use case?

I use it as a backup solution for our VMware system.

How has it helped my organization?

I get my backups done. If I don't get my backups done and something goes wrong, I lose my job. The benefit of using it is that I keep my job.

Vembu helps me deliver an enterprise-level data protection solution and reduce budgets.

What is most valuable?

The cost is one of the most valuable features.

What needs improvement?

The problem that I had getting this up and running was that when I put in a backup plan, and wanted to run that backup plan, that plan had to go onto the server that it's going to do the backup on, and it had to pass on credentials. It would be nice, when you create the credentials for logging on to the server, if it would immediately verify that those credentials work. What ended up happening is I'd have to wait until nighttime to really figure out whether those credentials were valid or not. That prompted me to call support.

For how long have I used the solution?

We've been using Vembu, as a company, for about three months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability has been okay.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability is fine.

I'm the only one in our organization who uses the solution and I'm responsible for its maintenance.

How are customer service and technical support?

The problem that I really had — and it was not the product — is that when I called in, the phone system is a negative five on a scale from one to ten, where one is the worst. They wanted me to leave a message. When there is a problem with the product and you call in, you want to talk to somebody or wait to talk to somebody, not leave a message. If our system is down and someone says to me, "What's going on? Our system is down. Our company's not running. What are you doing?" the conversation would go something like this:

"I'm waiting for a phone call back." 

"You're waiting for a what? A phone call back? You get on that phone and get those guys on the line." 

And he would use some other choice words before the word "phone."

Their response was quick, but I'd rather wait on hold. I'll listen to music. In that same scenario where someone asks me what is happening and I say, "Oh, I'm on hold. I'm waiting for support to respond to me," they would say, "Oh, okay. That's good. You've got it under control." It's all perception. Have you ever run a program and it just sits there and sits there and you have no idea how long it's going to take for the update to finish? A minute becomes an hour. It was like that. Their phone system is horrible, terrible.

The support itself was good. The technician was good. However, they all seem to be from India and language could be a problem, although I have not found that to be an issue so far. I would like to see more support from the U.S. I'd rather speak to someone from the U.S. than someone from another country. That's just a preference: "Made in the USA."

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was pretty easy. I'm going to reconfigure it to be loaded onto the actual VMware machine, but I just don't want to do that at this time. Right now it's running as a software product. I want to run it closer to the VM machine itself, as a fixture associated with it.

The deployment took about an hour. Our implementation strategy was simply to get it to work. We needed the backup.

What about the implementation team?

I did it myself.

What was our ROI?

It does what it's supposed to do.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is fair.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I did some research and I looked at some reviews.

I bought it for doing a backup using VMware vSphere and just started with VMware. But I use another product with our legacy system, a product called Acronis. If I were to compare Vembu with Acronis Backup I would say it's comparable, but it's more cost-effective.

What other advice do I have?

If you need phone support, don't buy the product.

I would rate Vembu, overall, as a five out of ten. It would be a ten if they fixed the phone system. I have to hammer that in.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

Thank you for the feedback, ArtGrasso.

We understand that you had issues with our lack of phone support and we regret the inconvenience caused. We would like to mention that our support team operates 24/7 over email and our First Response Time (FRT) SLA is less than 30 minutes. We have been successfully addressing, assisting and resolving our customer queries/issues over email without much delay. This is a one-off case. We are a rapidly growing company and we take your feedback seriously. We will get the necessary systems in place soon enough and provide the required training for our support team to extend the best possible support and deliver a better experience for you.

Also your suggestion “Validate the credentials before backup” has been forwarded to our Engineering team and added to our roadmap.

For further updates & queries, you can reach us through

Buyer's Guide
BDRSuite Backup & Replication
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about BDRSuite Backup & Replication. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.
PeerSpot user
WebFOCUS Senior Consultant at a healthcare company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Enables us to back up an entire VM but restore at the file level
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features for me are that I can back up the entire virtual machine, but when restoring I can restore at the file level."

    What is our primary use case?

    The primary use for this solution is to replace the old-fashioned backup solution that we had that was based at the application level. I was doing backups of an SQL database or mailboxes from Exchange, but we needed a more modern solution where we could back up the entire virtual machine.

    How has it helped my organization?

    The solution is used for taking a backup of the virtual environment, and the benefit of this is that the speed is a lot higher. The product is taking a full backup during the weekend and takes considerably less time than our old solution. During workdays, it's doing an incremental back up every three hours, and that is also a lot faster. It also gives me a lot of options on which restore point I should use, in case I need to restore something. So these are huge benefits for the organization, speed and multiple restore points, that we didn't have in the past.

    Another benefit is that the whole process is running at the ESXi level so the users do not really experience any delays or any lack of performance. We just keep them going, using the infrastructure, the VMware infrastructure. In the past, that was not the case because, during the backup process, it was slowing down the server because the server itself was executing the backup. Now, another server and another hypervisor are executing the job and the end-user does not experience anything as a result of the process. It is going on in the background. No delays at all.

    In terms of data protection, we are not using disaster recovery because we are not licensed for it. But given the fact that we can afford the few hours the restore is going to take us, it is reducing costs, and the maintenance we used to have of switching tapes and external drives. All that kind of stuff that we had in the past has now been eliminated.

    What is most valuable?

    The most valuable features for me are that I can back up the entire virtual machine, but when restoring I can restore at the file level.

    What needs improvement?

    One issue that we are facing is that, during the evaluation period, we had some jobs that were replicating three virtual machines from one ESXi to another. Then, during the license purchase and activation, that Replication functionality was disabled because we are not licensed for it. As a result, we have one job left, the replication job that we were running, but since we don't have access to that area of the product we now, we are unable to delete that job. I need assistance on how to unlist that job.

    Otherwise, we have no issues. It's functioning as expected and we're getting the results that we were expecting from the product.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    Less than one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    A couple of times, the Vembu server was stuck and we couldn't access the web interface of the server and we had to restart the server. But that was during the migration progress where a lot of the equipment was updated and changing, so we cannot blame the product itself. Since the environment stabilized, we haven't faced any issues at all with the product.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    We haven't encountered any issues with scalability. We gave it fewer resources than the server needs. Initially, we configured it with 16 gigs and then we cut it in half, giving it just 8 gigs, and the system is still performing and acting stably and within our needs and expectations.

    Our building hosts around six companies. Currently, the product is used only for one hypervisor and one of the companies but the plan is to expand: First, the licensing for more hypervisors, and second, to expand the enterprise solution because we might need to use the Replication function that we are not using at the moment.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    Their technical support is excellent. The speed at which those guys are replying is like chatting through email. They reply immediately and, in most of the cases, they have the answer available right away. It is very acceptable and we appreciate that.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We were using Symantec Veritas Backup but it was an old-fashioned solution - at least the version that we were using. It was doing backups on the level of application, taking a backup of a database or directory structure or the like. We switched to Vembu because it allows us to back up the entire virtual infrastructure and then we minimize the downtime in case of an emergency or a failure.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was straightforward because it was an appliance. We downloaded an already-installed and already-working virtual machine which is acting as a backup server. There were minor issues to connect it to our local network and set up some iSCSI drives and volumes, etc., but it was next to nothing when compared with having to install it from scratch.

    We downloaded the virtual appliance, activated it, and then configured the network interfaces. After that, we connected the server to our hypervisors and the system was up and running. The deployment took four hours.

    We didn't use a third-party service provider at all. We directly contacted Vembu, and the back-office and support personnel were very helpful. Every issue was solved within hours.

    What was our ROI?

    In terms of money saved, it's hard to say because we need to calculate the man-hours that we spent on monitoring the old system, and the employees that had to visit the computer room and replace or change tapes, etc. So it's not that clear. But the fact that we were using an old solution for about 12 or 13 years, I expect the amount of money we will save is going to be huge.

    We have only been using the product for two months in production now, so the return on investment is not easy to see in that short period. But I believe that it's not going to take more than the next six months to see a return on investment, considering the man-hours that we are saving, that we aren't spending any more monitoring an old backup system.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    Pricing is fair enough.

    What was not clear enough in the documentation on the website was that that you're licensing per CPU socket and you are only licensing on the restore sockets, not the backup sockets. It's a bit technical, but it was very well explained during the demonstration that we had during the evaluation period. The technician explained exactly how the licensing is working. That was information that I couldn't find on their site and it needed to be explained by their representative.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We had in mind to use another solution that was not based on Snapshots. It was based on replicating on the sub-second level of the VM virtual disks. Although it was compelling, and we considered that solution, it didn't have that direct access to information that the Vembu side was giving us.

    To get a quotation on that product you needed to find a representative near you and have them do a quotation for you. It was not that direct and immediate. On the other hand, Vembu had all the pricing and documentation listed on their site, so we had all the information we needed. It was within the budget and we decided to test it. That's why we chose Vembu as our solution.

    What other advice do I have?

    Although Vembu doesn't seem to be very fast for some environments, for example, banking, because it's based on Snapshots, which is a rather slower procedure, it has been just fine. But I would evaluate another solution that is not based on Snapshots. I can for sure recommend Vembu if high-availability is not a requirement.

    We are using the compression that is embedded in the system. We downloaded the Linux virtual appliance, Linux Ubuntu, and this appliance is now part of our live organization, it's a live system. The embedded compression system is very satisfactory and we didn't have to alter anything within it. 

    We didn't need to activate encryption because our infrastructure is only available within our local network, it's not available outside the firewall, and the destination drive is actually an iSCSI volume that is only accessible through the Vembu backup server. That's why we didn't need to encrypt our backups and possibly add delays to the whole procedure.

    We don't use Microsoft Hyper-V, we only use VMware ESXi. The virtual environment that we're backing up through the Vembu solution is one ESXi that hosts three virtual machines. It's an end-to-end VMware solution. During the evaluation period, we also had the option to use the Replication function. We tested it and it's an option for the company to purchase, to upgrade the license to activate it, but this is going to be decided in the future.

    The number of end-users using the functionality of the backup solution is around 70, but the end-users don't know it is being used. There are just two system administrators who use the Vembu console as administrators. One is full-time and the other one is part-time, so we need one-and-a-half people to run it. The maintenance is so minor. We just follow up on the emails the server sends saying that we successfully finished a job or that there was an issue. We then visit the web interface look at the reason for that failure - because the server was busy or the like. The maintenance is very easy.

    I rate it at eight out of ten because, during the evaluation period, we had a server that was sizing at about 1.8 TB and the product took about 26 to 27 hours to restore it. So the slow restore is an issue. Eventually, we minimized the amount of data. Now, we are less than a terabyte, around 800 gig, so we expect the restore to take less time. But it's the slow restore that makes me give it an eight.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Hi Dennis,

    Thank you for the valuable feedback you have given us. We are glad that Vembu BDR Suite has met your expectations and worked well for your environment. As you mentioned, to get assistance on deleting the replication job, kindly contact our support team through

    reviewer1488360 - PeerSpot reviewer
    President at DirectNetworks, Inc.
    Flexible, has an intuitive interface, and allows for restoring directly to an ESXi host or vCenter appliance
    Pros and Cons
    • "The Vembu BDR product is very intuitive and easy to use."
    • "Vembu BDR currently supports backups of O365, although it does not currently have an email archiving function to the O365 backups."

    What is our primary use case?

    We manage 100s of backups at any given time. This includes virtual machines, both VMware and Hyper-V, physical machines running Windows, and file-level backups.

    We have backups that are 100% cloud-based as well as ones that retain both a local backup and a cloud backup copy. The data replicated to the cloud must be contained within a data center that is owned/managed by our organization.

    Our recovery processes primarily include being able to restore directly to an ESXi host/vCenter appliance. This must be able to be completed in the shortest amount of time possible.

    How has it helped my organization?

    The Vembu BDR product is very intuitive and easy to use. This provided us easy training of our staff, a quick process for our internal documentation, and reduced time in installation/configuration and deployment to new customers/devices.

    The high level of stability of the Vembu BDR Suite has reduced our engineering management time by at least 35%, which has also lead to a higher rate of successful backups.

    The retention mechanisms within the solution are a critical component of our backup strategy. It has allowed us to reduce the amount of backup storage we use by more than 25%, which has saved on our hardware costs both initially and on an ongoing basis.

    What is most valuable?

    The most valuable feature is the highest level of flexibility. The Vembu BDR platform allows you to backup virtual machines and physical machines at both the file level and image level. You can choose to deploy offsite backups only, onsite backups only, or both onsite with replication offsite.

    Being able to use one platform to accommodate all of these different scenarios has allowed us to train our staff on one solution and really make sure they are experts at that product. 

    The ability to restore backups directly to any ESXi Host/vCenter environment is critical for us. The process in which to execute the restore is simple and the recovery time is quick. We regularly execute restores of 5TB-10TB environments in a matter of hours.

    What needs improvement?

    With any backup that uses VMware snapshots, there is a disk ballooning issue where VMware reports that the server is using 100% of the assigned storage, even when the disk is thin provisioned, when the Windows "Optimizer" runs while the snapshot is in place. Basically, this is the case when the backup is running. This issue is not specific to the Vembu BDR solution; however, it would be nice if Vembu was able to implement some function that would disable/disallow the Windows Optimizer from running during a backup.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    We have been using Vembu BDR Suite for more than 10 years.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    As an MSP, we have used many different backup solutions, as both a managed service as well as customer-deployed. The Vembu BDR solution is one of the most stable platforms we have used. For us, some of the measurements we use to determine stability are:

    1. The installation/configuration is streamlined and functions as expected.
    2. General use of the product runs smoothly without any regular "glitches", services stopping, or having to constantly reboot the machine to resolve issues.
    3. Backups have a high completion percentage. More importantly, not getting failed backups on reoccurring issues that you have already implemented a fix for.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    It currently supports all of the features that we need in a backup solution. However, I am aware that as O365 implementations continue to grow, I suspect additional O365 backup functionality will be needed. Vembu BDR currently supports backups of O365, although it does not currently have an email archiving function to the O365 backups. This is something that we have had customers request.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    As with any technology based product, there are times when assistance is needed to configure, update, or troubleshoot the product. It is critical for our organization to be able to obtain support 24x7 with a team that understands their product. This is one of the areas we are most impressed with Vembu Technologies. They are always very quick to respond, provide excellent tools to their team, and are always efficient at driving the ticket to resolution.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We had a few concerns with our previous backup solution that we were looking to remediate.

    1. The synthetic full was a forever backup, which over time would take up a ridiculous amount of space. With the Vembu BDR solution, we are able to configure a retention process of however many days we specify. This greatly reduces the amount of backup space used and ultimately saves us in hardware costs.
    2. The time needed to maintain the backups was a problem. Our volume of failed backups on Vembu BDR is at least 50% less than our previous backup platform. This not only reduces our engineering costs but also increases the morale of our engineering team, as they are less stressed about failing backups.
    3. Backup chains on our old backup platform had to be manually validated and cleaned up. I felt the risk of missing a file during this process was too high and could result in the inability to restore data. With Vembu BDR, the retention process is entirely automated within the software and requires no manual cleanup.

    How was the initial setup?

    Compared to other backup solutions, the initial setup was the most straightforward.

    What about the implementation team?

    We deployed in-house.

    What was our ROI?

    I would guess our tangible ROI was 12-24 months. However, for us, it was more valuable to deploy a solution that provides us confidence in being able to restore, as well as reduce the stress of our engineering team. These are invaluable items that you can't really put an ROI on.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    If backup and recovery performance is critical for your environment, then the hardware is just as important as the software. We deploy full servers as our backup appliances with only SSD disks and enough processing power and memory to support the backups and the restored servers if onsite recovery is a component of the solution.

    What other advice do I have?

    Any organization that is looking to deploy a backup solution in their environment with minimal time commitment and the highest level of confidence in being able to restore their data should be seriously considering one of the Vembu Technologies backup solutions.

    In summary, the Vembu BDR solution currently fulfills all of the functions that we need it to at this time.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Private Cloud
    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Thank you for your feedback. Good to know that our product works well and has met your backup requirements.

    Regarding the feature request:

    1) Disable the Windows Optimizer during backup - We are working on a feature that will allow you to run a custom script to stop/start a service on each VM selected for backup. You can create a script based on the services you would like to start/stop and run every time before/after backup to achieve this requirement. We'll notify you once this feature is generally available.

    2) Email Archiving for Office 365 backup - We have added this feature to our roadmap.

    For further updates & queries, you can reach us through

    IT Director with 11-50 employees
    Real User
    Restore capabilities are key for us in a DR situation, and it enables us to store files offsite

    What is our primary use case?

    Backup and replication.

    How has it helped my organization?

    If we have any issues with servers having been corrupted or damaged, we are able to restore our backups. We are also able to store our backups offsite, in case of fire. Right now I'm using it with VMware. The benefit is being able to replicate the information to a different offsite building where I can store it. We're an FQHC and we have to have an offsite backup in case of a fire.

    If we were to lose all of our data we wouldn't be able to operate. We run a 24-hour clinic, we have an ER department, and the data needs to be safe. If we didn't have that information stored safely, our patient information, we would not be able to run the business. So it's very valuable for us.

    It also saves us time being able to do backups automatically instead of manually.

    Finally, for reporting purposes, it's safer for us to have multiple places where backups are stored. We feel safe that the information is backed up more than once.

    What is most valuable?

    The most important feature is the Restore, to be able to restore in a disaster recovery situation.

    What needs improvement?

    If the English accent of the support agents was a little better, so that we, as the users, could understand it better, that would be nice. It's very hard to understand the support people when we talk to them because of the accent.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    Less than one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    We haven't encountered any issues with the stability so far. It's been working fine.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    It can handle a lot because it's doing a whole data center, so it's handling everything.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    Tech support is good.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    I purchased Veeam but my local reseller sold me only a minimal number of licenses and I was not told that I needed to purchase many licenses. So it was not cost-effective for us to have that solution installed here.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was not complex at all. It was easy.

    What was our ROI?

    It's very hard to estimate ROI. If I have a disaster issue here, my whole company is down, so I cannot put a value on it. It's really the value of the whole company. If we don't have that data we aren't able to run. It's a very valuable tool for us.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The pricing is good. 

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    Veeam was one of the options we looked at.

    What other advice do I have?

    Test it first. Make sure it works in your environment. But I will also say that it's an immediate investment that needs to be done.

    We aren't using the compression or encryption features. We don't need them.

    I would rate it a nine out of ten. It's not a ten because the accent of the customer support agents is very difficult to understand. You have to ask a few times when speaking to them. That's the only issue, the rest of it is good. It's a good product. It's working.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies


    Thank you for your feedback. I would like to instate the fact that Vembu has a wide client base that's spread across 100+ countries all over the world, hence we use a neutral accent that can be understood by the majority of people around the world. However, we regret the inconvenience you had in understanding our Engineer's accent. We will ensure that our team is well trained to eliminate such occurances in the future.

    Systems Engineer at GVir Informationsmanagement
    Real User
    The encryption feature is important for us because of the very strict data protection rules in Europe
    Pros and Cons
    • "The initial setup is easy and very nice."
    • "The network solution is the most important feature, because we have our own backup server and are doing file backups for our customers."
    • "We have not been able to move our backups from one drive to another one. We can only create a storage pool. However, if we want to change a drive, it is not possible to delete one drive as long there is data on it. For this, we have to call the support. While they can solve this, it is not out-of-the-box."

    What is our primary use case?

    We back up all our customers' files. We back up only files, and maybe some databases. However, primarily, we are backing up files on our own server.

    We are currently using the updated version of this product.

    How has it helped my organization?

    We can create a backup contract with our customers and software using this solution. We can backup the software here in Austria, because we have new rules here in Europe, since last year, which are very strict for data protection. 

    What is most valuable?

    The network solution is the most important feature, because we have our own backup server and are doing file backups for our customers.

    The compression, encryption and deduplication features are important. If we can save space, it's okay. The encryption is also very important, because it is in our contracts. It is a must. We have to use it for our customers.

    What needs improvement?

    We have not been able to move our backups from one drive to another one. We can only create a storage pool. However, if we want to change a drive, it is not possible to delete one drive as long there is data on it. For this, we have to call the support. While they can solve this, it is not out-of-the-box.

    If there is a failure, the logging for the backups could be better.

    Sometimes, I miss some features from the old solution. 

    For how long have I used the solution?

    We started using the older version of this product six to seven years ago.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    The stability is very good, but it is not perfect. Sometimes, we have to restart the server, because of updates. I have to sometimes manually restart the services. When it is running, it's perfect and nice. 

    When we have to restart the server, then we have some troubles with the services from Vembu. We have to manually restart the services, and afterwards, it's okay.

    The software solution is okay. While it has some bugs, it has been okay in most cases. 

    It takes me two to five hours to do maintenance per week.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    We have small customers. For them, high availability is not a priority, only file backup is important. They are very small. They have around five employees. Also, because our customers are not asking for this, we do not offer high availability. We do not have the resources for it, and our servers are probably not big enough for this type of solution. We only offer the simple file backup.

    Our biggest customer has about 20 employees. However, they have a huge amount of data.

    We have three users in our company, but we represent about 30 companies. All three employees in our company are systems engineers. We do the backups, deployments, and maintenance.

    At the moment, we do not accept new customers because we do not want to grow. We are happy with what we have. We have a lot to do. We have had good customers for a lot of years, and that's perfect.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    They have very good support. I always get an answer quite fast when we have trouble. When we write an email, on next day, we will have an answer. This is really good and unusual. I like the support.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    Previously, we had only local backup solutions at our customers on tapes. We had trouble all the time with tapes. This was more than 10 years ago. Then, we switched to drives to create the backups at our customers' sites, but all the time these drives were defect. So, we implemented a big server in our company, where we only have to do maintenance on one big device, not on all the small devices at our customers. We searched for a solution, and Vembu was our first choice.

    The current version of Vembu is much better now than the previous version. The newer version is nice. It may not have as many features as the older solution, but it is faster and better to administrate. It is a good solution.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup is easy and very nice. 

    The deployment was not a big project. The backup service was running in a few hours. Then, we have only to implement clients at our customers. 

    The process is quite fast. We set up a back up server, then alert the clients. We use a Windows Server with a lot of storage capacity. There is no need for an implementation strategy.

    We had an old solution with the old clients. We moved them step-by-step as individual customers to the new solution over half a year. 

    Only from within the organization was it a little tricky, because we had to implement new contracts for our customers. It was technically a little different with the old solution. We did need a new server. Also, we had to move all our customers to the new solution step-by-step.

    What was our ROI?

    The return of investment was very fast, within half a year. 

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The best thing about the product is the license management. It is a true managed service provider solution. It has a good price. The licensing is quite flexible, which is one of the most important things for us. 

    The high availability is too expensive for our customers.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    I did a lot of evaluations before choosing a product. We tested about 20 different products. Vembu was the best. Some of the other solutions were also very good, but were extraordinarily priced (too expensive). Others, I didn't like the licensing, software, or were only cloud solutions. 

    Vembu has the flexibility with its licenses and is a real managed service provider solution. My feeling is that Vembu understands what a service provider needs, not only local administrators. It is one of the reasons that why we chose Vembu.

    We haven't found another solution for its price with all this features.

    What other advice do I have?

    I would recommend the product. I already recommend it to our partners. It is a really good solution. I like the product. It has good support. For small companies, it's the perfect solution.

    We do not use virtual environments. We have done this in the past, but we do not implement virtual clients anymore since we have only small customers and virtual appliances are now on cloud spaces. So, we do not have virtual servers at our customers.

    We have used Hyper-V, but it was not beneficial.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner.
    PeerSpot user
    Sree ramya - PeerSpot reviewer
    Sree ramyaProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Thank you for the feedback. Glad to hear that Vembu BDR Suite works well for your environment.
    Moving backups from one drive to other is already in our roadmap and will be available in our next major release.
    For further updates or queries, please get in touch with our team through

    Application Support Specialist at a manufacturing company with 51-200 employees
    Real User
    The agentless backups are key, and I can spool it back up at either of our locations
    Pros and Cons
    • "The agentless backups are the big selling point on this, as well as being able to send out across sites so that I can do a restore at either of our two locations."
    • "The only place where I would really want to see improvement, out the gate, is more granular scheduling... If I want to do an offset or to only do two backups on Friday and Saturday - versus whole hourly incrementals during the week - I don't have that granularity right now."

    What is our primary use case?

    We're doing onsite local backups as well as offsite DR of our VM infrastructure.

    How has it helped my organization?

    Realistically, it is no different than the previous backup solution we were using, other than it costs less. As far as workflow is concerned, it hasn't really changed.

    We use it to back up our VM infrastructure, but as far as benefiting the organization, it's just a guarantee that, if we go down, I can spool it back up at either location. That's the biggest benefit to this sort of backup solution, instead of files on another drive.

    This is a part of our enterprise backup solution. It has saved us a considerable amount of money.

    What is most valuable?

    The agentless backups are the big selling point on this, as well as being able to send out across sites so that I can do a restore at either of our two locations.

    The compression is good. As far as the encryption is concerned, I'm glad that it's there for site to site. We don't necessarily need it just because of the way that we're connected, so it's not really a selling feature, one way or the other.

    What needs improvement?

    The only place where I would really want to see improvement, out the gate, is more granular scheduling. With the previous solution that we were using, you could pick different times based on different days. Right now, with Vembu, I just have every X number of hours on these days, but if I want to do an offset or to only do two backups on Friday and Saturday - versus whole hourly incrementals during the week - I don't have that granularity. That would be something that I would be looking for.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    Less than one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    With the exception of when we required that initial hotfix, it has been extremely stable.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    Scalability is part of the reason why we got it. The opportunity to push the offsite data recovery to multiple sites, instead of just, one was a big selling feature for us. Currently, we are a two-location organization, but we want the opportunity to be able to scale up and pop another one of these units down to another location and have them replicate freely between.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    The tech support is phenomenal. We were not expecting a fix to happen as quickly as it did. The response time, through everything I've experienced so far with them, has been within an hour.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We did use a different solution previous to this. It was an onsite and cloud-based solution. With the cloud-based component, we switched because of the cost savings with Vembu, because we have two sites that we can leverage. The two sites are for disaster recovery, which is far cheaper than doing a cloud-based backup.

    How was the initial setup?

    We had a few issues with the initial setup that were solved by support. The actual installation of the software was simple enough. However, there was a bug. We required a hotfix to get two of our larger backups going. But that was remedied within a few days by their engineering team and it has been working flawlessly since. With the exception of just waiting for that to go, it was fairly painless.

    The deployment took roughly a week. But we were also figuring out a bunch of different backend stuff as well, so it wasn't a week on the software package in particular. It's a part of a larger backup solution. To get the entire thing up and going was about a week.

    In terms of implementation strategy, we did build-outs on separate servers so that we would have dedicated servers that would be doing the backups, instead of having the BDR suite reside on our VM infrastructure. The reasons for that strategy were

    1. to limit overhead on our current infrastructure and 
    2. if any of our hosts went down, our backup would not be part and parcel of our host network. 

    It was completely segregated, just to keep the business continuity intact as much as possible.

    We were in trial for about a month, and the actual deployment has been in place for about a month.

    What about the implementation team?

    We did it all in-house.

    What was our ROI?

    Our return in investment for this solution, including all the additional hardware that we chose to purchase for it, including hard drives and the server host that it runs on, as well the subscription, means it will be about a six- to seven-month return on investment for us.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The subscription model that we're signed up for is very good. The only thing that is something of a sticking point is the fact that you can't do PO-based licensing. It's all just credit card. That required a little bit of a sell for management because typically everything we do is PO-based and our previous solution was PO-based. That would be the only thing about the subscription service that we didn't really enjoy.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We were really only looking at Vembu. It was brought to our attention by a reseller we had used for another product, as the backup solution that they typically push for clients. We thought we would take a look at it and, after we ran our trials, we found that it would work for us.

    What other advice do I have?

    Have a separate backup appliance, if you can, a separate, physical backup appliance so that if your host goes, your backup doesn't go down with it at the same time.

    As far as the encryption is concerned, I'm glad that it's there for site to site. We don't necessarily need it just because of the way that we're connected, so it's not really a selling feature, one way or the other.

    We don't use Hyper-V. Our Vembu is working with EXSi. I have not had to do a full server restore, yet. But I have had to do restores of incremental points in time, for certain files. We have tested the restore feature of the entire guest VM. If I have a server go down, I have a lot of people who can't do work. So a fast restore is critical.

    It's just our core IT team that is actually using the solution. There are three people who have direct access to it, but we serve a larger number of users in our organization. However, they don't see anything as far as backend or backups are concerned. As far as they know, nothing's changed, nothing's different, it has no effect or impact on their day-to-day operations.

    For deployment and maintenance, now that it's set up, there's not much to do on it, aside from doing checks every so often to ensure that the backups are still happening.

    There is a potential use case to increase usage, such as doing some critical workstation backups with it. However, we are not doing that at this time.

    I give the solution an eight out of ten. Everything has some room for improvement. The more granular backup scheduling is one of them. There was a slight hiccup that we weren't really expecting, when we were first looking into this, where you can't do a restore while a backup is in process. That was a bit of an annoyance at first, but once we got an explanation from their technical team as to why it's designed and built out like that, it made more sense. It's just one thing that I realize they can't fix but it would be a nice to have.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Hi Blake,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Based on your suggestion, we’ve taken the “granular scheduling” as a feature request and added to our roadmap. Based on the number of customer requests we receive, we'll prioritize the feature on the roadmap if required.

    Also, the PO based license purchase is already available with Vembu. You can reach our sales team for further details.

    Founder and GM at Go Live
    Real User
    You can restore all your data or specific parts of it
    Pros and Cons
    • "You can restore all your data or partial parts of it. You can restore a specific version of the data. It has a lot of options for restore, so you can have the correct data that you want to restore. This is very important. You must know what you are going to restore. Otherwise, you may be overwriting correct data with other data. You must know what specific files you are restoring as well as which version. Partial restore is very important because there might be some files which are newer than the backup and some files that are corrupted. You need to restore some files from the backup, but not all the files."
    • "Maybe they can add some features regarding working with the vCenter cluster to be able to have more power over the cluster overall, not just over a single or specific host. Also, I would like some enhancements in technology for the web interface, e.g., some interactive technologies to advance the interface of Vembu. Although the current interface is very good, maybe they can use more advanced technologies for its web development."

    What is our primary use case?

    Mainly, we use it for our backup recovery. If you have relevant data, we need to make backups similar to the data to ensure that we can export it in the case of any emergency or disaster. The main use case is disaster recovery for relevant data to be able to survive after any disaster.

    I have two deployments. One of them is Hyper-V deployment with backup for Hyper-V virtual machines. The other one with backup for the Vembu virtual infrastructure version. Both of them are on-premises. There is nothing on the cloud.

    How has it helped my organization?

    All our clients have been happy with the backup and restore features.

    What is most valuable?

    It is easy. You can save a lot with their features, without a lot of hassle. You can design your backups closely and flexibly without a lot of details or variables. It is very straightforward. You can put what you want in the right place in a very short amount of time.

    The speed of the solution’s restores is good. It is dependent on the infrastructure and the nature of the connection between the storage and servers. Overall, it is good. There are no problems when using it.

    You can restore all your data or partial parts of it. You can restore a specific version of the data. It has a lot of options for restore, so you can have the correct data that you want to restore. This is very important. You must know what you are going to restore. Otherwise, you may be overwriting correct data with other data. You must know what specific files you are restoring as well as which version. Partial restore is very important because there might be some files which are newer than the backup and some files that are corrupted. You need to restore some files from the backup, but not all the files.

    We have the VM replication. We can copy a VM to another host with VM replication.

    What needs improvement?

    Maybe they can add some features regarding working with the vCenter cluster to be able to have more power over the cluster overall, not just over a single or specific host. Also, I would like some enhancements in technology for the web interface, e.g., some interactive technologies to advance the interface of Vembu. Although the current interface is very good, maybe they can use more advanced technologies for its web development.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using it for about a year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    For the entire time that I have used Vembu, I didn't encounter any issues. It is very consistent and nothing failed nor was corrupted. 

    I have three people trained on the solution, and the main person is leading the support. They are IT specialists. The role of backup administrator is assigned to them. They keep track of the backup operations done daily or weekly. If something needs to be restored, they are responsible for restoring it.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    Scalability is good.

    I am backing up two environments: Hyper-V and VMware. One of them is about 40 VMs, and the other about 60 to 65 VMs, supported by three machines that are dual sockets each.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    The main component in the backup solutions is compatibility. The backup is located on the hard disk, and I didn't face any corruption of data, which is very valuable. When something happens as an error, there is technical support who gives us the reason why this error is emerging. In most of the cases, the errors are emerging from the operating systems in which you are trying to back up. Sometimes, the client refuses to connect, etc. All this is under control and can easily be solved.

    I refer a lot to the knowledge base on the website, which is very good. I haven't needed to contact support persons interactively. 

    How was the initial setup?

    I tried to install it twice on Linux just for testing, and I succeeded, but it was picky sometimes, because there are a lot of options with command line interface. So, it was a challenge to get it to work on many operating systems. However, on Windows, the setup was very straightforward and no problem at all.

    Using Windows to deploy takes not more than five minutes. It is very fast. For Linux, it takes about half an hour to an hour, according to the problems that we would face.

    We tried to restore it mainly on the physical machines, not virtual. The hardware that it is deployed on is very reliable. We faced problems on the backup machine itself. The machine, which functions to store the data, must be very reliable. You also need to keep it away from any disaster or security exposure.

    What about the implementation team?

    I did contact their technical guys for some technical discussions before we deployed one of the instances that we used. They were very good and helpful.

    What was our ROI?

    Manually restores or restores from manual backups are very hard. They take some time. Restoring from a platform software, like Vembu, makes things very easier, particularly the speed to restore which version, which state, and to where. So, you speed up the overall operation by 20% to 25%.

    The ROI is very good because you have the safety of being protected by backing up your data a lot. If an incident happens, then we can restore valuable data, save a lot of money, and preserve the continuity of the business. This is a big benefit which provides a lot of value. 

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The pricing of Vembu is one of its strong points. The license is not as much as other competitors, and it has a variety of licensing options: subscription-based, perpetual licenses, and a virtual machine license. You can design whatever license that you adopted to your environment, and that can support your environment without extra cost, providing more than you need. So, you can design a license that fits your environment and budget. The pricing is very good and can be used when the budget is tight.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    I used Veeam software for a while, but as a trial. I didn't support it because their prices are very high. I think Vembu provides the most resolution for our backups.

    I use the Microsoft Windows Backup tool sometimes. However, it feels like a very heavy tool, not a sophisticated tool.

    I know that there are features that are more advanced with other competitors, but those are not needed often.

    What other advice do I have?

    I used Vembu's Data Integrity Check once when doing an integrity check for the backup. If I have doubts that the backup is good or bad, it might be good for that, but I haven't used it a lot.

    I encouraged you very much to engage with Vembu. Vembu is a really good software. I was convinced to use the company and software the first time that I saw it. I recommend it to everyone I know. It is a very powerful backup solution with a good price.

    I would rate it as nine out of 10.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Thank you for your feedback. Good to know that our product has met all your backup requirements. For any updates or queries, you can reach our team through

    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free BDRSuite Backup & Replication Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
    Updated: September 2024
    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free BDRSuite Backup & Replication Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.