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IT Consultant at a retailer with 11-50 employees
Easy to work with, integrates, and works with different operating systems
Pros and Cons
  • "When you're looking at your dashboard, you can see all your active jobs. You can see exactly if they're successful or failed and you can actually drill down and see what caused the problem. The fact you can see that right away is nice."
  • "What I would love to see on the dashboard are graphs, per backup job. I want to see the month and the days in it... If a job has failed, when did it actually fail and what percentage of it failed? Did it fail completely, 75 percent or 100 percent or did it only fail partially?"

What is our primary use case?

We use it primarily for backups and restoration of data, for disaster recovery purposes. We back up our file servers as well as our access control servers. We use it for standard, physical Windows 2016 servers, at this stage.

The key things we use in this solution thus far are only the backup portion, the recovery, and the reports. We will try to make use of it more extensively, but for now it's working for us.

It's on-prem at this stage, but we would love at a later stage to go to the cloud.

What is most valuable?

  • The dashboard is very nice. 
  • The solution is very user-friendly. 

When you're looking at your dashboard, you can see all your active jobs. You can see exactly if they're successful or failed and you can actually drill down and see what caused the problem. The fact you can see that right away is nice. 

It's a very simple layout, but effective. What you see is what you get. Some dashboards have these funny graphs and a lot of information. But what I want to know is, number-one, what jobs are running? What type of jobs are running? And I want to know what the job status is. If it's a red "X" I know I have to investigate. If it's a green checkmark then I know I don't have to stress about it, it has actually backed up what I've selected. It's simple. That's what you want.

What needs improvement?

What I would love to see on the dashboard are graphs, per backup  job. I want to see the month and the days in it. It doesn't matter what type of graph, but it must just give you more information. Currently it's in text format and you have to click on it and investigate. It would be nice if I could see information in a small chart as well. If a job has failed, when did it actually fail and what percentage of it failed? Did it fail completely, 75 percent or 100 percent or did it only fail partially?

Then we would know we have to look at settings, or maybe there's a permission issue, or maybe the unit was offline. Currently it's just showing a red "X" and you have to go in to have a look. If it gave you some information such as "100 percent complete, successful," and not just a checkmark, and if it failed it would tell you, "75 percent successful," then you would know more.

For how long have I used the solution?

We've only been using the product for three months, and only on three servers.

Buyer's Guide
BDRSuite Backup & Replication
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about BDRSuite Backup & Replication. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It's very stable, unless you have somebody messing around. Otherwise, it should not have any issues.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It's scalable. It's similar to industry standard backup and disaster recovery solutions, like Veeam. 

We want to move to the cloud at a later stage, and we also want to do backups of Office 365. We're in the process of moving from webmail to Office 365. Once we're there, we're going to use the same platform to make backups of critical user data and mailboxes.

Although Office 365 has retention and backup solutions in place, we prefer to use Vembu in addition, on top of that, for our high-level users, to be 100 percent sure. Microsoft can maybe give you 30 or 60 days of retention, but if you have your own backups, you can go back to one year, based on the typical needs of users.

Once we have our Office 365 portion up and running and maybe one or two email users, I would love to perform a backup online. The challenge we have is that our upload is a bit slow. We might need to use a satellite link, but within the next month or two we should have a solution and the internet should not be a problem. Then we can most probably run some of these backups from the cloud version. The idea is to ultimately move to the cloud.

Currently, the information we back up is for about 60 to 80 active users, across all the employees in the company.

How are customer service and support?

The salespeople I've dealt with are fantastic; they are great people. They wanted the solution to work and they only stopped phoning me the moment I told them, "Listen, I'm alright. I'm okay now." They wanted to make sure that the application was working and meeting our needs. That was very nice.

And obviously, you can contact them anytime and they will help you. Their technical support is great. It's top-notch. The turnaround time is quick. The last time I contacted the person I have always dealt with, within a couple of hours he contacted me. It's not like it's 24 hours or 48 hours, it's less than that. It is good.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

It's a very nice, easy, and economical solution. I'm coming from a Veeam background, but Veeam is a bit expensive. That's why we opted for Vembu. I tested out the Vembu trial version and found that it has a lovely interface, it's easy to work with, and it's something I can teach quickly. With Veeam, you must attend courses to understand it; you can't just show somebody. If I'm on leave, or I'm leaving the company, I can give anybody in my position a quick rundown.

The company I'm supporting now is not a corporate company or a listed company. The company I used to work for was a listed company and they were forced by the auditors to use a certain type of backup solution but it was expensive. When I started with this smaller company, they didn't have any backups. If something happened they would lose all their information. I was browsing the web looking for an economical but effective solution to meet the needs of this organization. I was surprised, as I had never heard about Vembu. But I checked them out and that's where the journey started with Vembu.

It's cost-effective for us.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is straightforward. And what was nice was that I had somebody on the line to talk me through it, just to make sure. You're allowed to play around with it to get more familiar with it. Coming from a Veeam background I tried not to compare it with that. I had to work with it to make 100 percent sure that I appreciated Vembu.

I figured out most of the things by myself because it's straightforward. It's very easy if you have some form of IT or backup background. It should not be a challenge or an issue. Maybe if you're brand new to computers it could be a challenge but if you have some experience with running backups it's easy to work with.

The deployment was done within two days because we don't have a big setup. It was just me involved in the setup, from our side, and for maintenance I have an IT assistant. If I'm not there, he can handle it as well.

What about the implementation team?

My experience working with the Vembu person during the setup was good. They are very proud of the product. They want it to work.

What was our ROI?

It's still too early for us to see ROI. 

But the annual cost is so low that it's going to be difficult to calculate a return on investment. But if we are going to do backups of Office 365 and those types of things, the business might see ROI, because then you're working with a lot of user information as well, and they can see the reports.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

It's more affordable than Veeam, so smaller companies can afford to have a solution like this in place, which is very nice.

For three licenses we pay not even 3,000 Rand per annum, which is a bargain with what you're getting. It's not expensive if you compare it with the counterpart.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I didn't evaluate any other options other than testing Veeam for a month. I know that product and it's fantastic, but when it came to going from trial version to live version, it was a bit expensive. I went for Vembu because I could pay a third of the price and get the same service.

What other advice do I have?

When I look at a product like this there are a couple of basic things it must do: 

  • I must be able to access it easily, deploy it easily
  • It must be secure. 
  • If I want to make changes, updates must be easy as well. 
  • It must be integratable, compatible with different operating systems. 

Vembu ticked all the boxes.

Do you know when a business starts to appreciate a backup solution? When it loses information and needs to recover it. If your senior management is not very risk-minded or they tend to see these things as a waste of money, the moment they lose information and you can restore it within no time, they start to respect the product and they are more than willing, when you go to them for upgrades or improvements, to actually pay for them because they know you're adding value to the business. It's not just an expense.

For a small company like ours, I would rate Vembu at eight out of 10, because while the dashboard is very nice, there are some things that the major backup solutions provide as a stock-standard, like the graphing information. Most backup solutions offer it standard. I also give it eight out of 10 because I want them to improve, but it would be nice to move closer to 10. It may take them a while to get there, but with Vembu I can sleep. I don't have to worry and that's good.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

Thank you for your feedback.

We will forward your suggestion to our team on improving the dashboard. We are also working on improving the reports that will be available in our next release - Vembu BDR Suite v5.0 scheduled in December 2020.

For further updates, please get in touch with our team through

IT Infrastructure Team Lead at a government with 201-500 employees
Real User
Provides us with cost-effective VM backup
Pros and Cons
  • "It backs up our virtual machines with the CBT, Changed Block Tracking."
  • "The reports are at a basic level and there is room for improvement there. It only has historical reports and VM backup job-level reports."

What is our primary use case?

We have a multi-tenant environment with multi-cloud, but we are only using this for our local data center backups. This is a small setup with around 50 to 60 VMs.

How has it helped my organization?

We are able to back up our local virtual machines. Without backup we could end up in very critical situations.

What is most valuable?

It backs up our virtual machines with the CBT, Changed Block Tracking. This is a common feature. We don't have a complex hierarchy here because we have a local data center with minimal use. 

The compression ratio is fine and the deduplication is as well. We are not using the encryption feature yet, as we only deployed it recently. We may use it later on.

What needs improvement?

The reports are at a basic level and there is room for improvement there. It only has historical reports and VM backup job-level reports.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using BDR Suite for about three or four months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is okay, it's running fine. Up to now we haven't had any negative issues.

How are customer service and technical support?

Technical support is good. Whenever I raise a ticket they reply in a timely fashion.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Our basic goal is the backup of our infrastructure. We chose this platform because it's cost-effective.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is very straightforward. The solution is very easy. It's not a complex one where we need to follow detailed diagrams. I installed and tested everything and it's running fine now.

Initially, I had some issues but I fixed them myself. When I deployed this tool it was having issues with some virtual machines, specifically with Windows 2019. Fortunately, I was able to fix that issue by updating the Windows version to the latest software.

The whole setup took one or two days, including the installation and configuration of servers. 

Fixing the issue I mentioned took some days because I need to update the servers. Otherwise, the overall deployment did not take a long time.

In terms of a deployment plan, before deployment I considered my whole environment and then I started the deployment. Our IT team is just three or four people and I did it myself.

What about the implementation team?

I didn't need too much help for Vembu, other than for licensing. They helped me on the licensing purchase.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is very good compared to Veeam. Veeam is very well-known software for backup and replication, and comparing Vembu to that, from the financial aspect, Vembu is very good.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I deployed Veeam and it worked very well, but the problem was that its price was very high. As a result, I searched for another solution and found Vembu. I deployed it and we have been happy with it. For us, the major difference was the pricing.

What other advice do I have?

Our environment is at a very basic level. We don't have multi-level vCenters or cloud. Vembu BDR Suite is working fine for us. Right now we have only three hosts with virtual machines and it's okay for us. 

Overall, this suite is very good. It has features which we use like a backup proxy and test processing. It delivers an enterprise-level data protection solution and helps us reduce our budget. It's cost-effective.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

Thank you for your feedback.

We are currently working on improving the reports and will be available in our next release - Vembu BDR Suite v5.0 scheduled in December 2020.

For further updates, please get in touch with our team through

Buyer's Guide
BDRSuite Backup & Replication
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about BDRSuite Backup & Replication. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
802,829 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Owner at a engineering company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Customer service does not provide phone support and the Application-Aware feature does not work
Pros and Cons
    • "We had a lot of problems getting it configured in the first place. They also wanted us to allow them remote access to our machines without us watching what they're doing, which is a huge security risk for us. We said we couldn't do that, and they said they don't offer any phone support whatsoever."

    What is our primary use case?

    We do cloud hosting for our customers, and we do reselling when they want to do VMware on their premises.

    What is most valuable?

    The backup of VMware ESX is the most important to us. That's what we use. We use it to back up all of our private cloud, and it's backed up hourly.

    What needs improvement?

    We sent a letter complaining about how the lack of customer service has caused us problems. We're actually dumping Vembu and we're going with Veeam, and we're asking for our money back. The thing that needs to be improved most is their customer support. The product itself is fine, but the customer support is basically nonexistent.

    Instead of helping us meet new challenges it has actually caused us problems. We wanted a backup solution so that we could quickly back up and recover all of our customer virtual machines. In case something happened to the hardware, we could quickly recover it on different hardware. We looked at different solutions such as Veeam and Vembu. Vembu was recommended to us and we found it to be cheaper than Veeam but, unfortunately, because they're based in India, not in North America, the customer service doesn't even provide phone support.

    We had a lot of problems getting it configured in the first place. They also wanted us to allow them remote access to our machines without us watching what they're doing, which is a huge security risk for us. We said we couldn't do that, and they said they don't offer any phone support whatsoever.

    The product itself actually works mostly well. One of the features of the product is Application-Aware and that does not work properly. When we tested it with the Veeam product, it did work properly. We tried to get it to work, to get support to help get it working. It went back and forth for about two weeks through email, trying to get help to get this feature working, and it just did not work.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    Less than one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    With the Application-Aware setting, the stability was near zero on a scale of one to ten.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    As far as scalability goes, everything seemed okay. I would rate it around a seven out of ten.

    How is customer service and technical support?

    I would rate technical support at one out of ten. I don't even know why they have a tech support phone number because I was told in an email from a manager that they don't provide tech support over the phone. Every time I call the tech support phone number, I'm told I have to send an email to I said that I would pay extra for premium support but they said they don't even offer it.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was complicated because of the Application-Aware feature not working.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    For someone who doesn't want the Application-Aware feature to work, everything else is up to par. The licensing is straightforward. They license it per CPU. 

    One thing to note is that when you configure which virtual machine you're going to back up, if it's on one physical machine, they license it there. If it automatically fails over to a second machine, the license doesn't automatically move over with it. If they could make that a little more streamlined, that would be an improvement.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We did test Veeam. Vembu vs Veeam came in as a lot less expensive, but I guess you get what you pay for. That’s why we have already sent an email to Vembu saying we want our money back.

    We looked at a few other products, but we didn't try them all out.

    We've already gone ahead and purchased Veeam, and already tested the Veeam phone support while just on a trial. Someone picks up the phone right away and helps you resolve it. They do remote access, but they let you be on the call when they're doing remote access. They never access your machines without your permission, etc., whereas Vembu was the opposite.

    What other advice do I have?

    My advice would be not to go with Vembu if you're in North America because it's too hard to get ahold of anybody in India.

    We were a reseller, but we've canceled that. We've told all our customers that we're not reselling Vembu because of the problems with the tech support and the problems with the Application-Aware feature not working.

    I would rate Vembu at three out of ten because for simple configurations it works fine, but overall, their tech support is very poor. Conversations with tech support and the way they handle tech support are very poor. One example is that I was told that they want to access our servers, but that I wouldn't be allowed to be on the phone and watch what they're doing. I can't be sure that they're only accessing what they're supposed to be doing. The other thing is, they don't offer any extended or premium support. Vembu is for a low-end, small company which doesn't want to do much.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies


    Thanks for your review, Jonathan.

    We understand that without on-call support you found it difficult when you had issues. But we have been delivering email support for more than 60,000 businesses across the globe, out of which 70% of our customers are from North America.

    We’d like to mention that our team operates 24/7 and the email responses are sent on time as per defined SLAs, also adhering to FTR metric. Through email support itself, we address and resolve almost every issue that is faced by our customers. In rare cases, some critical issues are escalated to the development team for analyzing & debugging and so we get the Teamviewer access.

    We are a rapidly growing company and we take feedback seriously. We will get the necessary systems in place soon enough to extend the best possible support and create a better experience for you as our customer.

    We’re happy that you didn’t have any inconvenience with the product apart from the App-aware feature. About the App-aware feature, on our end, we haven’t found any problems in its working. But, there are always some situations that may throw errors due to possible issues in the environment.

    We come up with updates in rapid succession. Any inconveniences you may face now will be quickly identified and resolved in upcoming releases. Vembu is definitely not only targeted towards low-end small businesses with minor requirements as our customer base includes leading organizations like NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Many Schools & Universities in North America and the like in 100+ countries across the globe.

    IT Director at a marketing services firm with 201-500 employees
    Real User
    Provides significantly better backup compression ratio, saving file storage space
    Pros and Cons
    • "I back up one particular server with close to 1.2 TB, and the way the software compresses it is close to 600 or 700 TB. Vembu compresses it to close to 450 gigabytes, that's gigabytes. So that’s really amazing, the way in which the backup compression happens."
    • "The process is a bit cumbersome when you remove an agent, delete that job, and add the agent to the same server. Even though the agent is already installed in that server, the system does not recognize it. We have to uninstall the current agent, restart the server, install the push agent - a new agent - and then restart the server. I think they should try to avoid that."

    What is our primary use case?

    Our whole environment is virtualized except for a couple of servers which are still physical. So I primarily use this for backing up my physical servers. I do an image backup as well as a file-level backup.

    How has it helped my organization?

    The main improvement is the compression, the space. I back up one particular server with close to 1.2 TB, and the way the software compresses it is close to 600 or 700 TB. Vembu compresses it to close to 450 gigabytes, that's gigabytes. So that’s really amazing, the way in which the backup compression happens. It creates a lot of space in my storage. I’m saving almost 50 percent of my file storage space, SAN. that’s one of the key features of this.

    What is most valuable?

    One thing I’m very much impressed by is the compression ratio. The rate at which it compresses the data during backup is really very good. In fact, I’d say it’s better than Symantec Backup Exec. I have Backup Exec, in my environment, and I have Veeam. Symantec is now Veritas, so I have played with all the backups, but the way in which this handles the compression is really one of the key features.

    It’s also very, very stable. I haven’t made any changes to it. I just installed and it’s working. I restored a couple of times, and everything seems to be fine.

    What needs improvement?

    I do have one suggestion for them. The process is a bit cumbersome when you remove an agent, delete that job, and add the agent to the same server. Even though the agent is already installed in that server, the system does not recognize it. We have to uninstall the current agent, restart the server, install the push agent - a new agent - and then restart the server. I think they should try to avoid that. Symantec doesn’t work that way. You push the agent once, the agent stays in the server for good.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    Less than one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It’s very stable. I don't have any issues because it’s automated. The moment a backup is completed we all get an email. First thing in the morning, we check those emails and it’s on top of it.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    I’m not going to scale with this because I’m primarily using it for physical servers.

    Maybe my next project will be, when my Veeam support runs out, to try using Vembu - because Veeam is very expensive - for backing up my virtual servers and let's see how things are going to work.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    Support is very good. When you call them or send out a support email, immediately someone responds. It’s really good. They come back with an answer immediately. There has never been a time where they said they wanted to do some research on it. The moment I send them an issue, the guys fix it immediately.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    Before Vembu I was using Symantec (which is now Veritas). The main reason I switched is the price point, the cost. Vembu cost me one-third of what Veritas was charging me for backing up the three servers.

    How was the initial setup?

    The setup is straightforward. The only problem is, if I delete the server from my backup list and I want to add the server back, that is complex.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    It is very cost efficient, effective. I’d say it's one-third the cost of Veritas when compared to the server backups. I even tried image backups on Acronis, but Acronis is very expensive. So these are some of the key reasons why I opted for it.

    Licensing is straightforward, it’s simple, they should keep it the way they have right now.

    What other advice do I have?

    There is no need for any advice. A person who has infrastructure and backup experience should be able to do it. It doesn’t require any special knowledge for the configuration part or reinstalling.

    I rate it at eight out of 10 because of the complexity involved in reinstalling that agent.

    Buy, install it, use it, back it up, that’s it. It works fine.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Hi Rajkumar,

    Thank you for your feedback. It's great to know that Vembu BDR Suite works well for your environment. With regards to your suggestion, normally agent removal process triggered from BDR server will remove the agent on the source host & its related database entries from the BDR server. In your case, possibly there could be an interruption happened while agent removal. To clarify your concern in detail, please get in touch with our team through

    InfoSec Manager at a tech services company with 51-200 employees
    Real User
    Provides us with the ability to back up Red Hat Virtualization, but that ability is not native
    Pros and Cons
    • "It was very difficult to find a product that supports Red Hat Virtualization natively and to take a snapshot of the VM or a full backup or a dump from the machine. The option that Vembu proposed, to take the machine as an image, take it from the system, is also good."
    • "They said they can support Red Hat Virtualization and we assumed that they support any compatible system but we found we need to do a network backup or a network image, which is not what it said on their website. I have had many discussions with them about where this component is. Initially, I was searching for a component which would back up Red Hat Virtualization. They said they support this in the same way they support Hyper-V and VMware. I haven't found the feature in their portal or in any of their software. They haven't made a special agent for it, in the way they did for Hyper-V."

    What is our primary use case?

    We were looking for a backup for Red Hat Virtualization. We don't need any advanced features from a backup solution yet. We don't have VMware or Hyper-V, we only have Red Hat Virtualization.

    We are a service provider and we have many customers but we are only using this solution for one of our customers. They have a small environment with four servers.

    How has it helped my organization?

    It was very difficult to find a product that supports Red Hat Virtualization natively and to take a snapshot of the VM or a full backup or a dump from the machine. The option that Vembu proposed, to take the machine as an image, take it from the system, is also good. It has enhanced our backup system. Before, it was very difficult and we did it manually. Now, it's easy to take an image from Red Hat.

    BDR Suite helps us deliver an enterprise-level data protection solution and reduce our budgets. It is about half of the cost of other products we looked at.

    What is most valuable?

    • It's easy to install.
    • It's simple to configure.

    What needs improvement?

    They said they can support Red Hat Virtualization and we assumed that they support any compatible system but we found we need to do a network backup or a network image, which is not what it said on their website. I have had many discussions with them about where this component is. Initially, I was searching for a component which would back up Red Hat Virtualization. They said they support this in the same way they support Hyper-V and VMware. I haven't found the feature in their portal or in any of their software. They haven't made a special agent for it, in the way they did for Hyper-V.

    When we were in negotiations and discussing this with their pre-sales, we said we haven't found any documents from them talking about how they support Red Hat Virtualization. At the end of the day they said, "No, we deal with Red Hat Virtualization in the same way that we take an image of a file through the network." It's not native in the solution itself. For VMware they have a special agent. But for Red Hat, it's just a network backup, the same as files. When I asked about a license to support Red Hat, they said you just take the network backup and it will do the same job.

    For the moment, that is fine for us. We will take the image. But it is not what we expected from the product.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    We started with it just before the [COVID-19] lockdown in April, but we haven't worked much with it yet.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    We have yet to test the stability of the solution.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    We have also not yet tested the scalability.

    In the future we may increase usage if we find it's good for backup. We plan to take the DR solution from them.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    We haven't had to contact technical support yet.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We have used many solutions in the past. We switched to Vembu because of the Red Hat Virtualization. Our old solutions don't support it.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was straightforward. There were no difficulties and no advanced settings that you need to learn before you do the setup. We had it deployed within minutes.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    We have an enterprise license. We found it very simple and straightforward. For our needs, the price of the backup system is not too much.

    However, the prices are not clear in the portal. Not all the items are listed.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We checked out Veeam and Acronis but both were very expensive compared to Vembu.

    What other advice do I have?

    I can recommend Vembu for those who need just file backup.

    It's a straightforward solution. It was easy to install and deploy for many machines, taking backups from files and servers in the same way. They offer 10 GB for cloud that you can use for free.

    We haven't tested its compression, encryption, or deduplication features yet. So far, just our system admin is using and maintaining the solution.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Regarding the RHEV VM Backup, upon review of our communications to you, we couldn't find any mention of Vembu supporting Agentless backup for RHEV VM backup, instead, we have recommended only Vembu Client Agent-based backups for each VM.

    Maybe it was just a case of misunderstanding. For any clarifications, you can reach our team through

    Manager at a real estate/law firm with 1-10 employees
    Real User
    Creates high-availability backups for us, protecting us against ransomware threats
    Pros and Cons
    • "The most valuable feature is the ability, from a console, to manage the different computers to be backed up."
    • "I have had issues where it was working and then it stopped and I had to diagnose what had changed or gone wrong to get it back up."

    What is our primary use case?

    We back up servers and workstations.

    How has it helped my organization?

    One of the things that Vembu does for us is, of course, create high-availability for backups, which, if we came to a worst-case scenario, is one of the reasons we selected it, with the high incidence of ransomware. Should we be hit with ransomware, optimally it would allow us to be back up and running pretty quickly.

    The solution helps us deliver an enterprise-level data protection solution and reduce budgets. It's difficult to estimate how much we have saved, although I know we have saved. We did do a cost analysis up-front and we saved money compared to our prior solution.

    What is most valuable?

    The most valuable feature is the ability, from a console, to manage the different computers to be backed up.

    In addition, I use the encryption regularly, and the deduplication as well, but not extensively. The deduplication is very handy. It reduces the size of the backups, which we can then upload to an online storage platform. That's one of the reasons I selected it.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    We've been using Vembu for about nine months.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    I have had issues where it was working and then it stopped and I had to diagnose what had changed or gone wrong to get it back up. While it is generally stable, I've had issues with stability. The last time we had this issue was about six weeks ago.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    It's very scalable. As we add workstations, as we grow, we'll generally use the solution on those new workstations.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    Customer service could be improved. There seems to be a delay when trying to get to someone for customer service issues. Usually they'll tell me to send an email. That is one area that I would like to see improved.

    I had pretty good technical support while we were evaluating the product. Since then, it has not been so good.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    We had a solution before Vembu. We switched because of the cost factor and the deduplication.

    How was the initial setup?

    It was not particularly straightforward. I had to contact customer service in order to complete the initial set up. The deployment took us the better part of a day to complete everything, because we had to reach out to customer service.

    We started out by testing it on a workstation and, once we were satisfied that it met our needs, we deployed it to the servers and to the other workstations.

    What about the implementation team?

    We did it in-house.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The pricing is pretty reasonable.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    We looked at Macrium Reflect. That was another solution that we used.

    What other advice do I have?

    It's a robust solution. Evaluate it first in the environment and ensure that it actually satisfies your needs. It's a fairly cost-effective solution. For us, it has assisted in developing a robust backup strategy of keeping a backup in-house. We back up to a NAS in-house, and then we try to do an online backup off the in-house backup, so that we always have a remote copy of our backup. So it's been a pretty robust solution.

    We have about 25 workstations that we're backing up. There are two of us, my IT person and me, who handle the deployment and management of the backup solution.

    I would rate the solution at nine out of ten because customer service could be improved. I don't have a specific problem with the product. In our experience, the initial implementation could be easier. The product itself, once implemented, gets the job done. If it was divided up, I would give the working product a ten. But the initial implementation, from our experience, because we needed to have customer service log in to our system and walk us through, I would give a seven. And I would give customer service a seven.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Hi Bobby,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Regarding your experience in delayed customer support, we’ve taken it to the notice of our Support team and we will make sure we provide timely support and create a better experience for you.

    Further, we would like to let you know that we're already working on making the implementation of Vembu BDR Suite simple and easier. You'll find many improvements in the upcoming major releases.

    For further updates or queries, please get in touch with our team through

    Consultant at Kwan Environmental Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.
    We are now using it 24/7 because it is serving as an online backup
    Pros and Cons
    • "We are now using it 24/7 because it is serving as an online backup, and very soon, the DR will activated on the product."
    • "We invest in the backup so the continuity of the data is not affected."
    • "We are still exploring its features, but we want to see more features that we desire over time."

    What is our primary use case?

    The primary use case is for backup.

    I am using the latest version.

    How has it helped my organization?

    What we like best about the system is the use of its operation and the backups versus what we had to do earlier. We use it to back up our virtual environments, mainly VMware.

    Everything is happening in the background without running any commands. It runs seamlessly in the back, so this is a great achievement. This is also a great convenience for this organization. Previously, somebody had to do it manually all the time.

    We are now using it 24/7 because it is serving as an online backup, and very soon, the DR will activated on the product.

    We invest in the backup so the continuity of the data is not affected.

    What is most valuable?

    It takes the sever directly from your VM environment.

    The compression, encryption, and deduplicatuion are quite useful.

    What needs improvement?

    We are still exploring its features, but we want to see more features that we desire over time.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    Less than one year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It is fairly stable.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    At the moment, we have an administrator whose responsible for the device.

    I am the only person handling the device. It is very straightforward, We have just one person in the organization, a consultant, and I don't go to the site on a daily basis.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    I am happy with the technical support. Whenever I have contacted them, I have received the results that I was looking for.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    This is the first time that we used this type of solution. We were quite happy with what we received.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was quite good. There were no major hiccups.

    What about the implementation team?

    Even the support teams supported us, which was quite helpful. The deployment took a few minutes. 

    I am the consultant. I recommended this solution to my client.

    What was our ROI?

    I think this solution will help us deliver an enterprise level data protection solution and reduce budgets. We will be moving more into that very soon.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The pricing could have been cheaper.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    With another client, we had looked at Veritas. wihich is also quite stable. Between this solution and Veritas, I found this solution to be more user-friendly in terms of its interface.

    What other advice do I have?

    Go for it. This solution suits organizations where there is no dedicated IT manpower. It can be managed by somebody, like a consultant, who can handle the entire thing. 

    We are quite happy with the latest version and how it works. We are convinced that this is the right product.

    I haven't used it with Microsoft Hyper-V.

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    Sree ramya - PeerSpot reviewer
    Sree ramyaProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Hello Madhu,

    Thank you for the valuable feedback. Good to know that our product was helpful. We look forward to providing you with the best service with Vembu BDR Suite.

    Manager Infrastructure and Applications at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees
    Real User
    The compression, encryption, and deduplication features are fabulous
    Pros and Cons
    • "The compression, encryption and deduplication features are fabulous and great stuff."
    • "There were issues with the implementation because of incompatibilities between the tool implementation and our current VMware installation. So, it was an implementation issue that doesn't allow me to use it for VMware backup in the manner in which we would want to use it. That wasn't clear from the evaluation stage nor was it clear from the first utilization of it because it worked in the environment that it was being evaluated in. Based on that, we went ahead and made the purchase of the full implementation. At that point, it became clear that there would be limitations in that implementation that could not be overcome without doing upgrades to the production environment."

    What is our primary use case?

    The primary intended target for it was VMware backup and utilizing it in a VMware environment. It is a production, Active Directory, file server type of environment.

    I am using the current version.

    How has it helped my organization?

    It hasn't improved the way our company functions from an operational standpoint.

    What is most valuable?

    The compression, encryption, and deduplication features are fabulous and great stuff.

    What needs improvement?

    What would have been most valuable for me, would have been the convenience and ease of doing the VMware backups along with the ability to provide a low-level, file level, restore all capability without having to structure the detailed Windows Backups association. So, an ease of setup with a granularity of a restore all capability without having to use a standard Windows Backup. I would need to upgrade my VM environment for this to work currently.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I investigated Vembu probably for the first time a couple of years back. I evaluated it in just a quick and dirty manner without any real followup on it. Subsequent to that, I have been more actively utilizing it for about a year.

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    It seems to be stable. No concerns about that.

    Two people are required for deployment and maintenance of this solution.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    My impression of the scalability is good. My scalability requirement isn't what some others might be, but the solution appears to be fully scalable.

    It is being used in probably 80 percent of our environment. It's not a large environment. We probably won't scale out to the remainder. Eventually, the environment will be drawn in to the point where it's probably 100 percent of the environment that will be covered under Vembu, then that environment will be relatively stable. It won't change past that.

    There are just a couple of us actually utilizing it. We're relatively small, so there are really just a couple of users for admin in there. It's a support environment.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    From both the sales and technical support standpoint, they have been great. They have helped out to the extent that they can, but it hasn't been enough. There are things that they can't do and it's going to have to happen on my side (in my production environment). It was not clear from the evaluation level, when we ran through evaluation on it, that this was going to be an issue when we got to production.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    Previously, it was a bit different because our environment had been a hosted environment. There was a different tool being utilized by the hosted provider. Our implementation of Vembu was a standup as we brought something in-house.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was straightforward.

    There were issues with the implementation because of incompatibilities between the tool implementation and our current VMware installation. So, it was an implementation issue that doesn't allow me to use it for VMware backup in the manner in which we would want to use it. That wasn't clear from the evaluation stage nor was it clear from the first utilization of it because it worked in the environment that it was being evaluated in. Based on that, we went ahead and made the purchase of the full implementation. At that point, it became clear that there would be limitations in that implementation that could not be overcome without doing upgrades to the production environment.

    The evaluation and deployment took a couple of months.

    What about the implementation team?

    To get through the evaluation did require support from from them. They were supportive and did provide that support.

    There was an implementation strategy with some specific needs that were fulfilled by Vembu. It was an implementation strategy that included a consolidation and transition at the same time. It was a bit of a complex strategy and Vembu fulfilled it. Vembu was the tool of choice because of its ability to do that and because of the features in the suite. What was disconcerting was that it was able to do that part of it, but then when we went to put it into full production, then we encountered these other difficulties that hadn't been planned for or counted on.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    To continue to do backups, we fell back to Windows Backup mode. We are still using the tool, but not in the manner in which we would have wanted. The tool purchase doesn't cover all options of the tool, e.g., if I go in and buy it, I have to buy it licensed for VMware Backups, not Windows Backups. At this point, what had to happen was they had to allow it to operate in Windows Backup so I could continue to back up the VMs, but in a trial mode. The trial mode has been extended once, and now we're reaching the limit of that extension again. Because I still haven't been able to update the production VMware environment such that the tool will operate in it in the manner in which I want it to operate, I'm stuck having to go back again to say, "Sorry, I need to extend this trial on it again." Even though I've paid, I'm still only able to operate in a trial mode. So, it's been difficult for us. 

    I've purchased and been licensed for one aspect of it, which is my preferred method, but the pricing and licensing will not work for the short-term and I can't draw back.

    Which other solutions did I evaluate?

    Yes, we did survey others. We didn't match up evaluations. We just didn't have a lot of resources for it. There was a desktop environment to a test evaluation.

    We primarily went with Vembu for its flexibility and features.

    What other advice do I have?

    You should never evaluate in your production environment, but make sure your evaluation is done as close as possible to your target.

    We are not using it with Hyper-V.

    I would rate this product in the high eights or nine (out of 10).

    Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
    PeerSpot user
    BhavaniShanmugam - PeerSpot reviewer
    BhavaniShanmugamProduct Analyst at Vembu Technologies

    Thank you for the feedback.

    We are glad that Vembu BDR Suite has met your expectations and worked well for your environment. Further, if you have any queries you can reach us through

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    Download our free BDRSuite Backup & Replication Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
    Updated: September 2024
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