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Broadcom Clarity vs JIRA Portfolio vs Planview Portfolios comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Featured Reviews

Jun 5, 2024
Risk management capability is good but there could be more features in terms of agile project delivery
I basicually use it for program management at financial services clients We primarily use it as a standalone program management tool. Value streams, investment cases, road mapping, and fast destinations. These are the ones we use to manage stuff. The risk management capability is good. It has a…
Yantao Zhao - PeerSpot reviewer
May 9, 2024
Provides the most functions and very efficient for internal communication
Everyone mentions tasks using JIRA. It is used for various everyday tasks, including dashboards, sprints, backlogs, and workloads It has been very efficient for internal communication and managing different data and work projects. It tracks the progress, the development, and more.  It is one of…
Sep 17, 2020
Offers a full view of projects, allocations, and effort to deliver our portfolio projects but the setup is very commplex
The ability to capture timesheets is the most valuable feature. Also, the ability to see what the full organization's working on is probably the biggest bang for the buck. Prior to implementing Enterprise One, we didn't have a tool to do any of that. We were hard-pressed to understand what our people were working on. Now, we have a full view of projects, allocations, and effort to deliver our portfolio projects. Enterprise One's ability to forecast remaining efforts is pretty good. It's a regular schedule, so you can see your burndown rate and see what's left on the project to spend from a labor and non-labor perspective. Its view into resource capacity and availability absolutely help us manage work. We can't plan out projects for delivery until we know if we have resources available to deliver them. That's been really critical. We look at our projects and see what availability of resources we have. That helps us to determine when we can start new work. Project managers can group work together and see the resource demands and costs at a consolidated level. They can create portfolios. We are able to drill down to the underlying details via consolidated information. We can see exactly what people are working on and we can see where they're charging their time. We can see their allocations and redistribute the load if we need to based on how much is being demanded for individuals. We hope that it will increase our on-time completion rates. That will hopefully happen when the projects are delivering. Some of them have end dates coming up in the next quarter and some not for another 6+ months. We'll probably be able to start viewing that within two to three months. I don't initially expect the on-time completion rate to be increased, but I'm hoping over time, we get better at project intake and estimation. That will help us to deliver things more efficiently and meet our timelines.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Being able to look at the data across team members, resources, projects and coming up with the algorithms and resources."
"Visibility to where we are on projects. It tells someone where we are; if we're in trouble or not."
"Broadcom Clarity PPM is a high-value product that helps users become productive. It's a very stable, scalable, and fast platform, even from a self management perspective."
"I enjoy the Risks/Issues section.I use that to raise things before they happen."
"It is allowing us to keep track of what our projects are doing, and the idea module, what projects are coming into the pipeline."
"Clarity PPM's strongest features are project and resource management."
"The most valuable feature is the portfolio functionality because we have the ability to work with different scenarios and many kinds of financial management. We can integrate with ERP, and with other solutions from third-party vendors. The financial model in Broadcom Clarity PPM, it's the most valuable aspect."
"Transparency and just having the ability to procure information that is pertinent."
"The workflows are the most valuable feature of the solution, whether for tasks, bugs, or chain requests from the site. I also like the solution's GUI, which is easy to navigate for everyone."
"The developers can simplify tasks and each one of them can undertake a task and then they continue with development. Our processes are more efficient and easier for our manager and developers to track them. Their work is more organized."
"The integration is very good. We've more or less integrated with everything including reporting and registering."
"Portfolio's best feature is integration with other JIRA products."
"We have found the solution to be stable."
"Managing product development and managing inter-team communications are also valuable features."
"The customized workflows we can define are very valuable. JIRA's private projects is very useful as well. There are also a lot of plugins that they provide."
"Jira Portfolio is useful for tracking time and hours. It's easy to manage, create tickets, and change the status of delivery reports. It's not complicated."
"We've brought our portfolio altogether. We have had multiple ways of reporting out what our portfolio is, whether it's in Excel, Word, or in different places. We brought all of our projects together in one place. That has worked out well for us. We've been able to manage the work on Gantt charts and our resources better. The big thing for us on research and development is around managing people's time, on which projects they are working on, and how much effort does it take to launch our projects."
"The financial planning capabilities are very useful. We have integration for an SAP system, and so we load financial data from SAP into Planview for prior months. And then we use the forecasting capabilities to get a complete picture of the cost of a specific project. The financial management is very useful."
"We're still in an early stage. Things will change as we use it more. I did program reports that are important and that will provide us with value."
"The sheer amount of information available in one single interface is valuable. Everything is there. It is also a lot of work to maintain all the information, but generally, you can find everything you need within this one tool."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the completeness of the standard, underlying metamodel."
"The resource management and assignment features are valuable. The timesheet management is also valuable because that is a requirement for us. So, the ability to see timesheet forecasting and timesheet actual submission from resources has been very useful and valuable to us."
"Its view into resource capacity and availability absolutely help us manage work. We can't plan out projects for delivery until we know if we have resources available to deliver them. That's been really critical. We look at our projects and see what availability of resources we have. That helps us to determine when we can start new work."
"The integration stuff from tool to tool, like Projectplace to Planview, to manage projects is the most valuable feature. It keeps all our tasks up-to-date. It closely follows up with everything, which is really cool."


"Another major concern I see is usability. Many users I've worked with, including myself, feel that the application could improve in terms of user-friendliness."
"Could be using more updated technologies."
"Financials are okay, but there's a lot of room for improvement in financials.​Financial plans, if those could be made so that you're not always grouping your financial data by predefined attributes, that would be helpful for us."
"Build more capability and unification into the reporting.​"
"Broadcom Clarity PPM should improve how the reports are being generated and contracts management."
"It should be integrated with CA Service Desk Manager so that, when you have time for a ticket or when someone gets assigned a ticket, in PPM it automatically shows that they have to account for that: that they would both enter time in the past and, also, that this is going to take them time in the future."
"The product's stability needs improvement."
"The solution could improve the way the workflow is developed. I think they could be more dynamic because they are in a way static. They're very powerful, but they don't have any interaction with end-users."
"The product's initial setup phase is complex."
"The team-centric view is slightly weaker in JIRA compared to its competitors, especially considering how I can evaluate how each resource has been placed, not just in one project but across JIRA."
"The query features should improve in JIRA Portfolio. For example, if I would have to create my own queries for looking into something such as what business features we have released last month, or the last three months, I don't know if I can do it. The solution requires a certain level of expertise."
"The product presently lacks visualization capabilities"
"The data query language needs improvement."
"There should be an integration of efforts between the cloud service providers' side and JIRA Portfolio."
"Currently lacks AWS integration."
"It would be nice if it could provide an end-to-end solution for a project."
"It is not an end-user-friendly product, and that's really the biggest thing. The hardest or the biggest hurdle I've ever had to face was adoption. I did the installation of the HP product in 2011. The company used it from 2011 to 2015, and the adoption was very high. When I was given the Planview product, adoption was very low. It wasn't as extensively used. We actually had people who wanted to go back to HP PPM because the interface of Planview was so broken, and it still is to some degree. So, it is not user-friendly. It doesn't flow the way a project manager thinks. What we did with HP PPM was a lot more manual programming. It wasn't as nice in terms of the interface, and it wasn't as pretty, but you could design it and build it so that everything flows with the way you worked, but Planview doesn't quite do that. There are a lot of screens. You have to jump back and forth. There are so many different places you have to go to just to do some basic tasks. That's the biggest thing that has really hindered adoption."
"One of the reasons why we've upgraded so many times is because of performance standards. We've just run into issues where we've had performance problems. Maybe they are not upgrading, but they're adding more horsepower. Then, we do go upgrade and lose that horsepower, which is frustrating from my perspective as an admin to lose that horsepower. Hopefully, that'll change."
"When I started working with Planview, I didn't know anything about project or resource management. I had to learn everything: the admin side, then the user side of it. Probably, in the beginning, I would implement in the blueprint or workshops more demos. A live demo of how the system works because we would like a little deeper dive in how the application works for us to understand what we need to provide, what we are doing, what we will be doing. Because in the beginning, it was so overwhelming, and we didn't know anything about the tool."
"We had issues with the data rephrasing."
"It is a bit of a rigid system."
"The solution needs to be better at accepting new ideas for upcoming releases."
"We do have some significant issues with our integrations that we're working through. Those are not as stable or reliable as what we would like."
"The technical people are very competent, but there is so much turnover in the people that we talk to, and that's frustrating. They will say, "We can make this work." Suddenly, that guy has left, and we have no one. Then, we have to start all over."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price point of Broadcom Clarity PPM is less than Planisware. If a customer comes to me, and the cost is the main parameter for the selection of a tool, then I'll recommend Broadcom because cost-wise, they are less than other solutions."
"Pricing is flexible, depending on the customer and the region."
"Better understanding of requirements and how it will be implemented (with number of licenses for a given budget) would help."
"We're also moving to the latest version for less than $20,000 for a major corporate system. It's just amazing."
"The licensing costs are a little bit high, and unfortunately, it has been a while since I've had that paperwork in front of me. I don't remember how much it was, but it seemed like it was fairly high. It is probably comparable to some of the other solutions because I do know that, for example, on a lot of the AWS stuff, they found that the costs wound up being higher than having some on-prem solution. Comparatively, Clarity is within the price range of other solutions."
"It is hard for them to say, "I have a person on my team who is going to be available, I am going to move that task to them". That requires a project management license, it doesn't require a team member license, so the licensing model does not sometimes support the way the business world is going."
"It is a little bit costly compared to others, but it is mature. Customer should understand this product is geared towards project management, not financial management."
"There are different licensing models with Broadcom Clarity PPM. With the software as a service model, you pay as you go, and if you are on-premises, you can buy a perpetual license and an annual fee for maintenance."
"We pay our fees annually, although monthly payments are also available."
"Given the solution’s significant functionality, benefits, and value, you get more than you pay for."
"The price is reasonable"
"When we first got the tool, it cost 3,000 euros a year for unlimited users, which was a great deal. But the prices kept going up over the years. I'm not involved with pricing anymore, but I heard they increased a lot, so we decided to stop using it."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing a six."
"I use the free version for personal use."
"The price could be improved."
"We only have nine people using it so we have a standard cost of $150 dollar per year. There are only additional costs if you exceed the limit of users, then you start paying by user. The cost is significantly higher."
"In the time that I've used it, we've doubled up the amount of dollars on our intended projects."
"With the costs, they were very understanding. Knowing that we were an existing customer, they were very much willing to work with us to make sure that we were able to transition to Enterprise One from PPM Pro."
"We have portfolio managers, resource managers, project managers, and time reporting licenses. These are the licenses that we have."
"I don't know about the actual pricing. I have not come across any costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"The cost of other pieces and integrating them in needs improvement."
"We are on the Flex licenses."
"Our licensing costs are probably $150,000 to $180,000 a year with 270 licenses total."
"Our licensing costs are about a quarter of a million dollars per year."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with Broadcom Clarity PPM?
The solution could improve the experience for the simple user by converging the comments and dashboards.
What is your primary use case for Broadcom Clarity PPM?
We use the solution to manage projects and provide reports for management.
What do you like most about JIRA Portfolio?
The solution's tracking capabilities helped ensure we had full visibility into planned work and scheduled work.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for JIRA Portfolio?
I do not believe that the product provides value for money since I feel that it is quite expensive. I don't have a cl...
What needs improvement with JIRA Portfolio?
From an improvement perspective, I would like to see the product of more integration capabilities with different plat...
What do you like most about Planview Portfolios?
Planview Management integrates seamlessly with other tools and systems used within the organization, such as enterpri...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Planview Portfolios?
Planview Portfolios is not too expensive. You get what you paid for.
What needs improvement with Planview Portfolios?
Enhancements are needed in: Advanced reporting and analytics: While Planview Management provides robust reporting and...

Also Known As

Clarity PPM, CA Clarity, CA PPM, CA Clarity PPM
Portfolio for JIRA
Planview Enterprise One, Troux



Sample Customers

Toyota Financial Services, GameStop, Polycom, Sky, Qantas, Cox Enterprises, Banco Mercantil, Borealis
Rosetta Stone, Sprint, UBS, Workday, Expedia, J.P. Morgan
UPS, NatWest, Ingram Micro, Canadian Tire, Viessmann, Volvo, NASCO, UNESCO
Find out what your peers are saying about, Microsoft, Asana and others in Project Management Software. Updated: August 2024.
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