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Broadcom Clarity vs JIRA Portfolio vs Planview Portfolios comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Featured Reviews

Stacey Feldman - PeerSpot reviewer
May 23, 2024
Has efficient customization features, but the stability needs improvement
We use Clarity to track time, utilization, and chargeability beyond traditional IT governance. It includes billing customers for staff hours, tracking billable and chargeable hours, and managing all internal and external projects and initiatives We use the product for a comprehensive contract…
Sep 25, 2018
My primary use case for this solution is for resourcing capacity managements. When embedding Jira Portfolio in a complete HLI cycle, I'm missing things to evaluate my ethic into my value stream.
My primary use case for Jira Portfolio is mainly resourcing capacity managements It allows me to do the capacity management and it allows me to qualify my ethics, and that's what the capabilities I was searching for in a solution like Jira Portfolio. When I want to embed Jira Portfolio in a…
Sep 21, 2020
A lot of of the value is around the project metrics, strategic planning, and programs and then tying that into outcomes
A lot of of the value is around the project metrics so far but as I get more plugged into the strategic management, it's strategic planning and programs and then tying that into outcomes. I work with executive leadership and that's really what they're looking for, to say, "Okay, what outcomes do we want to achieve and how are we going to get there, plan that out, sequence that out, and then get the work to do that? And then track the work back to where we're headed with our outcomes." A lot of seeing what stage work is at is based upon how you instruct people to build them out. As far as the tool, the tool has the capabilities, it's just getting the people to make the right choices in how they set up and then manage the data. That's always the challenge. It does a great job with forecasting remaining effort. The dependency is on the people and the process. With whom the people are managing, what their future plan looks like so that the forecasting can be accurate. It's about the due diligence and the work between the resources, resource management, and project management to say, "Here's what our schedule is. Here's the work remaining." And as long as that's being managed, it's great. The resource capacity helps us look at not only our future forecasting and what we need to do from a resource standpoint, but we can go back and see what we used. We can even leverage historical to understand what our future might look like and find the balance there. It helps us do both. Its ability to create summary reports across multiple projects is great as long as you're managing the base data correctly in the roll-up. I love a lot of the out-of-the-box reporting that they have and the ability to manage the configurations within our team. To be able to say, "Okay, we want to show this or we want to slice by this." And being able to be flexible in that. The reporting options are great because not only can you have so many out-of-the-box, but you've got the abilities to use Power BI, pull down things in Excel, and do portfolios. There are all kinds of different ways to manage data. As we transition into using the strategies and the outcomes, I'm very excited about some of the strategic dashboards that are out there. One of the things that we've started looking at are TreeMaps. TreeMaps have taken an interest in our leadership to see the distribution of some of the information and just by showing it in different ways. The only thing I'd say is that it would be nice to see some of the TreeMaps, not just on strategy, but on other data elements too. It provides end-to-end work management for the full spectrum of types of work in one tool. Historically, we've been just doing technology data, tracking, and reporting, but as we shift into the strategic management, I'm excited about the opportunities to be able to manage all work, not just tech work. We'll be able to track and understand where we're at with milestones towards our outcomes. We're looking forward to the system transition there. It's quite flexible, depending upon how the organization chooses to use it, which I think is great. There are some different ways that we've chosen to use it that maybe down the road, we may flex and change that as we go forward. I like that there's an opportunity to use it and partner with Planview to understand what your use cases are and what's the best way to manage through that. It can go through and group together in a strategic program on the strategy side. We've chosen to implement it so that it ties up there and then manage the initiatives. And you can see then the attachment and the roll-up, so it's an association. It sounds like there's maybe some more coming as we look at some more flexibility. We're able to drill down to details underlying the consolidated information. It's helped us drive awareness into what's going on and then being able to manage our completion rates better.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The product is flexible."
"It has highlighted areas in our company that were deficient in resources. It has allowed us to hire, then realize more benefits regarding the number of projects we can get done.​"
"Absolutely, the most active community I have ever been on."
"It helps all the portfolio managers and the program managers to take stock of the financial situation at the program and portfolio level, because it rolls up all the financials at the product level."
"The new UI makes it easier for people to go in there and know what to do. To train people, it's faster, more intuitive."
"It makes it easier to compare different opportunities, and to track the metrics though the process. It helps us make better choices of which opportunities to go after and not go after."
"Value streams, investment cases, road mapping, and fast destinations. These are the ones we use to manage stuff."
"The app style of the new UI is absolutely fantastic. It's the right way to go. Our users will love it."
"The solution's tracking capabilities helped ensure we had full visibility into planned work and scheduled work."
"We use Jira Portfolio in our organization for issue tracking and task management. We had many projects. We didn't use it much for forecasting, but we did use it a bit for release planning by assigning tasks to releases. We didn't use it for project management or scenario planning; we just used it for tasks."
"The developers can simplify tasks and each one of them can undertake a task and then they continue with development. Our processes are more efficient and easier for our manager and developers to track them. Their work is more organized."
"Version management is the most valuable feature of JIRA Portfolio."
"We have found the solution to be stable."
"The solution is very powerful and the underlying structure of it is well done. The company behind the solution is very open as far as their whole ecosystem is concerned. They also do a lot of work in the training area."
"The status update function is the most valuable feature."
"Portfolio's best feature is integration with other JIRA products."
"In my opinion, the financial planning feature is the most valuable feature of Planview Enterprise One."
"Enterprise One provides end-to-end work management for the full spectrum of types of work in one tool. It affects our project management because our project management uses Planview to monitor their daily work. Every night it loads our SAP system and then they monitor the daily work. They use Planview as a full planning and monitoring tool."
"The solution’s integrated product portfolio has transformed our organization’s delivery because people are a lot more accountable. When you have no accountability, then people don't always deliver the way that you want them to. Once you get accountability, they know that somebody is watching and the way that they manage their work changes quite a bit."
"The solution view into resource capacity and availability helps us to manage work."
"A lot of of the value is around the project metrics so far but as I get more plugged into the strategic management, it's strategic planning and programs and then tying that into outcomes. I work with executive leadership and that's really what they're looking for, to say, "Okay, what outcomes do we want to achieve and how are we going to get there, plan that out, sequence that out, and then get the work to do that? And then track the work back to where we're headed with our outcomes.""
"We have a fairly good picture of time tracking."
"We are able to see where everyone in the team is in terms of hours, where there is capacity, and where we can actually add them, e.g., other projects that they're not currently staffed to."
"We do a lot of big projects which are pretty expensive to structure the product development around and see the progress. Every time we start a project, we have to expense the spends for certain amounts. We need some baselines, like predictive versus actual."


"In terms of what could be improved, the end user interface could be improved to be more intuitive, because we sometimes have issues with customization. Sometimes we are not able to customize everything for the end user's interface, and they require more customization. We should be able to perform a deeper customization here."
"Needs Gantt to MS Project link."
"Financials are okay, but there's a lot of room for improvement in financials.​Financial plans, if those could be made so that you're not always grouping your financial data by predefined attributes, that would be helpful for us."
"It would be good for them to work on the user interface to make it more interactive."
"​​I would really like a modern UI. I do not want to get on a user interface and feel like I am in the 1990's.​"
"The look and the feel of 14.4 is a bit antiquated."
"Could be using more updated technologies."
"I wish patches would be quicker since we're a SaaS customer, and just be a non-event, so we don't have to go through a whole - essentially - upgrade cycle, just to do a patch. As a SaaS customer, I'd like the patch to just happen."
"I think their view needs to be more user friendly. The UI makes it difficult to find things. Secondly, the configuration is very complex. JIRA should help people find out what configuration they are using."
"The interface JIRA Portfolio could improve."
"Their interface is a little unique and I think that's partly because the core of the product has morphed into several sub-products, but the underlying architecture has stayed the same on all of them in that it was originally a help desk ticketing system. It's a very tech-focused product and that's fair given its origins, but if they really want to expand their community of users, then they're going to have to move beyond that a little bit and polish it up."
"The solution is sometimes complex to use"
"The product's initial setup phase is complex."
"n the next version I would like to see better reporting and safer plugins, as well as easier scalability."
"The team-centric view is slightly weaker in JIRA compared to its competitors, especially considering how I can evaluate how each resource has been placed, not just in one project but across JIRA."
"As there are no perfect solutions and considering that I rate JIRA Portfolio's stability an eight out of ten, I feel it is an area with certain shortcomings where improvements are required."
"When we first deployed, there were some issues. We never got to the root cause of why they happened. Since we didn't have any history with it, we weren't quite sure if this was a standard operating procedure or it truly was a glitch."
"The reporting capability and access to the fields for our system administrators to have access to the data without having to pay Enterprise One to get the data that's needed to create custom reports for management to create reports need improvement."
"The UI needs improvement. The UI should have more possibilities for users who are not specialized in using Planview. At the moment, it is more of a technical UI. I would like it to be an open user UI."
"There are some issues with how long it takes to load the data to Planview, It just depends on what your setup is. If there was a way Planview could maybe make the loading faster, in case you do have a lot of things going on with your setup."
"I would like a bit more flexibility, as far as the configuration, and have additional capabilities to configure, making it more flexible for our use."
"One big issue we have been having during our annual planning is that only the creator of a portfolio can edit it. This means that only the creator of a portfolio can edit which projects are included or excluded in it."
"I think some of the administrative aspects of it could be a little easier, especially when it comes to designing reports. The reporting coming out of it could be a little bit better."
"When it comes to reporting there are some challenges with integration."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is hard for them to say, "I have a person on my team who is going to be available, I am going to move that task to them". That requires a project management license, it doesn't require a team member license, so the licensing model does not sometimes support the way the business world is going."
"For all the functionalities of the solution, the price is in the market range, since it is a product which offers governance issues and supports the digital transformation, which is where we will go in the next year."
"The licensing costs are a little bit high, and unfortunately, it has been a while since I've had that paperwork in front of me. I don't remember how much it was, but it seemed like it was fairly high. It is probably comparable to some of the other solutions because I do know that, for example, on a lot of the AWS stuff, they found that the costs wound up being higher than having some on-prem solution. Comparatively, Clarity is within the price range of other solutions."
"There are different licensing models with Broadcom Clarity PPM. With the software as a service model, you pay as you go, and if you are on-premises, you can buy a perpetual license and an annual fee for maintenance."
"The price point of Broadcom Clarity PPM is less than Planisware. If a customer comes to me, and the cost is the main parameter for the selection of a tool, then I'll recommend Broadcom because cost-wise, they are less than other solutions."
"The price of Broadcom Clarity PPM is reasonable. My customers pay a license to use this solution on an annual basis."
"In recent times, I have been involved in the purchase of the license for this solution. However, the process of procurement changed and the option to buy individual licenses was no more available. The new subscription model was introduced, as a followed-up trend in the industry. The subscription costs put us in shock because it was double what we paid in the past as the yearly maintenance. We negotiated and the price was dropped. But this incident made me observe a lack of transparency from Broadcom in terms of licensing expenses. This isn't unique to Broadcom but seems to be a broader industry issue."
"Cost-wise, the tool is very expensive and some tools might be able to cater to 80% of the functionality provided by Broadcom Clarity PPM but are not as expensive."
"This solution has a comparable pricing in comparison to other similar products on the market."
"I use the free version for personal use."
"I rate JIRA Portfolio a five out of ten for its pricing."
"Portfolio is very expensive, costing on average $2000-3000 per user per month."
"We pay our fees annually, although monthly payments are also available."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing an eight."
"There are free plugins available, but most of them are at an additional cost. Additionally, other services are an extra cost."
"When we first got the tool, it cost 3,000 euros a year for unlimited users, which was a great deal. But the prices kept going up over the years. I'm not involved with pricing anymore, but I heard they increased a lot, so we decided to stop using it."
"The cost of other pieces and integrating them in needs improvement."
"Planview is a little pricey. From a licensing perspective, for just a simple timesheet user who does nothing in the system but reports time, the licensing is a little pricey, but you have to look at it from what it is that you get. We have 6,000 users, and I don't manage the system at all. I just have to do add them to the system. The servers, maintenance, OS levels, security patching for the OS, and all other things are not something that we maintain. So, you have to look at it from an operational perspective. It is not just the product itself. A holistic view has to be taken when you look at the product and how you're going to support it. I would have to hire an entire operation staff to bring it in-house, and at the end of the day, that might cost me more."
"We have several hundred licenses. It costs us several hundred thousand dollars a year."
"We have portfolio managers, resource managers, project managers, and time reporting licenses. These are the licenses that we have."
"Our licensing costs are about a quarter of a million dollars per year."
"We have unlimited licenses for all of our functionalities. Since we went global, we went with that model."
"I don't know about the actual pricing. I have not come across any costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"The licensing part is a bit costly in comparison with the other available PPM tools."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What needs improvement with Broadcom Clarity PPM?
The solution could improve the experience for the simple user by converging the comments and dashboards.
What is your primary use case for Broadcom Clarity PPM?
We use the solution to manage projects and provide reports for management.
What do you like most about JIRA Portfolio?
The solution's tracking capabilities helped ensure we had full visibility into planned work and scheduled work.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for JIRA Portfolio?
I do not believe that the product provides value for money since I feel that it is quite expensive. I don't have a cl...
What needs improvement with JIRA Portfolio?
From an improvement perspective, I would like to see the product of more integration capabilities with different plat...
What do you like most about Planview Portfolios?
Planview Management integrates seamlessly with other tools and systems used within the organization, such as enterpri...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Planview Portfolios?
Planview Portfolios is not too expensive. You get what you paid for.
What needs improvement with Planview Portfolios?
Enhancements are needed in: Advanced reporting and analytics: While Planview Management provides robust reporting and...

Also Known As

Clarity PPM, CA Clarity, CA PPM, CA Clarity PPM
Portfolio for JIRA
Planview Enterprise One, Troux



Sample Customers

Toyota Financial Services, GameStop, Polycom, Sky, Qantas, Cox Enterprises, Banco Mercantil, Borealis
Rosetta Stone, Sprint, UBS, Workday, Expedia, J.P. Morgan
UPS, NatWest, Ingram Micro, Canadian Tire, Viessmann, Volvo, NASCO, UNESCO
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