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Carla Pickard - PeerSpot reviewer
Director of Information Technology at Freshstone Brands
Real User
Great endpoint protection with useful reporting and effective alert ranking
Pros and Cons
  • "We now have a single cybersecurity product that protects all of our threat services, and all the endpoints."
  • "I'd love the price to be a little bit less."

What is our primary use case?

The main reason we wanted to have an MDR system was to monitor our network both internally and externally for any potential threats or risks that we might have that could create a problem for the business. That's the main reason for it. 

What is most valuable?

I like the solution in part due to the fact that it is Canadian-based, so being from Canada, I like to work with Canadian vendors if possible. It is very comprehensive, and the price point is better than some of the others that I looked at, which were more expensive, for example, Arctic Wolf and eSentire, and some of the other sick security solutions on the market.

We get regular AROs that alert us of anything that we need to be aware of that's happening. The ARO features are really important since they're also ranked by risk. Something that's high or critical would get our immediate attention. And then medium and low, these are things that we know that we need to address. However, we've got a little bit more time to take a look at them. We've got a really small IT team, and I can't afford to have a full-time security person working for me. Having this as a service where their analysts are reviewing the incidents as they come up is helpful. They can help us troubleshoot or understand the source of the issue. That is really, really important for us as we have no way of doing this otherwise with a team of three people.

I like that surveillance is backed by experts who are constantly monitoring for attacks and risks. That's really the key selling point for me. I want my system to be constantly monitored. You want to know what's happening at all times within the network or even on some of our cloud services. For example, we use Microsoft 365. If someone's trying to hack one of our user's accounts, I want to know that that's happening. With this product, I would get an alert for that.

The ease of managing the product is great. I don't do it myself on a day-to-day basis. The team does it. However, the team likes the software. They understand how it works. When they need assistance, they can ask one of the security experts who will help them do the analysis and understand exactly what's happening, why it's happening, and help them resolve the issue. We've activated the active response, so when there's a risk where they see a particular user account that looks like it may have been infiltrated, it will automatically shut that down. That way, if something is happening, they shut the door right away so that if it's a hack or trying to get in, no one is going to get access.

We make use of the tagging of security threats such as actions, recommendations, and observations. We also have the add-ins for Outlook, as phishing has become prolific now. We're getting a lot of phishing emails. We've trained our employees to be alert when they see a phishing email. They know that they can go and click on the Covalence button in Outlook to report that message. The team is alerted that there was a phishing email that came in that way. In addition to that, when they click that button, it asks them a few simple questions about what actions they've taken. For example, did they click on a link? Did they open a document? Did they actually do anything that might be triggering some kind of a virus or something like that in our network? Covalence gets that information, and they can assess if there's a risk there. 

We now have a single cybersecurity product that protects all of our threat services, and all the endpoints. East, West, North, South - it covers everything on all of our entry points. That's one of the big selling points is that every endpoint and every access point is covered.

Covalence helps our security team save some time. Since I don't actually have a full-time security team, it's really great. The IT team doesn't really have a lot of time to dedicate to security. And they aren't experts. They're more generalists. Therefore, just having access to true expertise in security is really, really important to me. And they're monitoring 24/7. My guys go home at night; they're not necessarily looking at any of the systems to see if something's going on. Having the alerts that come into all of our phones allows us to see right away if there's a high or critical alert, and we can immediately address it whatever time of day it is.

Besides the AROs that are really specific to my network, I get regular monthly reports. They include, for example, when there's a major threat that's out there that's been identified. They'll send out an email, and I can read up on that and determine if there's any risk to my organization.

Cylance gives recommendations on how to reduce risk. We meet regularly with the Covalence team, and we go over the status of our AROs, some of the situations that happened, any concerns, and things like that. They definitely provide recommendations as well on alert observations. Some of the recommendations are less of a priority for us. However, we definitely want to follow through on those so that we're closing the door on any possible threats.

What needs improvement?

I'd love the price to be a little bit less. I've been in IT for 25 years and security is obviously causing my budget to really balloon from what it used to be. I'm always looking to make things more cost-effective. 

While the interface is pretty good, they could always improve on it and make it more user-friendly. Darktrace, for example, has a really nice interface, however, its functionality wasn't necessarily what we needed. 

For how long have I used the solution?

We originally started using the solution in February or March of 2022. However, I worked with it at a different company as well and used it there since 2019.

Buyer's Guide
Field Effect MDR
October 2024
Learn what your peers think about Field Effect MDR. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: October 2024.
813,418 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We've had no issues with stability at all. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution is completely scalable. We went through a growth phase last year, and they were able to keep up with that. 

How are customer service and support?

My team has contacted technical support, typically about pretty minor stuff. In the tear we've been on it, we've reached out maybe one to two times. They offer prompt responses. I've never heard anyone complain about them. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

It did not replace any cybersecurity solutions. However, we did not have anything like this in place. We did look at alternative solutions before we made the decision to go with Covalence. However, we did not really have much of anything other than your basic antivirus software. We needed proactive instead of reactive security, which is why we chose this product.

How was the initial setup?

While I authorized its use, I was not involved in the initial deployment. My staff was. There were two people who handled the implementation. It was mostly handled by one individual, however.

It's maintained by the vendor, and they do that remotely.

What was our ROI?

I've never sat down and calculated the ROI.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

While they were very competitive compared to some of the other ones we looked at, I'm always looking to reduce my costs.

What other advice do I have?

I'm a customer and end-user.

If someone was interested in an MDR system, I would definitely tell them to look at this product and include them in any vendor comparison that they were doing. They're very comparable to the other bigger, more well-known MDR solution providers out there. They bring a lot to the table. The company was founded with members from the Canadian National Defense. They really know what needs to be done at the highest levels of security, and they were able to take that knowledge and experience and build a solution that is comparable to all of the others out there. 

They're a good team to work with. It's really important to me to have a team who are responsive and good to work with. 

I'd rate the solution ten out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Manager of Digital Customer Engagements and Projects at a healthcare company with 11-50 employees
Backed by experts, easy to manage, and saves us time
Pros and Cons
  • "It provides valuable insights into our IT environment, enabling us to improve reselling, upgrades, and customer management."
  • "Covalence's SEAS feature wasn't very user-friendly."

What is our primary use case?

We leverage Field Effect Covalence for our customers' cybersecurity needs. We offer it as a value-added service to our clients, acting as a trusted reseller for Field Effect. For companies that have experienced security breaches or vulnerabilities, we prioritize recommending Field Effect Covalence's immediate deployment. Integrating Covalence enables swift remediation through its robust cybersecurity policies and tools. Moreover, we actively promote the adoption of Field Effect Covalence as a comprehensive security solution within our existing customer base, as we firmly believe in its efficacy.

We implement Field Effect Covalence to satisfy cybersecurity policies and remediate existing threats and incidences.

We've deployed Covalence in the cloud for some clients, but most have on-premise deployments due to our pre-existing on-premise equipment. While I anticipate a shift towards cloud adoption as clients transition to cloud services, our current focus remains on physical installations.

How has it helped my organization?

Covalence's backing by experts who constantly monitor for attacks and risks is a great advantage. I've had the pleasure of working with them for a long time, and their professionalism and expertise are truly commendable.

The tagging feature effectively prioritizes tickets by highlighting the most urgent issues. When someone receives a tagged alert, it automatically becomes a top priority. Observations, while important, are addressed later as resources permit.

Managing Covalence is easy and their support team is good if we run into a problem.

While Covalence doesn't proactively cover all our threat services, they've made significant strides over the years. Their continuous development efforts have expanded their capabilities beyond what we currently utilize. While we collaborate with their development team on specific needs, their overall coverage surpasses our current requirements.

Covalence saves us significant time by eliminating the need to manually search for vulnerabilities. Instead of hunting through side channels, we receive vulnerability reports directly, streamlining the process. Additionally, Covalence identifies outdated software, allowing us to automate updates previously handled manually. This automation, driven by Covalence's insights, saves us a considerable amount of back-end time by eliminating manual tasks.

We have implemented other cybersecurity solutions for our customers, including Darktrace, but have found them to be inadequate compared to Covalence, leading us to consolidate onto this superior platform.

Covalence has improved our client's security coverage. They love the solution.

Covalence keeps us informed about the most critical security threats and guides how to address them. We hold monthly meetings to discuss ongoing security concerns, and in case of urgent issues, we communicate directly with Covalence's team. Additionally, we maintain regular communication with their development, support, and admin teams.

Covalence delivers daily recommendations to help us reduce platform risk. These recommendations are crucial, as addressing them safeguards against potential threats. Therefore, they are of great importance to both us and our customers.

What is most valuable?

Covalence is an impressive product that has gained significant traction with customers. It provides valuable insights into our IT environment, enabling us to improve reselling, upgrades, and customer management. This is primarily due to the increased visibility it offers into our infrastructure, which was previously fragmented across multiple portals. Covalence consolidates this information into a single pane of glass, providing a centralized hub for accessing all relevant data. Furthermore, it integrates seamlessly with our ticketing system, event solutions, and various business processes.

What needs improvement?

Covalence's SEAS feature wasn't very user-friendly. I heard they're working on improvements to provide better user feedback, but I don't know if that's been implemented yet. Regardless, it's good to see they're addressing the issue.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Field Effect Covalence for almost five years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We typically put our appliances in passive mode. And so they mirror traffic, but they do not interrupt traffic. I don't recall any customer having disruption because of the Covalence appliance.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Field Effect Covalence is easily scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support team is excellent. They are highly responsive and have a deep understanding of the product. It has been a pleasure working with them as one of the lead project managers.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously partnered with Darktrace, but our experience with Covalence was significantly more positive, leading us to switch.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment is straightforward, and Field Effect has a supportive team to assist if needed. However, there are some preliminary steps we need to take in the portal, which typically takes about 30 minutes if we have all the necessary information. On-premises deployment time can vary depending on the specific circumstances, such as the number of locations, appliances, and internet links involved. Therefore, the deployment timeline ultimately depends on the company's infrastructure and configuration. The longest a deployment has taken us is a few days and the shortest was half an hour. One person from our team is required for the deployment. In some situations, there may be a person involved from the client's side because they have some information for us but most of the time we have all the information.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The licensing model itself is solid, but we're ironing out some inconsistencies in how customer profiles are configured. This is particularly relevant in a user-based model, where company headcount might be low while actual user counts are higher due to contractors or remote workers. It creates a gray area about which users get billed, but we're actively discussing solutions with Field Effect.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Field Effect Covalence an eight out of ten.

While Covalence rarely requires maintenance, we've encountered two instances requiring service in the past. In one case, an appliance overheated as a result of an external environmental factor and in the other, hardware failure necessitated a complete replacement. Fortunately, both replacements were handled promptly.

I suggest getting a demo. It is quite impressive. If anybody knows anything about cybersecurity, they'll see by the demo that Field Effect Covalence covers everything.

Before deploying Covalence, it's crucial to have thorough documentation to properly scope the project. The biggest pitfall is deploying Covalence into the wrong environment because of an inadequate understanding of the existing infrastructure. A thorough scoping meeting is essential to define what needs to be protected, and this often requires a detailed inventory of the current environment, which some organizations may lack.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: MSP Reseller
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
Field Effect MDR
October 2024
Learn what your peers think about Field Effect MDR. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: October 2024.
813,418 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Lisa H. - PeerSpot reviewer
Client Success Manager at Sera Brynn
Informs us of threats and offers clear recommendations for addressing them
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable aspects of Covalence for me are the exceptional customer service and the support from the dedicated team."
  • "While the reporting is good, I would like more of a white-label option with my company's name at the top and a clean look for the report."

What is our primary use case?

I use Field Effect Covalence primarily for EDR across various clients. It serves as a crucial layer of backup protection, enhancing overall security measures. The valance feature is particularly appreciated for its effectiveness in safeguarding our systems.

In the beginning, our main goal was to provide our clients with the best possible cybersecurity solution, and that's when we implemented Covalence. The primary objective was to ensure top-notch security, and so far, it has proven effective – we haven't experienced any breaches since its implementation.

How has it helped my organization?

The main benefit I have experienced with Covalence over the years is the peace of mind it provides. I don't have to worry about anything – it is a reliable product that has never been hacked.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable aspects of Covalence for me are the exceptional customer service and the support from the dedicated team.

What needs improvement?

In terms of improvement, I have discussed with Covalence about improving reporting for vendors like us. While the reporting is good, I would like more of a white-label option with my company's name at the top and a clean look for the report, perhaps with "Field Effect" or "Covalence" at the bottom. They are already working on it, which is great.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Field Effect Covalence for about a year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have not experienced any issues with the stability of Covalence.

How are customer service and support?

The customer support is excellent. They are very fast and helpful. I would rate the support as a ten out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment of the solution is straightforward.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing for Covalence is great.

What other advice do I have?

It is extremely important to me that Covalence is backed by experts for constant monitoring of attacks and risks.

Managing surveillance with Covalence is super easy. It is user-friendly to the point that even someone without extensive technical knowledge finds it straightforward to handle.

It significantly helps our security team save time in various ways. We are spared from manual monitoring, and we no longer need to rely on other products that may not be as trustworthy.

Covalence is replacing multiple cybersecurity solutions for us. We are in the process of phasing out some, including Arctic Wolf, as we find that Covalence meets our needs more effectively.

Covalence informs me of threats and provides clear recommendations on how to address them. I find the recommendations to be wonderful, making it easy to address and hunt for the rest of the potential threats.

My advice to new users is that Covalence is like our secret weapon in cybersecurity. It might be newer and not widely known yet, but I would strongly advise them not to overlook it – implementing it is a smart move. Overall, I would rate the solution as a nine out of ten.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: MSP Reseller
PeerSpot user
Adrian Gilman - PeerSpot reviewer
Information Systems Engineer at Realdecoy Inc.
Real User
Top 20
The online portal is intuitive and user-friendly and helps remediate threats
Pros and Cons
  • "The ARO alerts are helpful to use almost daily to get a sense of what actions we need to take to expedite security measures."
  • "I would like Covalence to implement patch management as well."

What is our primary use case?

We use Field Effect Covalence to safeguard our network and users across both our physical locations and cloud environments. Its integration seamlessly extends to all our tools, encompassing AWS, Azure, and Office 365. Additionally, we maintain physical appliances at our offices to further enhance security. Furthermore, Field Effect Covalence effectively tracks outstanding updates and security threats on our endpoint devices.

We sought to reduce our threat landscape, and Field Effect Covalence provided us with the visibility to do so. They provided valuable insights into the vulnerabilities we needed to address, enabling us to enhance our overall security posture.

How has it helped my organization?

It is extremely important that Covalence is backed by experts who are constantly monitoring for attacks and risks. This continuous monitoring is a cornerstone of our security posture. We highly value the thoroughness of their monitoring, which not only alerts us to errors for prompt action but also oversees the availability of the appliances at our installer locations. This vigilance ensures that even if a device goes offline in a remote area without readily available technical personnel, we are immediately notified and can address the issue promptly. Maintaining uninterrupted access to the platform is crucial for our operations.

Covalence is easy to manage. The online portal is intuitive and user-friendly, and their agents provide periodic check-ins to ensure we're always up-to-date on the latest features. Occasionally, we receive calls from company representatives who demonstrate new features and inquire about their potential impact on our operations. Overall, the platform is exceedingly user-friendly, and we've encountered no issues.

We utilize security threat tagging to prioritize action items for immediate attention. While we review recommendations to determine their implementation feasibility, we also identify higher-risk items that may not have immediate visibility. This tagging approach provides valuable insights, enabling us to address any overlooked issues.

Covalence is comprehensive. It's not the only tool that we use, but it is one of the most important, and it covers the majority of our use cases.

Covalence helps save us hours per month.

It has augmented what we would have had for cybersecurity previously.

Covalence's recommendations for remediating and responding to threats have positively impacted our security operations. For some time, this has enhanced our flexibility and provided us with greater insight into the situation. This flexibility has enabled us to take action on any outstanding items that may have previously lacked visibility in our insider intelligence.

Covalence's recommendations are crucial to our operations. We heavily rely on their guidance to improve our security posture and mitigate potential threats.

What is most valuable?

The ARO alerts are helpful to use almost daily to get a sense of what actions we need to take to expedite security measures. These alerts align with our security needs. When the updates are released, they show us whether our endpoints need to be patched, if there have been login attempts from suspicious locations, or if our systems are compromised. Since the alerts go directly to our inboxes, we can review them promptly and address any security concerns.

What needs improvement?

I would like Covalence to implement patch management as well.

It would be beneficial to add the ability to create groups for endpoint devices within the portal.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Field Effect Covalence for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I would rate the stability of Field Effect Covalence a ten out of ten.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Field Effect Covalence scales well.

How are customer service and support?

Our customer support team is consistently prompt in responding to our inquiries via email or phone. We primarily communicate with them through email, and they are always quick to reply. Their expertise in addressing our concerns is consistent.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The deployment is straightforward.

What about the implementation team?

The Covalence team helped us with the implementation.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Although Covalence is expensive, it provides good value for the price.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Field Effect Covalence ten out of ten.

Covalence only requires minimal patch updates with no other maintenance.

I highly recommend Field Effect Covalence. The amount of unseen threats is unbelievable and Field Effect Covalence brings them to light.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Director of Technical Services at GAM
Top 20
Things happen when you sleep, so it's a big comfort knowing that people are watching who have the autonomy to act
Pros and Cons
  • "Covalence's cloud protection element has been excellent. A lot of organizations are using 365. It's hard to find a secure solution for protecting accounts. We've gone down the path of trying to utilize other security solutions for that particular area. We've been disappointed and always come back to trying to implement Covalence when we can so we know people are safe."
  • "Covalence should provide a live view of the endpoint because the endpoint view in the portal is 5 to 15 minutes behind the actual status of the endpoint and its vulnerabilities. When it doesn't update with the actual status, it makes managing those things harder because sometimes something gets updated, and one of those vulnerabilities has gone away, but that doesn't appear in the ARO."

What is our primary use case?

I'm a Field Effect reseller, and my clients use Covalence as an affordable fabric security solution. 

How has it helped my organization?

Covalence cuts down on the number of cybersecurity solutions you need because Field Effect is rigid. They're like, "It's all us or nothing." It's their Microsoft 365. They won't let you use your own EDR. It's all under one umbrella. They consolidate all the products into one service, which can be good and bad. It's good because you don't have to think about anything. It's bad because some larger organizations might want their own EDR products or endpoint security. Sometimes, it works; sometimes, it does not. 

What is most valuable?

Covalence's cloud protection element has been excellent. A lot of organizations are using 365. It's hard to find a secure solution for protecting accounts. We've gone down the path of trying to utilize other security solutions for that particular area. We've been disappointed and always come back to trying to implement Covalence when we can so we know people are safe.

The solution's expert monitoring is huge. Things happen when you sleep, so it's a big comfort knowing that people are watching who have the autonomy to act on things. It's a great augmentation to our own staff. Managing Covalence isn't that hard, but it notifies you of a lot of issues, and the vulnerability management aspect requires a lot of upkeep. It's challenging to keep everything 100 percent patched and stay on top of the vulnerabilities that they detect, but it's necessary. 

Some things are actions, some are recommendations, and some are observations. You are presented with these things, and you get some insight about the level of severity and whether or not it's something you need to jump on right away. It helps you prioritize the critical things by telling you an action that you must deal with immediately. 

What needs improvement?

Covalence should provide a live view of the endpoint because the endpoint view in the portal is 5 to 15 minutes behind the actual status of the endpoint and its vulnerabilities. When it doesn't update with the actual status, it makes managing those things harder because sometimes something gets updated, and one of those vulnerabilities has gone away, but that doesn't appear in the ARO. The ARO information becomes outdated. There should be more alignment between the actual view, the endpoint view, and the ARO list. It also lacks email security, so you have to implement other things. They cover a lot but not everything.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have used Covalence for a little over two years now.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Performance and stability aren't issues. It doesn't really slow anything down. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Covalence scales from small to large. That's not an issue.

How are customer service and support?

I rate Field Effect's support nine out of 10. The response could be better. Their expertise is always excellent. When things come up, it's great to be able to plug into their team. They have a lot of expertise available to us that they share. We work together to get issues resolved, or they will mitigate the problems as soon as things are detected. They've never let us down. There were some bumps in the road in the beginning, but they seem to have passed. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

There weren't many options when we were looking to buy. I wasn't using anything equivalent in the past because it was just starting to get ramped up and things were starting to get back from the cybersecurity perspective. There were only large enterprise business solutions to choose from. There weren't options that fit into the SMB space. We were looking for something, came across Covalence, and gave it a try and it's worked out. 

How was the initial setup?

Everything is hard when you first do it, but now deploying Covalence isn't a big deal. The deployment time depends on the size of the user base. There are just a couple of steps. The cloud part isn't difficult. Next, you deploy the endpoints. You may need to remove what's already there. It's all dictated by the number of users and systems. You must track down all those systems and ensure everybody gets that endpoint software. After deployment, it doesn't require a lot of maintenance. It's self-updating. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing isn't sized, so Field Effect doesn't make it easy for anything under 25 users. I'm not crazy about that.

What other advice do I have?

I rate Field Effect Covalence nine out of 10. Many people out there try to do it themselves. They'll try to use a freeware or open-source solution to build their own thing. I see this in my industry a lot. People try to maximize profits by finding the most inexpensive solutions out there and combining them all under one solution. 

However, at the end of the day, your team has to monitor them 24/7. If you're not, what's the point? It doesn't work. Trying to talk somebody out of building a better mouse trap is always hard.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: MSP Reseller
Flag as inappropriate
PeerSpot user
Vice President at Shaw Computer Systems Inc.
Top 20
Helps save time for the security team, is easy to manage, and backed by experts
Pros and Cons
  • "What I like the most about Field Effect Covalence is the ease of deployment, the fact that it's cost-effective to roll out, and it is reasonable."
  • "Field Effect Covalence could benefit from enhancing its packing slip process."

What is our primary use case?

We're a managed service provider. So we resel Field Effect Covalence services to our customers for cybersecurity.

Field Effect Covalence can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid depending on each customer's requirements.

How has it helped my organization?

It is imperative that Covalence is backed by experts who are constantly monitoring for attacks and risks.

Managing Covalence is straightforward.

With Covalence, we have seen increased security, increased revenue, and a fuller product line, which helps us move into the security market.

Covalence provides a single cybersecurity product that proactively protects all of our threat surfaces.

It is nice that Covalence reduces the number of cybersecurity products needed by providing three threat services.

Covalence's 24/7 monitoring significantly reduces our security team's workload.

Covalence informs us of threats and provides recommendations on how to remediate them.

What is most valuable?

What I like the most about Field Effect Covalence is the ease of deployment, the fact that it's cost-effective to roll out, and it is reasonable. It's at a really good price point, and it provides great protection.

What needs improvement?

Field Effect Covalence could benefit from enhancing its packing slip process. When receiving multiple devices simultaneously, it can be challenging to initiate setup due to inadequate labeling on the packing slips, which often fails to clarify device-to-customer associations.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Field Effect Covalence for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Field Effect Covalence is stable. We have not experienced any issues.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Field Effect Covalence is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support responds quickly.

How would you rate customer service and support?


What was our ROI?

We have seen a return on investment with Field Effect Covalence.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is comparable to what else is out there.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Field Effect Covalence a nine out of ten.

Someone interested in a cybersecurity solution but has never heard of Field Effect Covalence, should check it out.

To anyone looking at Field Effect Covalence, I recommend doing their homework, doing a demo, comparing pricing, and ensuring it fits their environment.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Mike Kielty - PeerSpot reviewer
Vice President, Information Technology at a manufacturing company with 51-200 employees
Real User
Top 20
If something is identified by the system, you can reach out to a human if you need help with the analysis
Pros and Cons
  • "It's running in the background and does a packet-level analysis of everything that comes in. It also has an auto-response feature, so if something gets through and is clicked on, or somehow gets through the network, it gets isolated and quarantined, and we get notified."
  • "The area where they can make it better is by giving responses to the end-user. For example, when there is an alert to the administrator, I get it. I have to copy and paste everything to everyone... And then I have to follow up with them, and it's a real pain."

What is our primary use case?

It's our cybersecurity solution for cloud, network, and endpoints. We do a weekly review of the endpoints, and because software is always changing and no software is secure, we are updating software all the time. We rely on them for our cybersecurity solution.

How has it helped my organization?

Covalence informs you of the threats and how to address them. They send emails and texts. They tell you what the level is. You can see the recommendations and ask for help. You can escalate. It's very helpful.

For a small business that doesn't have a full IT or cybersecurity department, their guys are there when you need them. If something comes up and gets identified by the system, you can reach out to a human if you need help doing the analysis. A couple of times, I ran software that did the analysis, and then I sent it back to them. They were able to review what the malware was and evaluate whether it was safe or not to proceed after it was clean.

What is most valuable?

For endpoint management, Covalence identifies operating systems that need updating to help us stay on top of everything. It's running in the background and does a packet-level analysis of everything that comes in. It also has an auto-response feature, so if something gets through and is clicked on, or somehow gets through the network, it gets isolated and quarantined, and we get notified. We've had one instance of that scenario where someone got an Excel spreadsheet that was malicious, and we were notified and it was quarantined. We worked with the forensic team at Covalence and ran a full review of that computer.

The packet-level analysis—knowing that everything that comes in is getting looked at—and the endpoint protection are the most valuable features. Whatever comes in, it can be as if your door is always open. If you're on the internet, things can creep in that you don't want. But Covalence is looking at everything that comes through.

And the auto-response is valuable, knowing that it's going to quarantine any malicious thing that happens to get through or when a user happens to click on something they shouldn't have clicked on. Email is the major vector of cyber attacks, and we do have training for that. But in the event that someone clicks on something they shouldn't, the system will isolate it and quarantine it. And their team does a post-event analysis.

They have experts available to do a forensic-level evaluation of what the issue is. Luckily, we haven't had any serious attacks. I don't know if that can be attributed 100 percent to Covalence, but we have peace of mind knowing it's there.

We use the tagging of alerts, recommendations, and observances, as well as the SEAS (suspicious email alert system). The tagging is a different way of categorizing threats. Endpoint management gives me the person that I need to deal with for a specific vulnerability. But the tagging identifies vulnerabilities at a vulnerability level. An example might be "out-of-date software soon," and then it would list out the 12 employees who are running that on their endpoints. If you approach it by endpoint, it's the opposite. It will say, "Here's the endpoint and all the vulnerabilities." The tagging helps me prioritize. Often, it's just an observance, such as someone using Tor browser for something. It comes in as text and email, and you can take care of it.

What needs improvement?

The area where they can make it better is by giving responses to the end-user. For example, when there is an alert to the administrator, I get it. I have to copy and paste everything to everyone, telling them, "Hey, your Zoom is out of date," or "Mac user, you have to update your iOS because there's a vulnerability." And then I have to follow up with them, and it's a real pain.

Also, with the email alert system, when people have suspicious emails they forward them. The analysis comes back, and I have access to it. But what I want is that if someone who is not the administrator sends in a suspicious email, they should get the email back with the response from Covalence. Now, it keeps that information in the administrator portal. But I want to get out of the way. If someone reports something, the answer should go back to that person, not to me. In some cases, it requires an admin to execute software updates, but I would like them to know exactly what they need to do to be up-to-date and have a vulnerability-free endpoint.

For how long have I used the solution?

We have been using Field Effect Covalence for at least three years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I don't think it's ever crashed. It's always running in the background. I get reports on how many scans and how many malicious things it has stopped. I have peace of mind knowing we have some protection running.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I would assume it's scalable, but it's not as if my company went from 40 to 5,000 employees. For us, the scalability is unknown.

How are customer service and support?

The support is good because you never know when you're going to need help with something.

That time I mentioned, when someone in the warehouse got an email with a spreadsheet that came up as a high alert, we quarantined him, and then we did the analysis with their help. I called in and support said, "We're going to send you an executable to give us all the data from that computer so we can analyze it, see how they got in, and what toolkit they used for the Excel."

There was no repercussion, but it was great being able to call immediately and have a forensic-level guy on the line that could advise us.

And if I ever have questions, I can send an email, and they're really good about responding. That's when it's more of a casual question. But when something is pressing or urgent, that's when you call in.

They're good in both respects. They're very good. When I needed them, they were absolutely there.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We had something super-basic and rudimentary: a firewall and spam filter. That wasn't a model that was keeping up with cybersecurity threats. We went from having a super low-level, basic security setup to having an actual modern cybersecurity tool to help us identify and deal with threats.

Cybersecurity is a standard requirement now. It's not that you can just get away with a firewall and a spam filter. We knew a lot of companies that got hacked, and we wanted to be ahead of the curve. I brought it up and was doing some initial due diligence, and then our CFO said we needed a solution. I had told them before about Field Effect Covalence and that I reached out to all the majors, but the starting point for them was $24,000 a year.

The fact that Covalence is backed by experts who are constantly monitoring for attacks is very important to us. One of the reasons I selected Covalence was because their founder was a big name in cybersecurity. He was Canada's number-one cybersecurity guy, and he worked with a task force that was like the MI5-equivalent of cybersecurity back in the day. That was good to know.

Also, with this product, you have access to all of these features, whereas with other systems, it seemed like if something happened, you would have to pay a consultant some crazy rate per hour to sort out your situation. Whenever something happens or I have a question about one of the endpoints, they have people to help out.

I have an account manager, which is very helpful, and we do quarterly reviews. It's a complete solution for us as a small to midsized company. There were a lot of solutions out there for enterprises, because that's where the money is, but cyberattackers don't care if you are a small or midsized company. If they can get money out of you, they're going to hit you. They shoot things out, and wherever they land is is where they go. So this was the right solution for us, and we've been really happy with it so far.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment of Covalence was super easy. I'm an IT generalist with a certain focus on integration, e-commerce, and SQL. The diagram instructed you  to plug the blue cable in next to the blue dot. It was super dumbed-down, which was perfect for me.

As for maintenance, there was one time when they updated the endpoint agent, but it was super easy because everything is monitored. I had to update all the endpoints, and it was pretty easy, but I didn't have to update the hardware.

What about the implementation team?

I did it all by myself, without any help from anyone. It was really simple.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

When we were searching, it was when cybersecurity was a huge topic and there was an unclear market. It wasn't like if I needed a CRM, Salesforce was absolutely the number one, or if I needed an e-commerce system, Shopify was absolutely the number one.

And most of what was out there was built for enterprises, and they would parse out the different components. You might get one component for one thing, another component for another thing, and a third component for another aspect of cybersecurity. Each one would be about $24,000 a year. That just wasn't affordable for a small to medium business at all.

I got in touch with Arctic Wolf, but they were for the big spender, at $24,000. A lot of other companies were in the same ballpark. It was a barrier to entry, and we couldn't just shop around and try this one this year and another one next year.

What other advice do I have?

When it comes to managing Covalence, it's easy in the sense that all the information is there, but it's not automatic. You can't just plug it in and go to the golf course or take a nap. Someone has to review it and follow up, especially on the endpoints. It's like the weather: things change every day. New emails come in, and that's probably the biggest attack vector. There are always new threat actors. It's not difficult, but you need to monitor it and respond to whatever shows up on your dashboard. You need to keep all your systems up-to-date, patched, and secure. It helps.

For example, Zoom updates their software just about every week. Everyone knows, "Okay, we have to update soon," because Covalence runs a comparison of identified vulnerabilities, and they always show up.

Covalence doesn't cover physical assets, but it covers all the digital resources: networks, endpoints, and the cloud. It is installed and monitoring all the traffic on all of those systems. It is the product that does everything.

If you haven't heard of Field Effect, you should consider it. What sold me is that it is a complete solution that is priced competitively. And I'm not saying that I bought it on price alone, but it ticked all the boxes that I was looking for: endpoint, network, cloud, and it wasn't $24,000 a year. For a small company, that's a sizable amount. There just wasn't an SMB product that could compete with Covalence when I was looking. Maybe there is one out there now, but I have sat in on so many presentations and I didn't see any for small and medium-sized businesses like Covalence. Maybe now that the enterprise market is saturated, Arctic Wolf is coming out with a less feature-rich product priced for small-to-medium-sized businesses. But it's hard to compete with Covalence in that market based on its feature set and cost.

The big takeaway is that we haven't been paralyzed by a cyberattack. I know it's stopping things. I don't know if there was some threat actor who tried to attack us and then said to themselves, "Oh, man, these guys have Covalence." For me, it's a case of job security that we haven't been attacked. If anything happens, they're going to look at me as the VP of IT and say, "It's your fault." But we haven't been attacked, and we see all the vulnerabilities. It's all laid out. It's monitoring every endpoint and every packet. For me, that's peace of mind.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Vice President at Owen Faricy Motor Company
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Top 20
Is constantly monitoring, easy to manage, and mitigates security risks
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable features are AROs, which provide timely notifications for out-of-compliance or out-of-specification detections."
  • "While Covalence addresses our notification and visibility needs, it falls short in keeping information up-to-date, which is where our MSP comes in to supplement its functionality."

What is our primary use case?

We use Field Effect Covalence at three automotive car dealerships to monitor all of our endpoints and make sure that they comply with updates and security and to notify us of any threats or vulnerabilities that they may have.

How has it helped my organization?

Covalence being backed by experts who are constantly monitoring for attacks and risks is important to us.

Managing Covalence is easy.

The actions, recommendations, and observations work well and are timely. The only frustration we've had is when there is certain software that's out of date and it keeps finding traces of the software that did not get updated or uninstalled. Overall, they work very well.

Covalence's benefits were clear from the start. It revealed the significant outdatedness and deficiencies in our existing systems, and within just a few months, it identified a security vulnerability we would have completely missed otherwise.

Covalence informs us of threats with minimal false positives.

Covalence helps us mitigate security risks by recommending actions like keeping software current, removing unnecessary or unknown programs, and eliminating applications that could potentially compromise our organization.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable features are AROs, which provide timely notifications for out-of-compliance or out-of-specification detections. Additionally, the recently introduced endpoint view, which displays the health status of our network endpoints, has become an essential daily tool.

What needs improvement?

While Covalence addresses our notification and visibility needs, it falls short in keeping information up-to-date, which is where our MSP comes in to supplement its functionality.

I'd love to see a feature in Covalence that allows manually removing endpoints from the view and receiving notifications if they come back online. Currently, I use the Endpoint View daily, but some systems stay online for up to 30 days even when no longer in service. The ability to manually remove these would be very helpful. Additionally, since Covalence is a key tool for software updates and patch management notifications, it would be fantastic if it could automate some of this process or provide links to the latest software versions. While Covalence highlights the need for updates and what needs to be done, it doesn't necessarily point users to where they can find the software itself.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Field Effect Covalence for four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Field Effect Covalence has shown minimal stability issues, with only one incident attributable to a five-year-old hardware appliance.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Field Effect Covalence is highly scalable. It happens naturally as we add and remove devices.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support team is professional, helpful, and responsive. I can't recall ever encountering an issue that they couldn't resolve.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment of Covalence proved challenging due to my lack of experience, but subsequent deployments were much smoother as I gained familiarity with the process.

Our last two deployments took a couple of hours to complete.

I typically deploy the hardware and maybe help with the group policy. But then, for the most part, our managed service provider IT company, sets up the group policy, and it pushes it out that way the first time, and then it's just an ongoing automated process after that.

What was our ROI?

While I have not seen a quantifiable return on investment from Covalence, a major cybersecurity incident could have been incredibly expensive, highlighting its potential importance.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Field Effect Covalence's pricing is just right.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Field Effect Covalence nine out of ten.

The only maintenance Covalence requires is updating the endpoint agent twice a year, at most. These updates are released by Field Effect and necessitate modifying the group policy to reflect the new version. This is because the old group policy won't work with the updated agent.

Completely unfamiliar with Field Effect before consulting for an end user, I've come to appreciate it immensely. Now, it brings me real peace of mind.

My advice to almost everyone I've talked to about Covalence is that in the first few months, there's gonna be a lot of leg work, bringing your systems up to date and in compliance with what the AROs are recommending. But once you have them up to date and know what to look for, it's pretty easy maintenance going forward of your network.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Buyer's Guide
Download our free Field Effect MDR Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
Updated: October 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free Field Effect MDR Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.