The solution was primarily meant to be used for securing data.
Overall, it's a very good product.
The scalability was good.
The solution was stable and reliable.
Ultimately, the product did not sell enough to keep the contract live.
The solution lacked local support, which became an issue for us and our customers. They needed to have more presence on the ground.
The deployment process was very difficult.
The pricing was quite high. We tried to sell it as software as a service, however, clients preferred to have their own product.
We used it up until October of this year, at which point the contract was terminated. However, we had been dealing with it since 2015.
We found the product to be stable. There were no bugs or glitches. It didn't crash or freeze.
The solution could scale if a company needed to. It wasn't a problem.
Local support was lacking. It was an issue in our region. Customers would not have been able to get the support they needed.
In the end, we did not use it as our technical teams were not able to deploy it.
Ultimately, the clientele rejected the subscription model on offer. They found it to be too expensive.
We were a distributor, however, we did not sell enough and therefore the contract ended.
Ultimately, the product had to have more presence on the ground. A good example of that would be Microsoft or, if you want, Kaspersky. They have the representatives here, and the representatives used to go to see the customer.
They have many QBA with their distributor, and so they helped us promote the solution. It's very difficult to promote the solution. I was alone in the company trying to sell the solution, and I know that there were some representatives on the ground, yet they never spoke with us. Even if you asked them for a quote or something else, they never answered you or they answered very late. With so much time passing, it became more and more difficult for us to sell the solution. There was competition from, for example, Veam, which had people on the ground and able to help customers. We just never got the same level of local support for this product and it never worked out for us.
I'd rate it at an eight out of ten, as it is a good product in general, however, selling it effectively proved to be difficult.
What are you looking to archive emails or documents/files ?
There is a product designed for archiving "VERITAS Enterprise Vault"