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Manoj Udaya Kumara - PeerSpot reviewer
Executive Officer 1B at Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
Real User
Top 10
Good load balancing features and it scales well
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature is load balancing."
  • "The cost of VeloCloud could be lowered."

What is our primary use case?

We primarily use VeloCloud for SD-WAN.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature is load balancing.

What needs improvement?

The cost of VeloCloud could be lowered.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been working with VeloCloud for about two years.

Buyer's Guide
VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have had no issues in terms of stability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We are satisfied with the scalability. We have approximately 100 branches and we plan to increase usage in the future.

How are customer service and support?

There are few vendors who offer support in our country. However, if we need support then we can get it directly from VMware.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have also worked with Citrix SD-WAN and they are both good products.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was straightforward.

What other advice do I have?

At this time, I feel that just about everything is there in the product and it supports the requirements. My only complaint is about the pricing. Citrix is another good product but I recommend VeloCloud.

I would rate this solution an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Senior Manager at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Effective solution for increasing bandwidth across different sites while ensuring no loss in connectivity
Pros and Cons
  • "If one circuit crashes, we are able to switch to a second circuit without any disruption in connection."
  • "In the future, we would like to have more capacity using this solution as there are limitations on the VCE. For example, only 50 tunnels can be supported currently but we would like to have 200 tunnels using the VeloCloud VCE device."

What is our primary use case?

We use this solution to increase our network bandwidth between sites in our company. For example, there are two internet lines and one NPOS network in Taipei and one SD-WAN solution in Poland. The VCE connects these lines and networks to our LAN switch which increases our bandwidth.

What is most valuable?

If one circuit crashes, we are able to switch to a second circuit without any disruption in connection. 

What needs improvement?

In the future, we would like to have more capacity using this solution as there are limitations on the VCE. For example, only 50 tunnels can be supported currently but we would like to have 200 tunnels using the VeloCloud VCE device.

The security function on the VCE could be improved as we need to purchase another device to protect our setup. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

This is a stable solution. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

This is a scalable solution. 

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used the FortiGate SD-WAN solution. When using this solution, we experienced application disconnection if the network failed. This does not happen with VeloCloud. 

What about the implementation team?

A vendor assisted us with the setup of this solution. 

What other advice do I have?

I would rate this solution an eight out of ten. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN
August 2024
Learn what your peers think about VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: August 2024.
801,634 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Paul Woods - PeerSpot reviewer
Founder at SDWAN Clan
Real User
Top 20
Zero-Touch provisioning, stable, and easy to set up
Pros and Cons
  • "Anyone can migrate over to VeloCloud, it's that simple, just plug in the necessary cables and it's done."
  • "It needs better security."

What is our primary use case?

The primary use cases of this solution are global WAN refreshment, Campus-to-Campus connectivity, and because my client is a global customer, they want zero-touch provisioning.

What is most valuable?

It's true, zero-touch provisioning. Anyone can migrate over to VeloCloud, it's that simple, just plug in the necessary cables and it's done.

What needs improvement?

Security needs improvement.

Also, it needs better scalability. There are certain products that if you need to create extra, the company expands and they will bring on extra branch-to-branch connectivity. There is a point where you will have to move to new hardware. We would need a larger scope for scalability.

I don't want to deploy a number of VeloClouds, and then in one year after business acquisitions, they need scalability. The only way to do that would be to remove the hardware and replace it with the new hardware.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using VeloCloud, on and off for 18 months.

We are using the latest version, but not in a deep dive method.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It's stable, definitely.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It's a scalable solution. We have approximately 700 sites at the moment, and it's growing more as we adopt Microsoft Azure for this particular customer. So, we will need to spin up virtual instances of VeloCloud in Azure Regions.

The whole company is going through a restructuring where they're going to segregate portions of the business. They'll have their own VeloCloud SD-WAN overlay instance, integrating into the Cloud.

How are customer service and technical support?

We have not contacted technical support. We have someone in our company that addresses anything obscure. He has a fair bit of experience that began prior to our engagement.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup is simple. SD-WAN is the simplest, and anyone can do it.

To deploy VeloCloud itself takes approximately one hour.

In IT, things don't always go to plan, but for the most part, it's an hour.

What about the implementation team?

I used a consultant to help with deployment.

For the maintenance of each region, there will be a network SME to make sure that everything goes smoothly.

What other advice do I have?

I will continue to use this solution, we have another customer that wants to use SD-WAN, but they are better suited for Cisco Meraki, so we are just doing a proof of concept with them.

I would definitely recommend this solution to others. 100%. That said, it needs better security. There is always room to improve.

I would rate this solution an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
General Manager at Smartfren
Real User
User-friendly and is easier to integrate than other solutions
Pros and Cons
  • "I would absolutely recommend VeloCloud because it's user-friendly and because the integration is easier than with other solutions."
  • "I would like for them to upgrade to 5G integration. Our customers have 4G now and the connectivity isn't good. It should be much faster."

What is our primary use case?

I use VeloCloud for software for reports SD-WAN solutions and WAN connectivity.

    What needs improvement?

    They should help our customers reduce the cost of the implementation from a local user cloud to the user using a standard cloud. They should improve the time and the cost of the implementation.

    I would like for them to upgrade to 5G integration. Our customers have 4G now and the connectivity isn't good. It should be much faster. 

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using VeloCloud for ten years. 

    What do I think about the stability of the solution?

    The stability depends on the network connectivity. If the Internet connection isn't stale, it will affect it. 

    How are customer service and technical support?

    We contact our partners to get local support. 

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup was very simple. It's user-friendly. It only takes a few hours, not days, to deploy for somebody who is experienced. We use it on a daily basis. 

    What about the implementation team?

    We used a system integrator for the deployment. From the second year onwards, the maintenance is done by our local partners. 

    There are up to 100 users. 

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    It's not cheap but it's affordable. 

    What other advice do I have?

    I would absolutely recommend VeloCloud because it's user-friendly and because the integration is easier than with other solutions. 

    I would rate VeloCloud a nine out of ten. 

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Public Cloud
    Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
    PeerSpot user
    Sales Engineer at a tech vendor with 5,001-10,000 employees
    Top 20
    Has a straightforward initial setup process, but its configuration could be easier to understand
    Pros and Cons
    • "The product’s most valuable feature is DMPO."
    • "VMware SD-WAN is complicated to configure."

    What is most valuable?

    The product’s most valuable feature is DMPO.

    What needs improvement?

    VMware SD-WAN is complicated to configure.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    We have been using VMware SD-WAN for one and a half years.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    I rate the product’s scalability a seven out of ten.

    Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

    Versa Secure SD-WAN has more advanced security features compared to VMware SD-WAN.

    How was the initial setup?

    The initial setup is straightforward. However, it is complex to configure.

    What other advice do I have?

    I rate VMware SD-WAN a seven out of ten. I recommend it for smaller companies as bigger companies require some advanced features. The product’s reporting, security, and troubleshooting features need improvement.

    Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
    PeerSpot user
    TEDDY LLANO - PeerSpot reviewer
    Technical Lead at Yssy
    Integrates well with other vendors and flexible for many services
    Pros and Cons
    • "The most valuable feature of VMware SD-WAN is flexibility. It is more flexible than other vendors."
    • "VMware SD-WAN could improve by having more partnerships with other vendors."

    What is most valuable?

    The most valuable feature of VMware SD-WAN is flexibility. It is more flexible than other vendors.

    What needs improvement?

    VMware SD-WAN could improve by having more partnerships with other vendors.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using VMware SD-WAN for approximately two years.

    What other advice do I have?

    VMware SD-WAN can be used for on-premise and cloud integrations. Many scenarios are supported in the solution. They are flexible for many services.

    I rate VMware SD-WAN a ten out of ten.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
    PeerSpot user
    IT Network Consultant at a tech services company with 11-50 employees
    Real User
    Easy to deploy and increases the performance of applications
    Pros and Cons
    • "Increases the performance of applications and is easy to deploy."
    • "Can't execute commands quickly when troubleshooting. The graphic user interface is slow."

    What is our primary use case?

    We use VMware SD-WAN primarily to connect branch offices to our data center and to connect users to the application. Users could be in any place, working from home, in remote locations, and branch offices. Applications can be anywhere in the cloud in IaaS, in the platform as a service, on-premise, and at private data centers. The deployment process of SD-WAN is to connect securely so users with the application can perform well.

    What is most valuable?

    There is a feature called DMPO (Dynamic Multipath Optimization) which is good. Here in Latin America, the quality of the internet is very poor. So what DMPO does, well, in a branch office or in a work from home environment, we can have bad quality internet links, but with the IT team, SD-WAN or VeloCloud, the DMPO makes the link a Smartlink. For example, if the link is presenting packet loss, the VMware solution applies a remediation algorithm. For packet loss, DMPO introduces packet cloning so we send the packet twice. We recover all the packets despite the link having packet loss. If we have two or three internet links, we can also summarize all the links together so, this basically increases the packet capacity. It also decreases the timing of the VeloCloud Gateway.

    VeloCloud Gateways are instant and deployed globally so we can create a DMPO tunnel on-premise to a VeloCloud Gateway and then serve SaaS applications. At corporate headquarters, there are three internet links, but employees were experiencing poor quality of Microsoft Teams. So all the Microsoft Office 365 traffic was sent from the location to a VeloCloud Gateway. The VeloCloud Gateway tunnel is protected by the DMPO, so users have a better experience. With Office 365 applications like Microsoft Teams, OneDrive and Azure, the DMPO features increase the performance of the applications because it can remediate bad quality links.

    What needs improvement?

    The solution doesn't have CLI (command line interface), but it's not needed because the graphic user interface is very nice. You can do everything, but when we are troubleshooting, we can't execute commands as fast as we'd like because the graphic user interface is very slow. So although the solution has a CLI, VeloCloud doesn't. I'd like for VMware to introduce CLI. The solution also needs stronger routing Broadcom support because we cannot deploy VeloCloud in bigger enterprises that have that kind of complex browsing protocol.

    VMware does not work well if the enterprise has a very complex routing environment.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using VMare for 2 years.

    What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

    VMware works perfectly for most small and medium businesses with simple and basic routing, but not for large enterprises that have complex routing environments.

    What other advice do I have?

    I would give VMware SD-WAN a nine out of ten.  

    Deploying SD-WAN is very easy. When we deploy it on-premise, we need to get SD-WAN or VeloCloud X. When VeloCloud X affects any kind of form factor, it needs to to be a hardware box, it could be a server or it can virtualize in any Hypervisor like Hyper-V or IBM in order to support any kind of form factor. To deploy it in the cloud with Amazon, Google Cloud Platform, or Azure, the features are configured in a central manager called SD-WAN Orchestrator. Then the device is shifted to the location and it only needs one internet connection. When the device connects to the internet it downloads the configurations necessary and that's the SD-WAN deployment process.

    Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

    Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
    PeerSpot user
    DAVID HOLD - PeerSpot reviewer
    DAVID HOLDProduct Manager at Great Plains Communications

    This is a very informative post, and the only one so far who cited the key features of DMPO.  But it would be helpful to know what is lacking in the routing stack - OSPF, BGP, etc., and what is missing that would improve the routing capabilities.

    Manager, Technical Solutions at a comms service provider with 501-1,000 employees
    Real User
    Has an optimization feature that ensures the quality of the services running on the overlay
    Pros and Cons
    • "Has an optimization feature that acts to ensure the quality of the services running on the overlay to be most valuable."
    • "The firewall can be more advanced."

    What is most valuable?

    I have found the optimization feature that acts to ensure the quality of the services running on the overlay to be most valuable.

    VMware SD-WAN is a more complete product because of the SD-WAN feature.

    What needs improvement?

    The firewall can be more advanced.

    The 4G connection doesn't come by default, and it would be good to have that in the next release.

    The flexibility of use for customers could be improved as well. It would be good to also improve the reseller transfer of the box from one customer to another customer.

    The cost could be lower too.

    For how long have I used the solution?

    I have been using VMware SD-WAN for about 2 to 3 years.

    How are customer service and technical support?

    The technical support is okay for Singapore. VMware has had quite good results this year.

    How was the initial setup?

    To register with the orchestrator takes some effort sometimes. Our engineer did try a few times, and it's not exactly zero-touch. You still need to have all the information.

    What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

    The cost of VMware SD-WAN is high, but I think you can still get better pricing if your volume is high.

    What other advice do I have?

    If you are purely looking at it from a connectivity point of view and not so much from the point of security, then you can go for VMware. However, if you also want security features and you have a tight budget, then you probably need to choose Fortinet because Fortinet itself is a firewall. For VMware, you have to either get the NFV model that supports a third party firewall (it's a virtual appliance) or subscribe to additional services from cloud-based firewall vendors. So, you will have additional costs.

    Although Fortinet is lower cost-wise than VMware, in terms of the SD-WAN feature, I think VMware is more complete. Fortinet is still lagging on the orchestrator function. So, I would rate VMware SD-WAN at eight on a scale from one to ten.

    Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: reseller
    PeerSpot user
    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
    Updated: August 2024
    Buyer's Guide
    Download our free VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.