We use Datadog for log aggregation and management, metrics aggregation, application performance monitoring, infrastructure monitoring (serverless (Lambda functions), containers (EKS), standalone hosts (EC2)), database monitoring (RDS) and alerting based on metric thresholds and anomalies, log events, APM anomalies, forecasted threshold breaches, host behaviors and synthetics tests.
Datadog serves a whole host of purposes for us, with an all-in-one UI and integrations between them built in and handled without any effort required from us.
We use Datadog for nearly all of our monitoring and information analysis from the infrastructure level up through the application stack.
Datadog provides us value in three major ways:
First, Datadog provides best-in-class functionality in many, if not all, of the products to which we subscribe (infrastructure, APM, log management, serverless, synthetics, real user monitoring, DB monitoring). In my experience with other tools that provide similar functionality, Datadog provides the largest feature set with the most flexibility and the best performance.
Second, Datadog allows us to access all of those services in one place. Having to learn and manage only one tool for all of those purposes is a major benefit.
Third, Datadog provides significant connectivity between those services so that we can view, summarize, organize, translate and correlate our data with maximum effect. Not needing to manually integrate them to draw lines between those pieces of information is a huge time savings for us.