We use this for ticketing. Initially, it is just like ticketing but we wanted to have some change management configuration as well. The possibility for change management and the ticketing system are the two main use cases for this product for us.
The integration part of the product is the most valuable for my uses. Because at the base and out of the box, all the products that you use are already talking to each other. Microsoft has a very good solution. At the back, I have an active directory, I have an Operations Manager, I have the Configuration Manager, I have the Orchestrator, I have a data protection manager, and a solution for the virtualizing management as well — VMM (Virtual Machine Manager). With all of these products integrated together, when I have got a ticket it should be visible in many places. I can do automated orchestration based on the scenario. This is awesome. I can shut down as many things as I like. If I have got something wrong — if I got a critical high alert — I can even shut down my whole infrastructure within a very short period of time.
So the integration of the whole Microsoft suites is awesome. At one end, I'm using the Virtual Machine Manager that is the core of the infrastructure. Then I have to config the manager to have the complete listing of all the items of IP in my whole environment. Then I configure the Operations Manager as well. So the ticketing system is all I need to use for any of the component products. If I get an alarm and I need to call the Operation Manager, it is just one right-click to open the menu and I can automatically open ticket orders right on that alarm. When you click it, it will open the CSM (Customer Service Management) interface. I can do it seamlessly. The whole thing works with SSO (Single Sign-on) from the backend and it is very nice and completely integrated. A very convenient package like an all-in-one tool but it is actually five or six products acting well together.
The ticketing can be automated and I can also manually create the ticket on a particular severity level. For the other IT products — even something like BMC Remedy — SCSM will integrate with these other products and you can generate alarms from those as well. There are many things it can do. But in the BMC example, the monitoring is not done by the BMC Remedy product itself. It is a pure IT solution with SCSM and CMDB (Configuration Management Database) controlling the process. Microsoft manages it so all things are working together once they are integrated.