When we were looking for a software solution, we didn't go for bmp'online because of CRM, we went with it because of their business process management solution. Bonus, the CRM works great too.
Initially, with bpm, we wanted a really simple, tangible "first win," within the organization. A simple time-off request. It was super-basic, but the whole organization would benefit. We wanted a way to really show to the rest of the organization that this solution is powerful and can do what we need it to do. We ended up converting our very manual, paper-based time-off request - which touched six different desks and had a lot of delays and could be lost - into bpm with a complete business process management structure so that:
- back-end business process ensured it was processed correctly every time;
- collaboration within the process;
- clarity of current step in the process.
It also plays a part in the payroll cycle, depending on whether it's make-up time or if they're using PTO.
It streamlined the entire process. It is a super-basic example, but releasing this for the entire organization immediately saved paper, a ton of employee and management time needed to process these requests. The potential that is baked into the bpm software solution is incredible.
That was a small release internally for us with bpm. Since then, we've implemented the CRM system, which is customized to the needs of the company. We have a very complex structure, being an electrical contractor. Our sales cycle isn't like a standard manufacturing company, and through integration and customization, we have a process that leverages our people and skills.
Before bpm, we had something that was cumbersome, time-intensive, and person-forced collaboration. With bpm, we have automated our processes and collaboration efforts, we have a business process in which rules must be followed, with the overall goal of the right information at the right time. This allows us to proactively enhance our decision makers and streamline the process. The business process engine has had the biggest impact.
On a foundational level, the business process engine is our infrastructure. We work our business processes through bpm so it triggers what we need when we need it while driving the process.