I use it for test case management. I manage testers and I use qTest in order to schedule and track test case execution within my testing group.
We're on the cloud version.
The solution’s reporting enables test team members to research errors from the run results. That has definitely sped up productivity because it allows multiple engineers to be aware of the failures, all at once and in one place. There's no duplication of effort because everybody knows what's going on and who's working on it, through qTest, as opposed to people seeing an email that something's wrong. In the latter scenario they might all run off to try to fix it and then you're duplicating effort through a lot of people working on it and not communicating with each other. Having qTest as the central point when there's a failure means we can easily track if a bug has been created on the issue, who owns it, who created it, and what its status is. All of those are linked right in qTest so you can automatically see if this failure is being tracked and who is tracking it.
Previously we were using a product called Zephyr. It did not have history based on the test cases. At least it didn't have the history the way I wanted to track it. It didn't show all the defects that were generated by that test case and it didn't track and display those defects statuses within JIRA. QTest, specifically with the link from qTest to JIRA — so that my test cases are continuously linked either back to the requirement that generated them or to any defects that were created because of them — that link is what is allows me to be much more efficient because I'm now not running between multiple systems. I'm not saying to my testers, "Hey, who's working on this? What was the problem with that? Why don't we run this?" All of that information is located right there in the solution.
My personal efficiency has been increased because I have a single point of truth within qTest, to always be able to see what the status of my tests is. My team's efficiency has been increased, again, because of the lack of duplication of their efforts. They always know what's assigned to them and what they own and what its status is. And they don't have to manually connect test cases from one system to the next, because they're automatically linked and the information is automatically shared. There are a lot of efficiencies built into that link between qTest and my ticketing systems, as well as, of course, by using qTest in my automation systems. Those links are really what has turned things up.
qTest has probably doubled our efficiency. There has been a 100 percent improvement in the time the testers and I spend on managing our test cases.
We have also used the product for our execution of open-source test automation frameworks. In our case specifically, that would be Cypress and pytest. I wouldn't say that ability has affected productivity. I don't think it has a multiplying effect when it comes to doing automation faster. Its multiplier comes after you've created the automation. At that point, executing it and getting the results are a lot faster. We still execute test case automation the same way we always did. We put a JSON file into Jenkins and Jenkins executes the test cases. But now, instead of just executing them and being done with it, it executes them and reports the results back to qTest. It's the same process, just with an extra step. Because of that reporting, we have a central point of truth. We don't have to look at Jenkins and try to figure out what happened, because it's not a very good interface to get an overall view of the health of a system. That's what qTest is.
In addition, the solution provides our team with clear demarcations for which steps live in JIRA and which steps live in qTest. Using, say, requirements within JIRA to test cases within qTest, there is a distinct difference between those two systems. Being able to build off of the requirements that are automatically imported allows my people to generate test cases faster and in a more organized manner, because they're based on information that's being given to them by project management via the requirements. It makes it clearer where each step that lives within the process and that is an efficiency-increaser.
Finally, since we started using qTest we have seen a decrease in critical defects and releases, although not a lot. We didn't really take on qTest to reduce the number of defects. We took on qTest to be better organized and efficient in our quality assurance processes. I had no expectation that qTest was going to decrease the number of defects we had. It was definitely going to increase the efficiency and the speed at which we were able to do our testing. That does then decrease the number of defects and issues that we run into on a regular basis. Over the first year there was probably a 50 percent decrease and over the second year we've seen about ten to 20 percent. It's not significant but, again, it was never expected to be a significant decrease.