IBM DOORS Next vs Jama Connect comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Jama Connect
Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (10th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Requirements Management category, the mindshare of IBM DOORS Next is 6.0%, down from 7.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Jama Connect is 11.1%, up from 9.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Requirements Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites

Featured Reviews

Roger Trackwell - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 18, 2022
An industry-leading tool to demonstrate traceability between requirements, with valuable features for tailoring modules and managing several thousand requirements
The biggest thing is that it shows cradle to grave traceability between the initial parent requirement and the lowest level, or what we call a CID, a critical item development spec. You can establish your verification plans in DOORS, and then as you get test results, you can put them in DOORS as a link or as a pointer to where that specific test resides on a company database. Then you can also write compliance rationale and add a column for coding, like pass, fail, green, yellow, red, meets, does not meet, partially meets, or whatever scoring criteria you want to use. Like I said, the best thing about it is that it provides you that visibility of your verification, allowing you to know how close you are to your pre-production activities, prototyping, go ahead, or whatever it is.
Sep 12, 2019
Has good visibility but the interfaces should be better for consuming information
Scalability has been okay but we are using a single sign-in, so we use Google to sign in to our Jama Connect, but it is not ideal because you limit the functionality of a third-party system. For example, if I want to invite a third party to a review, that third party doesn’t have a way to log into the system because we are using a single sign-on and that third party needs to have a Google address in our company in order to access our instance. That feature needs improvement. We have around 40 users and we have around 10 active creators, people that are actually making content.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's web-based, so you don't have anything to install."
"My company contacts the solution's technical support, and they are good and responsive."
"The "Link by Attribute" feature is useful for making links without needing to use the web interface manually."
"There are many good features with DOORS. The solution has a concept of streams and baselines, as well as a concept of components. A component is a subproject inside a project."
"As far as maintaining our requirements so that we can have copies of them, it's good. I can print it out if necessary."
"One of the most valuable features is how you can tailor the modules."
"IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation is easier to expand to build a backend with several servers, so you can also use it to scale up to several hundreds of users without major problems."
"The tool's most valuable feature is displaying requirements in a tabular format. This means you can see everything laid out in columns and rows. It is more aesthetic compared to other tools. The traceability matrix helps to view things better. It comes with different linking rules."
"It is good at requirements management and test management."
"In Jama Connect, users have the capability to view and manage all test cases directly within the platform and execute them. The entire product specification, spanning various domains such as electrical, mechanical, software, and testing, is consolidated within Jama Connect."
"Provides suitable tools for managing regulatory requirements."
"I like Jama Connect because it's easy to use and understand. The widgets are great, and linking is straightforward. The solution is not complex compared to its competitors."
"Jama Connect is a good tool for the entire software development cycle."
"The relationship mapping feature is especially helpful, as it allows us to connect different requirements and compliance-related documentation."
"Technical support answers fairly quickly compared to others like IBM or Atlassian. They also offer quite a good knowledge base for advanced cases and how to plan it, etc. via videos that they provide. They are quite useful."
"You can get full traceability with any other system. It also includes a test module, and you build the traceability matrix incrementally throughout the development process."


"When you are in Jira or Confluence, you have some freedom in how you type in text. That's also a weakness of Confluence, however, as it opens the doors to sloppy work. In DOS Next Generation, the text is very rigorous, but it might be difficult for people who don't have the discipline. Having a way to quickly enter requirements could help. It might already be in there, but I don't know. I don't have enough experience with the tool yet."
"IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation is not a very user-friendly product."
"It does have a tendency to condense the requirements. It kind of puts them in a tree format. Sometimes those trees are a little difficult."
"It offers a bad user experience and the usability is poor."
"As a web tool, DNG can be difficult to use if the server is loaded or your network connection to it is saturated."
"Be very careful how you load your DNG server. There are limits to the number of artifacts a server can handle."
"The only additional feature would be if it had dynamic linking to other MBSE tool sets or industry-leading tools."
"I have come to the conclusion that if you are considering migrating from DOORS to DNG, don't! Instead of spending 100's to 1000's of hours doing migrations, invest those hours in a DXL programmer to make DOORS do what it isn't doing for you now."
"t is rather slow, so the speed of the process and consuming information should be improved. It doesn't have a nice way of viewing information. We would like to see better interfaces for consuming information."
"There are some security concerns with Jama Connect, including two-factor enablement."
"I think there's room for improvement, especially with the review process. Reviews should be integrated with requirement evaluation instead of being separate from it. The review should not run parallel to the requirement."
"The initial setup could be better, it's complicated."
"There are a few areas where Jama Connect can improve. One suggestion is to enhance the built-in feature of profile generation."
"I believe one of the weak points is the reporting side. You must export inter-readable reports from Jama if you do not use the system as a repository for your design history file. Jama is great if you keep it in Jama, but reporting out requires some customization to get it right."
"The user interface could be modernized and the product lacks project management functionalities."
"The solution is expensive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Users can buy a three-year license for about 12,000 Euros."
"The cost of maintenance is €20,000 to €30,000 ($22,000 to $33,000 USD) and there are no additional fees."
"The price of this solution is very high, and it increases year after year."
"If the product price were not reasonable enough, our company would not use IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation."
"You are going to need a beefy server and a fat network pipe to it in order to make DNG and its companion tools work well for users."
"To have a single source for all the requirements and all the change requests our company gets is the most valuable feature. It has also helped us to keep track of reviews."
"Jama Connect is a little pricy."
"The cost seems very competitive with other offerings."
"If you want to have creative licenses, pricing may be an issue with the licenses, as it can become quite expensive over time to serve many people."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation?
The tool's most valuable feature is displaying requirements in a tabular format. This means you can see everything laid out in columns and rows. It is more aesthetic compared to other tools. The tr...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation?
I cannot discuss the product's price since it is meant to be confidential and kept between our company and IBM. If the product price were not reasonable enough, our company would not use IBM Ration...
What needs improvement with IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation?
IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation has room for improvement compared to other tools like Polaris and Jama Connect. These tools offer more flexibility and options for developers, which IBM Rational ...
What do you like most about Jama Connect?
I like Jama Connect because it's easy to use and understand. The widgets are great, and linking is straightforward. The solution is not complex compared to its competitors.
What needs improvement with Jama Connect?
The solution is expensive. Jama Connect is one of the top systems for documentation and project tracking. It offers robust tracking and review capabilities, although it may require some time invest...
What is your primary use case for Jama Connect?
We use the solution for tracking product requirements, including mechanical specs, electrical specs and software.

Also Known As

Rational DOORS Next Generation, RDNG, Rational Requirements Composer and IBM RRC
No data available

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Sample Customers

Major health insurer
Deloitte, SpaceX, Omnigon, Delft University
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM DOORS Next vs. Jama Connect and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
790,637 professionals have used our research since 2012.