IBM DOORS vs IBM DOORS Next comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Requirements Management category, the mindshare of IBM DOORS is 36.9%, up from 34.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of IBM DOORS Next is 6.0%, down from 7.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Requirements Management
Unique Categories:
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Q&A Highlights

Kirti Mishra - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 15, 2023

Featured Reviews

MarioCataldi - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 2, 2024
Offers ability to automate tasks and to track changes within documents and compare different versions of requirements but modeling capabilities could benefit from a web-based tool
The biggest improvement for me is definitely the ability to use DOORS in a web environment through Rational DOORS Next Generation. Integrating with Rational Team Concert via the web interface has also been beneficial. However, not all Rational Team Concert operations are available from the web client. Certain operations, like creating streams or components, still require using the desktop application. They're not accessible through the web interface. And in my opinion, this limitation should be removed. Creating streams, components, etc. We still need the desktop app for those. DOORS has enabled flexibility in mapping requirements to the software. Tracking changes over time due to team meetings and other factors is important. Additionally, I've been using DOORS Next Generation, the web-based tool, especially in the last year.
Dec 26, 2023
A quite scalable requirement management tool that offers good performance
IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation is not that difficult to maintain, but it definitely needs a team that can continuously be involved in the maintenance part, do upgrades, and implement whatever patches are released. If there is growth in the product's user base, then there is a need to revalidate the infrastructure and see whether it is adequate because you need the tool to offer more performance, which is very important. There is a six-member team in our company to maintain the product. To others who plan to use the solution, I suggest that they involve experts to take care of the installation part and involve IBM from the time the product's usage starts. It is not recommended that you explore the solution by yourself. I rate the overall tool an eight out of ten.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The data logs are ver conveneint."
"When you install DOORS locally, you have the flexibility to do what you want with the solution. You can add functionality and do many things that you can't do with other tools or do well enough to satisfy your users' requirements."
"IBM Rational DOORS keeps everything organized."
"Compared to other tools that I have used over the past 20 years, DOORS is the best of the best."
"The next-generation features are good."
"The most valuable feature is the management verification and login."
"Makes good work of prioritizing and planning product delivery."
"I like being able to sort and categorize the requirements and the exporting functions."
"The most valuable features are the baselines and links."
"It's web-based, so you don't have anything to install."
"The most valuable features are the versioning of requirements and the possibility to reuse them."
"One of the most valuable features is how you can tailor the modules."
"There are many good features with DOORS. The solution has a concept of streams and baselines, as well as a concept of components. A component is a subproject inside a project."
"As far as maintaining our requirements so that we can have copies of them, it's good. I can print it out if necessary."
"My company contacts the solution's technical support, and they are good and responsive."
"The tool's most valuable feature is displaying requirements in a tabular format. This means you can see everything laid out in columns and rows. It is more aesthetic compared to other tools. The traceability matrix helps to view things better. It comes with different linking rules."


"It used to be very clunky."
"The web application DOORS Web Access doesn't have the same functionality as the standard client, so it's not a real substitute. For example, web Access only provides writing requirements, but you can't do much more with it."
"I would like to see them improve in agile management the Scrum/Kanban Board to work with overseas team members."
"The interface needs an area to be able to type your query and actually be able to find them."
"The kind of dashboard is not very convenient."
"The solution should be more compatible with thin clients"
"The software and GUI is very outdated."
"There needs to be quicker access to tech support. When I have a two minute question that takes two minutes to answer, it shouldn't take me 45 minutes and/or a few days of callbacks to get to the right technical support person. It's unnecessary and frustrating for the user."
"When you are in Jira or Confluence, you have some freedom in how you type in text. That's also a weakness of Confluence, however, as it opens the doors to sloppy work. In DOS Next Generation, the text is very rigorous, but it might be difficult for people who don't have the discipline. Having a way to quickly enter requirements could help. It might already be in there, but I don't know. I don't have enough experience with the tool yet."
"The only additional feature would be if it had dynamic linking to other MBSE tool sets or industry-leading tools."
"As a web tool, DNG can be difficult to use if the server is loaded or your network connection to it is saturated."
"Be very careful how you load your DNG server. There are limits to the number of artifacts a server can handle."
"It does have a tendency to condense the requirements. It kind of puts them in a tree format. Sometimes those trees are a little difficult."
"IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation has room for improvement compared to other tools like Polaris and Jama Connect. These tools offer more flexibility and options for developers, which IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation lacks. For example, you can define your link rules in Jama Connect, but you can't do that in IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation."
"There is room for improvement in the APIs that they have exposed for integration."
"It offers a bad user experience and the usability is poor."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It's expensive."
"IBM DOORS is available at a reasonable price"
"IBM is a bit too expensive in terms of pricing. Customers are paying a lot for the license, and the price is quite high for this kind of environment. It is quite high as compared to what we can get today with other solutions."
"It is expensive to onboard additional users."
"The licensing cost is too high."
"I am not sure why it is so expensive, but one license will cost approximately $15,000 in US dollars."
"I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten, with one being very affordable and ten being quite expensive."
"We have to pay for a license. I think it's a one-time payment as my company hasn't notified me about more charges. I don't think it's expensive for large corporations, but it will be costly for an average person."
"Users can buy a three-year license for about 12,000 Euros."
"The cost of maintenance is €20,000 to €30,000 ($22,000 to $33,000 USD) and there are no additional fees."
"You are going to need a beefy server and a fat network pipe to it in order to make DNG and its companion tools work well for users."
"If the product price were not reasonable enough, our company would not use IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation."
"The price of this solution is very high, and it increases year after year."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM Rational DOORS?
The traceability matrix in DOORS improved our project outcomes. It helps ensure coverage of requirements at different levels, from user requirements to software requirements to test requirements.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Rational DOORS?
I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten, with one being very affordable and ten being quite expensive. It was a little bit expensive.
What needs improvement with IBM Rational DOORS?
The modeling capabilities could benefit from a web-based tool like DOORS Next Generation, integrated with Rhapsody. So, integration between Rhapsody modeling and DOORS in the web tool. Another area...
What do you like most about IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation?
The tool's most valuable feature is displaying requirements in a tabular format. This means you can see everything laid out in columns and rows. It is more aesthetic compared to other tools. The tr...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation?
I cannot discuss the product's price since it is meant to be confidential and kept between our company and IBM. If the product price were not reasonable enough, our company would not use IBM Ration...
What needs improvement with IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation?
IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation has room for improvement compared to other tools like Polaris and Jama Connect. These tools offer more flexibility and options for developers, which IBM Rational ...

Also Known As

Rational DOORS
Rational DOORS Next Generation, RDNG, Rational Requirements Composer and IBM RRC

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Sample Customers

Infosys, Chevrolet Volt
Major health insurer
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM DOORS vs. IBM DOORS Next and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
790,361 professionals have used our research since 2012.