IBM DOORS vs Jama Connect comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Jama Connect
Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (10th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Requirements Management category, the mindshare of IBM DOORS is 36.9%, up from 34.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Jama Connect is 11.1%, up from 9.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Requirements Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites

Featured Reviews

Jun 8, 2023
Has given us a means for improving the way we proceed through solution development
What could make sense for this product is to improve is to develop a more efficient way to import and export documents from Office 365 like Excel, or Word and the other applications in this suite. Maybe, if possible, add a PDF document export or something like that. There are quite a few single steps that you have to take separately at the moment to make this happen. The parts are already implemented, but there could be a much more unified and efficient way to get that done. Again this is a repeated request from users and nothing has been done to implement it. What I would like to see is in the product is that eventually, IBM will implement additional software solutions for integration. There is one that I know of that used to have the name RPE. It stands for Rational Publishing Engine. I think it is a tool that should be implemented in DOORS because it belongs to IBM after they purchased Rational Software. With this integration, we would have a much better way to actually import and export between Word or other Office documents. On another side, it would be good to also see them integrate the GC (Garbage Collector) trace tool. It is a logical requirements engineering tool that would enhance some capabilities. It could be a specialty add-on but the integration needs to be there. This product is owned by IBM because formerly it belonged to Telelogic as well. It would be good for IBM and the users of these tools to have these solutions implemented in DOORS.
Lasse Mikkonen - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 5, 2019
An excellent cloud solution that is a very user friendly and mature
We primarily use the solution for requirement management and test management It increases communication regarding the requirements. Compared to document-based requirement management, where it's hard to know where diversions are stored, etc., it makes it easier. Also, Jama has made communication…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The shell scripting is the solution's most valuable aspect."
"The next-generation features are good."
"Makes good work of prioritizing and planning product delivery."
"I would say that the best feature of the solution is that since everything is in one place, and if you make any changes, then they are recorded or tracked."
"It is very customizable and easy to scale."
"This product can help improve how your organization proceeds through solution development."
"IBM Rational DOORS keeps everything organized."
"Starting to use the solution is pretty straightforward. There isn't too much of a learning curve."
"I like Jama Connect because it's easy to use and understand. The widgets are great, and linking is straightforward. The solution is not complex compared to its competitors."
"Provides suitable tools for managing regulatory requirements."
"You can get full traceability with any other system. It also includes a test module, and you build the traceability matrix incrementally throughout the development process."
"The most valuable feature is the user-friendly interface."
"In Jama Connect, users have the capability to view and manage all test cases directly within the platform and execute them. The entire product specification, spanning various domains such as electrical, mechanical, software, and testing, is consolidated within Jama Connect."
"The relationship mapping feature is especially helpful, as it allows us to connect different requirements and compliance-related documentation."
"Jama Connect is a good tool for the entire software development cycle."
"It is good at requirements management and test management."


"Both the performance and the price could be improved."
"The kind of dashboard is not very convenient."
"The low performance of the solution is probably because it is quite an old tool."
"The web application DOORS Web Access doesn't have the same functionality as the standard client, so it's not a real substitute. For example, web Access only provides writing requirements, but you can't do much more with it."
"The customer must also have the tool to import the changes and accept them as a part of the review."
"The user interface for the Change Proposal System could be improved."
"There are problems with communicating between DOORS and Microsoft Office."
"It used to be very clunky."
"The user interface could be modernized and the product lacks project management functionalities."
"I have inquired about pricing for this solution but have not yet heard anything, so their response time in this regard is something that should be improved."
"There are some security concerns with Jama Connect, including two-factor enablement."
"Test management can be improved. It's not so scalable. The user interface needs to split things into small projects."
"t is rather slow, so the speed of the process and consuming information should be improved. It doesn't have a nice way of viewing information. We would like to see better interfaces for consuming information."
"I believe one of the weak points is the reporting side. You must export inter-readable reports from Jama if you do not use the system as a repository for your design history file. Jama is great if you keep it in Jama, but reporting out requires some customization to get it right."
"The initial setup could be better, it's complicated."
"The solution is expensive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is expensive to onboard additional users."
"IBM DOORS is available at a reasonable price"
"IBM Rational DOORS is highly expensive."
"Pricing can vary depending on the size of the organization and how contracts are negotiated."
"I think it's expensive because you have to pay for the licenses to IBM and all that and maintain them."
"We have to pay for a license. I think it's a one-time payment as my company hasn't notified me about more charges. I don't think it's expensive for large corporations, but it will be costly for an average person."
"IBM is a bit too expensive in terms of pricing. Customers are paying a lot for the license, and the price is quite high for this kind of environment. It is quite high as compared to what we can get today with other solutions."
"I am not sure why it is so expensive, but one license will cost approximately $15,000 in US dollars."
"The cost seems very competitive with other offerings."
"Jama Connect is a little pricy."
"If you want to have creative licenses, pricing may be an issue with the licenses, as it can become quite expensive over time to serve many people."
"To have a single source for all the requirements and all the change requests our company gets is the most valuable feature. It has also helped us to keep track of reviews."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM Rational DOORS?
The traceability matrix in DOORS improved our project outcomes. It helps ensure coverage of requirements at different levels, from user requirements to software requirements to test requirements.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Rational DOORS?
I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten, with one being very affordable and ten being quite expensive. It was a little bit expensive.
What needs improvement with IBM Rational DOORS?
The modeling capabilities could benefit from a web-based tool like DOORS Next Generation, integrated with Rhapsody. So, integration between Rhapsody modeling and DOORS in the web tool. Another area...
What do you like most about Jama Connect?
I like Jama Connect because it's easy to use and understand. The widgets are great, and linking is straightforward. The solution is not complex compared to its competitors.
What needs improvement with Jama Connect?
I think there's room for improvement, especially with the review process. Reviews should be integrated with requirement evaluation instead of being separate from it. The review should not run paral...
What is your primary use case for Jama Connect?
We use the solution for the lifecycle management of medical devices.



Also Known As

Rational DOORS
No data available

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Sample Customers

Infosys, Chevrolet Volt
Deloitte, SpaceX, Omnigon, Delft University
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM DOORS vs. Jama Connect and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
790,361 professionals have used our research since 2012.