ManageEngine Endpoint Central vs N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

ManageEngine Endpoint Central
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Client Desktop Management (1st), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (4th), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (3rd)
N-able N-sight Remote Monit...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Client Desktop Management category, the mindshare of ManageEngine Endpoint Central is 50.0%, up from 30.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management is 8.3%, up from 5.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Client Desktop Management
Unique Categories:
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

Featured Reviews

Jul 26, 2022
An in-depth and intuitive product with good cross-platform capabilities, but they should have a more global support channel
Its cross-platform capabilities and the ability to do both OS-level patching and third-party patching are valuable. It is difficult to find a software product that will do all that for you out of the box, and you don't have to do any configuration other than your initial setup. Once you do that, there is a very minimalistic approach to getting it operational. You can have it up and running within a 20-minute time span. Their pre-configuration and ability to keep it simple for the end user, including the admin side, is helpful. It is not a very difficult program to bring on. It doesn't require a lot of technical skill to run. As long as you understand the technology that you're working with, you don't have to learn this program. It has enterprise-level capabilities. They do offer a distributed version. If you need to really build it out, you could build it across the globe, or you could just run it in a small shop with 200 users or less. It is a pretty robust product.
Jul 19, 2023
A user-friendly and affordable solution that enables users to access or take over any device
We are IT partners. We use the remote monitoring and management tools of N-able. We have users in different places, so we use the tool to see what they are doing. We also use it to deploy new software and to push updates and patches easily. We use the product to push SentinelOne as an EDR system…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We can scale the product."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the Patch Management."
"The patch management aspect of the solution is the most valuable part for us."
"The product works perfectly for patch management and software deployments."
"Page management and ADA integrations are the most valuable features of ManageEngine Endpoint Central."
"In terms of technical capability, it is doing very well. It is doing better than other industry products. It is at a place where we can compare it with Microsoft products. Its scalability is also good."
"The initial setup is easy."
"ManageEngine has improved my organization because right now we can actually monitor and find out which software products are installed on each desktop. We can then figure out which ones have to get patched and so forth."
"I like being able to get a picture of what's happening on a computer. I can just click on it, and I can see the CPU usage and the memory usage and what services and programs are currently running. I can connect remotely to a computer. All these are very useful."
"The solution provides an administration panel where we can see what is happening on our client's stations, such as events, alerts, and all the software installed."
"I'm really happy with the background remote access, which allows me to easily change system internals such as registry keys and silently execute commands using the command prompt in the background. This kind of remote access makes it easy for us to do our jobs without getting in the customer's way."
"The network device is a good feature. In a place where you need to monitor your firewall switches, you can add an RMM tool and monitor it on the same screen on the same setup for the same client. Network devices are very good."
"The solution provides complete visibility for the client's infrastructure. Competitors support multiple platforms like Windows and Linux. We designed the agent for our clients, providing network discovery, so there's no need to go to each device individually. It is easy to deploy with a small address range."
"I find all features of N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management valuable, but the most valuable is its monitoring feature. The solution has great monitoring functionalities. For example, you can monitor a device in terms of its RAM, CPU, etc. You can also monitor the connectivity through N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management, and you can also check whether a device is down or up through the solution. I also like that you can monitor Windows servers, Linux servers, printers, network devices, and virtualization servers such as VMware and Hyper-V using N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management. You can also monitor disk utilization, HTTPS, whether an SSL certificate is valid or expired, etc., through the solution. Apart from monitoring, I also find patch management as one of the most valuable features of N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management. You can use it for Windows updates, as a patch management example. You can even manage and monitor servers and backup services via N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management, so whenever there's a backup failure or issue, you'll receive alerts from the solution, as long as it's configured as a Windows service, so you can even do a lot of preventive maintenance activities with the help of N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management. The solution is one of the best RMM solutions I've used so far. It's user-friendly, and it's pretty easy to use because you only need one interface where you can do a lot of activities. As a technician, I'm always concerned with time because if I have to troubleshoot an issue or a major incident, if I have to jump into two or three systems and open a few tabs on those systems, it'll be very hectic, especially if I have to switch between each step to see what's going on. In N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management, it's pretty easy to do because I have one interface and one tab where I can do a lot of processes and activities."
"We like that this solution is in real-time, it gives us real-time monitoring."
"The details and the reports they provide are what I like, especially the details for almost the whole computer and the OS type."


"The solution isn't fully stable, and, when it goes down, it's hard to get it up and running."
"The Deployment scheduler needs updating to support various methods for deployment."
"The only problem with it is that the setup isn't very intuitive. I know that they just upgraded the product to make it a little bit easier to use, but compared to some of the other platforms, it is not easy to configure it, set it up, and get it running. However, once you have set it up and got it running, it runs great."
"ManageEngine could be improved by giving customers an option to perform certain actions proactively. Since I was a consultant, I worked on different products and some had advantages over ManageEngine. For example, proactive remediation—you want to proactively check something on the computers and run the script. In ManageEngine, you have the option to run the script, but Intune has the option to do so proactively. ManageEngine doesn't have this. You should have the option to act proactively, not just going ahead and fixing it once it's done. Proactive remediation should be a feature."
"I would like to see them include the ability to find out the network usage but I believe that might be a feature of it already."
"Even when it shows Java as up-to-date, it might not be. So, to make it better, they should improve the accuracy of Java patch reporting."
"The performance sometimes lags a bit because the solution is demanding on system resources."
"Improvement should be done as per customer requirements."
"I would like to see notifications sent with SMS."
"The product looks a bit old-fashioned."
"The alerts and reporting could be done a little more clearly. They are quite cryptic, and quite often, we seem to get a lot of reports just for a computer rebooting or going offline for a couple of minutes, which doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal. Reporting could be refined and improved, and they can make it easy to decipher the reports."
"There are disconnection issues sometimes."
"The patch management of the solution could improve."
"We haven't had it for very long, and we're finally getting comfortable with it. The biggest improvement probably would be a little more clarification. It has few exclamation points or attention-getters when there is a computer that doesn't have the up-to-date patches, etc. However, it's not specific in terms of what you need to do. Sometimes, it says it requires a reboot, and you reboot it, but the same message still shows up. Sometimes, the messages that it gives you about how to resolve an issue are not very easy to understand."
"What could be improved in N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management is the reporting, in particular, the reporting interface and the report generation method. Currently, I don't find it easy to run reports on the solution. Every time, if I want a report on a Windows vulnerability because a client requested that report, I find the process difficult. For example, out of one hundred PCs, I need to get a report on how many PCs have not been updated to a specific patch level. I need to give that report to the CTO or CEO of a particular client organization, and as running the report on N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management isn't easy, sometimes, that makes me doubt the validity of the generated report as well. It depends on each case because I do find some reports to be genuine and 100% correct, but most of the time, I have to ask for help from other engineers, and even collaborating with another engineer to run reports isn't that easy, so reporting needs improvement in N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management. Another room for improvement in the solution is patch management. The user-friendliness of the Take Control feature in N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management also needs improvement, particularly when it's used on multiple computers or displays. Switching between displays isn't as user-friendly on the technician side, so that could be improved by letting you see all displays or monitors all at once, or on a single display, rather than needing to switch from one display to another. As Take Control is on a Windows agent, or running on a client-end device, that feature of N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management could be improved as well. An additional feature I'd like to see in the next release of the solution is a mobile application, though I'm not familiar if that's already available. As an IT MSP, sometimes I have on-call jobs, and I don't always want to look at the mailbox to see if there's any alert triggered from the devices. If N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management has a mobile application that would allow my team to get push notifications whenever there's downtime or issues, then that would make the solution more reliable. I'd like to get an alert that would pop up from my mobile device, so it would be pretty easy to keep an eye on alerts, and I won't have to check my inbox every time."
"It would be great if the pricing model could be improved and the solution was more affordable."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is a freeware version of the solution available as long as you do not breach the number of licenses and users that are dictated."
"The product is cheap."
"The product is not expensive."
"The price could be cheaper."
"The price is moderate."
"The pricing is average."
"Choose wisely between the Professional and Enterprise editions, based on your needs."
"Affordable for any customer."
"It's expensive and out of our budget."
"The solution is not very expensive."
"We use SolarWinds RMM on a pay-as-you-go monthly basis, so the cost can be highly variable because it depends on a few factors such as how many devices you need to support and what extra features you want to use. The more devices you have, the more you'll pay, and the same goes for extras."
"As I'm not part of the procurement team and because I'm 100% technical, I'm not that familiar with the costs associated with N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management, but I can say that in my location, particularly here in Sri Lanka, it's more expensive than other RMM solutions. I'm working for an Australian IT MSP, and over there, the solution isn't as expensive, but where I'm located, it is, so this is the reason why sometimes, clients don't go with N-able N-sight Remote Monitoring & Management. Licensing cost is also the reason why my organization is looking into Kaseya RMM. My current organization merged with another organization that's using both Kaseya RMM and Connectwise."
"The product is fairly priced."
"There is a license required for this solution."
"Out clients pay monthly for the license of N-able Remote Monitoring & Management."
"I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to that since I set it up. It has per-user licensing. If I remember it correctly, it worked out to about $10 a month per user. There were no additional costs. It was pretty straightforward and simple."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Comms Service Provider
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How to choose between ManageEngine Desktop Central and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly SCCM)?
ManageEngine Desktop Central is very easy to set up, is scalable, stable, and also has very good patch management. What I like most about ManageEngine is that I can log on to every PC very easily a...
What do you like most about ManageEngine Endpoint Central?
Well, what we like is that it catch actually a lot of features constantly upgrading. So all the three maybe there there were some features as the tenant on the earliest version. Now it's it's almos...
What is your primary use case for N-able Remote Monitoring & Management?
We use the solution in our organization, and we also integrate it into one of our clients in the US. We used it for monitoring initially. We monitor all the computers' updates and specs. We also us...
What do you like most about N-able Remote Monitoring & Management?
The details and the reports they provide are what I like, especially the details for almost the whole computer and the OS type.

Also Known As

ManageEngine Desktop Central, Desktop Central, ManageEngine Desktop Management MSP
N-able Remote Monitoring & Management, SolarWinds MSP Remote Monitoring & Management, MSP RMM, SolarWinds RMM, SolarWinds Remote Monitoring and Management

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Sample Customers

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Strathallan School, BMI Healthcare, Comercial Kywi, First Priority Federal Credit Union, Gerab National Enterprises
NetSys Network Systems
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790,761 professionals have used our research since 2012.