My primary use cases for this solution are:
- Time reporting
- Portfolio management
- Capacity planning
My primary use cases for this solution are:
Enterprise One has improved my organization by enabling us to stop committing to work that we can't do.
The most valuable feature is capacity planning because only Planview does that.
The resource capacity and availability have helped us to manage work by preventing us from starting work that we cannot consume.
It gives us flexibility in configuring assignments. We can do both Agile Teams and non-Agile Teams. This flexibility affects our ability to meet our company's particular needs by allowing us to work in a hybrid model, some Agile Teams, and some non-Agile Teams.
The solution out-of-the-box that we established was insufficient. We had to purchase and set up OData. I don't believe that it's a great solution out-of-the-box but eventually you can get there.
It does not provide end-to-end work management for the full spectrum of types of work in one tool. It also does not help with the prioritization of projects through alignment with strategic objectives.
The portfolio creation user interface needs improvement. It's not intuitive, from a user experience perspective. If you've never used it, it doesn't click here and then the next thing opens, click here, then the next thing opens. You get all the features upon opening to create a portfolio.
The request screens, the request process, and the workflows have a poor user experience also. The workflows are definitely not intuitive. You're clicking links and going back and forth. It's way too many clicks and it doesn't make sense. It's not intuitive. On the request side, it hasn't been updated in a long time and it's the entry point for all of our work. It could provide more data value than it does today.
I have been using Planview Enterprise One for 15+ years.
The stability is fairly high. The only problem we've had so far is that for whatever reason, Friday morning, the page load is ridiculously slow. I don't know if that's when the staff is doing updates or what, but Friday mornings are very slow.
I'm not worried about scalability.
We have about 450 project managers, resource managers, team members, leadership viewers, and power admin users.
There are two staff members for maintenance. They both administer maintenance, consult on new capabilities, and develop reports and new functionality.
We're only one of 20 lines of business in the organization and we're the only ones currently using the solution. Within that number, there is around 20% adoption. Time reporters have to report time, but I don't know that I would consider that. They do it, but that's not a tipping point. We do have plans to increase usage. We have a proof of concept with one department outside of ours.
I'm unimpressed with technical support. When my folks call or email they say if it doesn't do whatever it's supposed to do out-of-the-box they can't answer a question and we end up back with some solution consultant.
I did not enjoy the setup process. It comes with a set way of thinking that is sometimes limiting.
We started the last deployment in June of last year and we deployed early November. Employees started using it a hundred percent in December of last year.
We used a consultant from Planview for the deployment. They went above and beyond, but their approach needs upgrading.
We are seeing the start of ROI. We have additional capability. It didn't save us money at all, but it gave us new capabilities.
I like where they're headed with the whole FLEX model. Your license gives you access to whichever tool is the one that makes sense on the Planview platform. That was a pleasant surprise. That has not been their approach over the 10 years I've had exposure to them.
We also evaluated PPM Pro and prior to that, in another organization, I evaluated CA and PPM Pro before it was owned by Planview. We have applications of Workfront, WeTeam, Trello, Azure DevOps, and various things.
Enterprise One's sweet spot is people, work, and money. They're pretty much the only one that can do that hat trick. If you want that, you have to get them, but we don't use it for any team capability. It's too cumbersome and the user interface is still lacking.
My advice would be to discuss your data upfront before you agree to an implementation. See what it looks like to have the data you need and what sort of costs would be required to do that from the very beginning. Then, see not only how will you visualize and record that data but how will you migrate data. That cost us a lot of time and delay in the user adoption because the migration of data was manual.
I would rate Enterprise One a six out of ten.
We use it a lot for managing project resources. We do a lot of research and project management with it.
I personally haven't improved that much yet using the tool, but I see how there's a lot of value in it. We even started doing proactive resource management. The way the data is presented in Planview, there are a lot of ways to take it and mold it for use within the business.
I like is how customizable it can get and how detailed some of the data you can get out of it can be. A lot of the basic reports come through it. I am a resource manager, so I slice it to see things like time sheet completion, compliance, etc. It's really useful to dig into some of the reasons why people aren't compliant.
It's mostly reliable. There are some issues with how long it takes to load the data to Planview, It just depends on what your setup is. If there was a way Planview could maybe make the loading faster, in case you do have a lot of things going on with your setup.
Whenever we have issues, there is always someone ready to help us. Their people are knowledgeable and responsive. They get to tickets quickly. Just three or four weeks ago, we were having issues with getting data into Planview. We submitted a ticket and the turnaround was probably 45 minutes to get a response.
A lot of our internal training came from Planview support. They were Planview videos from Planview.
I would recommend the product. There is a bit of a learning curve with it, as with any type of new software. Once you get a good grasp of the principles of Planview, it is a really powerful tool.
I would rate the product an eight (out of 10). It's pretty good. It gets a lot of what we need done. There are ways for it to improve, and we should always strive for that.
We use it for its intended purpose of project management. It is a typical PPM tool.
I don't think we're trying to do anything with it outside the norm that would need it to flex a whole lot. Our intent is to roll it out pretty much out-of-the-box.
This is a platform shift. If it works as advertised, it will potentially make us a bit more efficient.
The reporting looks pretty good. Although, we're not into it yet, so I can't say for sure how well that will work.
The look and feel of it is pretty clean, so that's good.
Our version is definitely set up a bit more waterfall world. It would be better if some of the agile features were more in the standard product.
It doesn't look buggy based on what I have seen so far.
We're not live yet, so I can't speak to post go-live technical support.
The initial setup has been pretty straightforward. The deployment process has taken us four to five months so far. We are hoping to wrap up by year-end.
The implementation team has been good and responsive. They have been onsite quite a bit.
I don't think we have necessarily purchased everything that I would have liked to have seen.
We looked at other products, but I wasn't involved in the process of choosing Planview.
Compared to other tools, Enterprise One is definitely cleaner and easier to use. At least, that is the way it looks so far. It's a little more intuitive. It looks like the financial data entry piece is a little cleaner.
Because we didn't buy everything that I would have liked to have seen us buy. Just based on what we have, it's probably in the seven to eight range (out of 10). Some of the agile functionality and features would definitely bump that up a bit. However, we didn't buy everything.
Our primary use case is to provide an overview of the status of multiple programs and projects. We're doing many programs and projects at the same time and this is a way to provide a consistent way of reporting on their status and progress.
We're still in an early stage. Things will change as we use it more. I did program reports that are important and that will provide us with value.
I think that the user interface needs some getting used to. It's not immediately intuitive. That's potentially room for improvement. I think also that an organization needs to have good support from some senior management to get something like Planview established. If that's missing, then it's not so easy to get support for it in the organization. If I was to talk about a feature or something for improvement, I think it would be the user interface and, in particular, the link between strategy and work.
We started using Planview in November of last year.
We haven't experienced any issues with scalability or stability. So far, the application seems very stable and scalable. But we're not using it for 5,000 users at the same time. We're more like a couple of hundred.
We worked with Planview consultants to configure Planview to the organization's needs. So, if there's something that is important that the customer, namely ourselves, understand what we want so we can help Planview to configure it well. Investing in knowledge before starting is quite important.
I suspect it's perhaps a bit more expensive than some other competitors, but I wasn't involved in the competitive bid. My job was to implement what we had bought. I don't have comparison prices.
I would rate Planview a seven out of ten.
In the next release, I would like to potentially see better integration between the strategy and the work aspects of Planview, so that you can report across them better. I think it's also quite early to say. We need to use it for several months to get a better feeling for that.
The interface has to do with the fact that it takes some time for new people to understand the tool. I don't think it's too bad myself, but, potentially, they could make it even better. More intuitive. In the first instance, the user interface requires some familiarization. It takes a while to get familiar with it. It could be improved.
We have used Troux every day over the last three years.
The portfolio and technology management are well built, however the lack of templates harden the initial learning curve.
Visualization and reporting areas could use improvements by having canned reports.
Its support to legacy paying customers is something PlanView is not handling well. We were unable to implement due to lack of professional support by PlanView.
The layout of objects can be easily modified and customized based on the meta model requirements or user needs.
It's used as the source of record for the application portfolio so it allows information about applications to be linked to functions or projects giving a better picture of its impact.
Allowing users to have a link that opens a specific sub-tab or folder is a challenge. You can deep link to objects but it won't show the object in the context of the frame.
3 years
We didn't have any issues with stability.
We didn't have any issues with scalability
7 out of 10
Technical Support:7 out of 10
Troux has an easily extensible meta model and UI which other tools don't have.
We implemented it through a Vendor and they were excellent.
Not sure since I don't deal with the contract.
Not sure since I don't deal with the contract
I didn't personally but other options exist for EA repositories like Mega, Enterprise Elements, Adaptive
EA portfolio management is only as good as the data and people driving it. If the data is bad then a tool can't fix the issues or address the business needs. If there is no buy in from stakeholders a repository won't be of much use.
The most valuable features are the resource planning and tracking.
Project planning: The work plan is a bit kludgy and difficult to use. It does not work like MS Project which irritates a lot of PMs. The learning curve is pretty steep - this is a robust application with a LOT of moving parts - and most users do not have the time, or inclination, to dig in and learn it while in the middle of managing a project.
I have used it for 15 months.
We only encountered deployment issues in the user up-take area.
We have not encountered any stability issues.
We have not encountered any scalability issues.
Customer service is hit and miss. GREAT front-end c/s; not so great once you're up and running. They have a difficult time determining, as do new customers, if an issue is a system error or knowledge gap. Most of their support team will not respond to requests for real-time conversations and the gap in email responses drags what turn out to be simple solutions into days-long aggravations.
They have a huge number of articles, videos, and documentation which they constantly refer users to. The amount of time that is taken researching an issue which would take a minimal amount of time for a support team member to answer is staggering.
Technical Support:I rate technical support the same as customer service.
We previously used Excel spreadsheets and MS Project plans, and everyone used them differently. There was no systematic shared approach to project management or resources. Most of these docs were not shared, which made any sort of accurate, or even best-guess, projections nearly impossible and extremely time-consuming.
Initial setup seemed straightforward but was relatively complex. As I've mentioned elsewhere - the system has a lot of moving parts. Additionally, their terminology is different from other mainstream tools.
A combined in-house/vendor team implemented it. The vendor team was excellent!