It is good to use for servers and endpoints. Because of the SME segment, they are not very keen to get into the enterprise segment. Hypervisors and virtual servers are there, but in the SME segment, there's not much focus on hypervisors. They prefer to have individual servers. That is working out fine so far.
Recently, it's not only Bitdefender, but our network design has also changed. We have revamped the network design into a multi-segment network design inspired by the X side. Servers, workstations, and NAS storage are in separate segments. We put stringent policies in place only to allow specific ports to open toward the servers. This has automatically reduced attacks.
Before, most default ports were used, which created problems. Even from outside, when opening an RDP connection through the Internet, even on a customized port, the process was getting attacked. But once the VPN was implemented, things changed a lot. In recent years, we haven't found many attacks. But before that, there were many incidents I could elaborate on. It's getting more and more stabilized.
We are also educating our clients. We give training, like knowledge base, security awareness training. That is giving a bigger output. People are becoming much more educated. They're not clicking unnecessary links. They are aware and will send us a message if they have a doubt about opening a file or email.
Another thing that is becoming advantageous is implementing a mail security solution in front of the mail servers. That is cutting edge because whatever firewall or antivirus software you have, they are not able to scan the emails. It already comes to the email. Unless it blocks the threat, it can only tag it. But if the user clicks on a link or attachment, it is going to infect the computer. It is inside your computer, and then you're trying to. Therefore, it, most of the time, stops the antivirus first, and then it takes action. That means you are already infected, and you are trying to solve the issue. But when we implemented mail security, even without a firewall, if you have mail security, with my industry experience, I saw that users need mail security in the first place and then go for the firewall in the second place. Because once you clear up the mail security, the majority of attacks are blocked. Majority threat comes from the mail.
The major threat is coming; almost without exaggeration, 70% of attacks are coming through the mail. Whether it is ransomware or clicking on a link. But once you put in mail security and customize it properly, that stops everything. It is stopping the links, and then you have quarantine. The admin can check and release the emails.
Another thing most companies do is allow the quarantine message to be seen by the end user. Then, he or she doesn't know if it is a good or bad email. It is better to have somebody with experience analyze the emails and then release them to the end user. In the last few years, we have found that viruses and malware have been reduced. This is the major difference.