The main use case is simply as a point of contact for all the emails to go through first, before they ever get into the Office 365 environment, so they can be scanned and checked for malware and spam, all before Office 365 even sees it.
We're currently on version 12. Our instance is in the cloud and we don't actually upgrade it, they do it for us. It should be upgraded to 13 in the next month or two.
The last time I checked, which was about a month ago, when I looked at all the emails sent to any of our domains — because we have about 10 email domains, and they all go through the appliance — by looking at a report the solution has, I saw that 84 percent of the email sent to those domains never got to our Office 365, because it was spam, malware, phishing, or there was something wrong with it. So it stopped 84 percent which was bad email. Based on my experience and talking to users, 99.8 or 99.9 percent of those emails that were stopped were spam or malware. There might've been 0.1 percent that was caught by the mistake. But that's 84 percent of email not even getting into our systems.
It has prevented downtime. The simple fact that 84 percent of them were stopped keeps people from having to look at those in their mailbox. If you take 1,000, out of that number 840 didn't even come through. That's less wasted time going through your mailbox and reviewing your messages. It also frees up the users, when they do see something that's not anywhere near normal, to clue in that there might be something wrong. We have had emails get through, phishing emails and things like that — it has happened — but I would say we probably get one through about twice a month, at most. The users will immediately shoot it right to the help desk. "Is this real? Is this spam? Is this something I should do?" There's no way to really put a number on it, because I've never really looked into it, but if nothing is coming through that you didn't want to see, then there's no downtime.
Only in a couple of cases have we had a user actually do something they shouldn't have done before they notified us, but that's training. You never have a perfect solution. Two a month is our average, over the last year, of emails that got through that we wished hadn't gotten through, but no harm came of it because the user notified us, and we just told them, "Delete it." We make sure everything is working right and that there was no malware involved and we let it go.
Also, as far as the IT department goes, it's made our lives a lot easier. We get emails if anything does happen. We've chosen to see any event. We only get notified of exceptions that we want to investigate or we want to look into. That makes things easier because we're not out looking all the time. We can wait for the email to come in.
We can look at the updates and the different changes Cisco makes to the system to see if any of those things is going to help us. We think about whether we want to invest any time in configuring those? And once it's configured, you're done. The most difficult part of that is remembering what you did. So we've learned to do our documentation that much better because we need to be able to go back and read what we did before, what we configured.
Our company might buy another company, so we have another domain to add our list of domains for email. In less than an hour we have all that set up and the whole system working, with emails going through the appliance. It's saved us a tremendous amount of time daily, just in terms of keeping track of things.