We primarily use the solution for meetings.
The price is very good if you get 150 users. It used to be owned by Citrix, and they sold it off to LogMeIn. LogMeIn increased the number of users, first from 25 to 50, and then to 150, and they didn't raise the price.
They now have a version that allows you to not only have an audio/video archive, but also a text version of the meeting. With a text transcript, you can quickly find something somebody said or somebody's name without having to listen for another 30 or 40 minutes. That's very convenient. I don't think any of the other remote meeting solutions are offering that right now.
For example, I once spent three hours trying to listen to a piece of an archive over and over and over again to find some specific information. Having a written transcript is great. I do it with my voicemail too. My voicemail is all now voice-to-text. It's just so much faster to be able to read. I don't care for this obsession everybody has with doing videos for everything, because they disturb people around you. If you can read you can find what you need immediately. That's why I believe a written transcript is a great feature.
GoToMeeting's security is very good. I've never known anybody to crash a GoToMeeting.
The panel where you set up and schedule meetings allows you to schedule rooms, or you can schedule individual meetings. A really nice feature of GoToMeeting that the others don't have is that it hosts the archives. You get these big files anywhere from 50MBs to 300MBs. GoToMeeting is hosted in the cloud.
In the case of Microsoft Meet, you can't even get the archive without paying an arm and a leg. With other solutions, you have to download these huge files. Then, if you want to share them with somebody else, they have to download them as well. GTM destroys the archives after a year. If you need to keep something more than a year you can always download that one particular file.