We host our application in Azure App Services and use Logic Apps to monitor everything within. We can schedule or trigger emails in case of any failures.
Every company needs their live transaction data in digital format. We never directly interact with the live database, regardless of the company's domain. Instead, we take snapshots of the live database, which act as separate reporting databases. It's a separate database; we call it a reporting database.
Once the data is within the reporting database, we do massaging by combining more than one table and some information to make it a beautifully presented or required report. A job is needed to do all this kind of activity. So, as a program, what we do is build a program and keep it simple. It's a console-based application at the option. Someone has to trigger that between month-end or during month-end or late at night, non-office hours, non-business hours, maybe in between.
In Logic Apps, what we do is have these kinds of applications as an EXE to be triggered at a particular point in time, period of time. Then, the final output, we want to drive it to the next level, to the block storage. So, in the storage block, we have another Logic App. It's like a chain of Logic Apps. We can train multiple applications. Once the final output is successfully maintained in another location or block storage, we use Logic Apps to trigger the application in general.
I deal with all the projects built under the .NET and .NET Core frameworks. I think Logic Apps is good for helping us run our access on a cloud environment like Azure. It's much easier, more reliable, and better to maintain.
If the server is shut down, the app may not trigger, but Azure Logic runs in a cloud environment. So there's no point where the server is down. Even if there is downtime, we have high availability, like 99.999%.
So, in a fraction of a second, our server can be brought up, and the Logic App can trigger and run. The failure rate of Logic Apps is very low, and the success rate is high.
Supports complex workflows:
It runs behind Azure services, on top of Azure. We have our tenant as a domain under our project subscription. Based on our license and overall requests, Logic Apps provides the best performance. You can have single or multi-chain trigger points within one Logic App function. You can also have nested ones. For example, if job one succeeds, it goes to job two; if not, it goes to job three. You can do this kind of conditional execution based on the success rate.
Keeping up with AI:
Currently, AI mostly plays with data, such as Cosmos DB and Azure Integration Apps. When a customer wants to fetch information out of this data, we can implement AI on the database side. Logic Apps are more for in-house requirements, like generating jobs, presenting jobs, generating reports, saving information into databases, or saving information into block storage. It's a triggering point where manual intervention is not required every time; a one-time configuration is enough.