Zapier is not able to set up different modules. When automation doesn't work, it's not that easy to find why it didn't work. So, it's not about the automation process but the triggers that trigger an automation to start running. Sometimes if you set up an automation trigger on a specific application, we wouldn't know if Zapier received data to start running. So we cannot understand whether the problem is in Zapier or the steps before. Branching scenarios is something I want to add to the solution to make my life easier. We want to apply a logical workflow with a yes or no condition. On Zapier, you can have a condition, but you can build the actions after one value on this condition. So, the question can be responded to with a yes-no option or not answered. In your scenario, you have only the actions after yes get chosen. A second scenario is needed for the answer, no, and a third one for not answered. While in Make, we create a diagram, according to which if the response is yes, then do follow this path, and if it's no, then follow another path.