In my case, representing the procurement department, we use it now for process mapping of all procurement processes, such as source to contract, procure to pay, and supplier management. First, we map and analyze the current process, then we determinate situations that can be optimized or improved based on our process mapping.
We knew we needed to invest in Signavio because we are a large company with around 15,000 employees and multiple departments. It was impossible to have an overview of all the processes that we have, including processes that are linked to each other and that we might have in Excel, Word, or PowerPoint. How do you bring all of these together to identify possible redundant or contradictory processes? Putting everything into one solution gives us the efficiency of mapping everything and knowing where we might need to focus to make it easier, faster, and leaner for everyone.
In terms of how Signavio has improved our organization, take our supplier onboarding process, to name one concrete example. In the past it took around 18 steps, so we mapped them in scenarios to identify double work, reworks, and things that took much more time than they should. Today, if I look at the new process thanks to Signavio, we were able to reduce it from 18 steps to six, so you can imagine the amount of effort reduced, in terms of people touching the process and time touching the process. This is an example of how we use Signavio to reduce process cycle times.
The solution enables us to carry out the entire process improvement life cycle in a unified hub, because we have all the processes mapped so we can check at the lowest level of detail. We do not only see the process overview but even the activity or task level.
I think the solution's functionality provides everyone in our organization what they need. I am not a superuser, but more of a standard user. For the requirements we have today, at least in my team, we are covered.
I do not use the process intelligence function personally, but my team uses it. Of course, it has affected the way we approach business transformation. We use Signavio to map our processes and identify bottlenecks, double work, and reworks. We eliminate those and make the transformation from a bureaucratic process to a user and customer-friendly process. We don't use it on a daily basis, but we do use it on a regular basis to identify these issues.
The process intelligence has also provided insights into how our organization is actually operating. One example could be that by identifying our processes, we can identify how we organize our team. If you optimize certain processes, you might need fewer resources and you can allocate those resources in areas of the process where you might need more support.
Signavio enabled us to identify a few processes that could be improved. We removed a bottleneck by mapping the process and using the intelligence module, in order to identify where it was redundant. We then removed parts of the process to make it leaner. Another example is on the compliance side, where Signavio helped us identify that we did not check all checkpoints in the process so we could be leaner and even more compliant.
The solution has improved employees' workday functions. By reducing bottlenecks, reworks, mistakes, and unnecessary activities, employees can focus on adding more value activities and eliminating or at least reducing non-value-added activities.
The collaborative features helped our team create a process-centric mindset because there's no process in any company that is not cross-functional. Every process touches another function. Taking the same example of supplier onboarding, it enforced the collaboration between accounting and procurement, minimized the effort, and therefore made the collaboration even smoother because you don't fight about bottlenecks on the reworks. You have one lean process from both sides.