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Prominent pros & cons


AWS X-Ray facilitates tracing and monitoring the timing of each step in requests made to endpoints.
It is highly scalable and can accommodate large-scale implementations.
Debugging is efficient through proper logs, allowing detailed issues analysis and troubleshooting.
Compliance and security levels required by federal regulations are achievable with AWS X-Ray.
It identifies bottlenecks in stability and performance, providing insights into response times and durations.


Log filtering needs improvement, with predefined filters being potentially helpful for analytics.
There is a desire for more KPIs from AWS X-Ray.
If a team is small, it might be overkill.
How traces are sent to other providers could be improved.
There are no additional notes in terms of improvements.

AWS X-Ray Pros review quotes

Parth Solanki - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 29, 2022
It is a very scalable solution.
Feb 17, 2023
The most important one is compliance. We're able to achieve our regulatory levels. We're able to achieve the security level that we need for the federal government.
Feb 12, 2021
The solution has made it easier for us to trace the problems that we have with our requests and to monitor the timing of each step in each request we do in our endpoints.
Learn what your peers think about AWS X-Ray. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Muhmad Tabrez A Deewanji - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 16, 2023
The most promising feature of AWS X-Ray is that you can debug the issues through the proper logs. You can also get an analysis out of the logs for some use cases, though I have yet to try all the features of AWS X-Ray.
Jiri Sostok - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 12, 2023
AWS X-RAY identifies bottlenecks in terms of stability and performance and how long certain data lives in terms of response time and duration.
LuizCorreia - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 12, 2023
AWS X-Ray is a strong solution and has a smooth integration process.

AWS X-Ray Cons review quotes

Parth Solanki - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 29, 2022
I do not have any notes in terms of improvements.
Feb 17, 2023
Like most Amazon products, the user interface, configuration, and tuning aren't the easiest. That's the biggest reason why people tend to go to products like TerraForm and Terragrunt. We use TerraForm and Terragrunt. So, for setting things up and interacting with X-Ray, it's definitely the user interface that can be better.
Feb 12, 2021
The user interface is sometimes kind of confusing to understand. It's not very user-friendly.
Learn what your peers think about AWS X-Ray. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
800,688 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Muhmad Tabrez A Deewanji - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 16, 2023
What needs to be better in AWS X-Ray is the log filtering. Predefined filters could be helpful because the power of analytics comes from how you can filter the data. I also want to see more KPIs from AWS X-Ray.
Jiri Sostok - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 12, 2023
If you have a small team, it's probably overkill.
LuizCorreia - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 12, 2023
They can improve how traces are sent to other providers.