Helix ALM vs IBM DOORS comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Helix ALM
Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (16th), Test Management Tools (16th)
Ranking in Application Requirements Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Requirements Management category, the mindshare of Helix ALM is 5.8%, down from 7.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of IBM DOORS is 36.9%, up from 34.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Requirements Management
Unique Categories:
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Test Management Tools
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Harold Pogue - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 7, 2022
Helix ALM is insanely configurable, with great traceability, and flexibility
The most valuable features of Helix ALM are traceability and flexibility. One thing that distinguishes Helix ALM from other solutions is that it is a hybrid cloud model. Helix ALM is not a full cloud implementation like Valerian, Jira Jama, or Atlassian, where we just go through a browser onto the cloud. In the case of Helix, we have code that goes on our computer and then that communicates to the cloud. We have the backup and distribution capability of the cloud, but we have code executing on our machine, and we don't need to worry much about speed and internet lag problems.
MarioCataldi - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 2, 2024
Offers ability to automate tasks and to track changes within documents and compare different versions of requirements but modeling capabilities could benefit from a web-based tool
The biggest improvement for me is definitely the ability to use DOORS in a web environment through Rational DOORS Next Generation. Integrating with Rational Team Concert via the web interface has also been beneficial. However, not all Rational Team Concert operations are available from the web client. Certain operations, like creating streams or components, still require using the desktop application. They're not accessible through the web interface. And in my opinion, this limitation should be removed. Creating streams, components, etc. We still need the desktop app for those. DOORS has enabled flexibility in mapping requirements to the software. Tracking changes over time due to team meetings and other factors is important. Additionally, I've been using DOORS Next Generation, the web-based tool, especially in the last year.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Helix ALM enables users to build, make efficient and effective decisions, and use least-cost methods for maximum benefit, as fast as possible. They allow you to see and visualize your configuration."
"The tool offers high stability."
"The most valuable features of Helix ALM are traceability and flexibility."
"The traceability matrix in DOORS improved our project outcomes. It helps ensure coverage of requirements at different levels, from user requirements to software requirements to test requirements."
"The shell scripting is the solution's most valuable aspect."
"Rational DOORS' most valuable feature is that you can write any kind of requirement you want."
"The next-generation features are good."
"I like the way we can simply link requirements with one another and with test descriptions and then automatically produce reports that are required to show compliance to our customers. It is a combination of requirements management and reporting that I like, but I really have very little to do with the reporting part of it. I don't know how easy or hard it is to create those reports."
"The most valuable feature for me is the ability to enter data into one table, or context, and link it across modules."
"Traceability on requirements for a huge project in an organization is a big gain."
"This product can help improve how your organization proceeds through solution development."


"Helix ALM should be able to integrate with other systems better. Helix ALM should also have an easier user interface, and the solution needs to have drag-and-drop tools included in it."
"It would be great to see Perforce's strategy is for implementing intelligence into the process via AI or ML. It's not clearly defined, at least not to my knowledge."
"The accountability and the equivalent to using, acting, editing, working with Word, and also importing and exporting from Word needs improvement."
"It would be nice if it could be scaled-down so that it could be installed and implemented without much learning or training."
"Complexity, performance, openness are the three areas that can be improved. The IBM architecture and specifically Jazz looks more complex. There are a lot of servers. It's quite complicated. The search capabilities lack in IBM Rational DOORS Classic for customers who have a database with a requirement of more than 25,000 records. For example, you can search easily for a module, but it's really difficult to look for keywords through the whole database because all the modules are separated into small components, which makes the search quite complex. This is something that's really annoying because when we want to make an impact analysis, we would like to analyze the product globally. It's quite difficult to manage. The fact that you can interact externally with data makes it complex. The approach is complex and doesn't work as expected. For example, when I tried to experiment with exporting some records, the tool crashed, but I couldn't find out the root cause, that is, whether it happened because of Rational Windows or lack of memory. It was just crashing. Logs weren't very clear. IBM can try to use more recent technology for different aspects and make it easy. They can also provide free integration from DOORS Classic to DOORS. Currently, all the customization in Excel is lost, which makes it very complex. It would be a feature to make new versions compatible with features in the past versions."
"I would like to see them improve in agile management the Scrum/Kanban Board to work with overseas team members."
"It's difficult to set the code on the solution."
"It used to be very clunky."
"There are problems with communicating between DOORS and Microsoft Office."
"The problem is that because the GUI is so bad, you either have to spend a lot of money customizing the interface yourself, or a lot of money on training."
"IBM should integrate some solutions they already own toenhance the utility of the product further. Specifically import and export to Office products is more difficult than it needs to be."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I give the solution a nine out of ten for pricing."
"I rate the product price a nine on a one to ten scale, where one is low price and ten is high price."
"IBM is a bit too expensive in terms of pricing. Customers are paying a lot for the license, and the price is quite high for this kind of environment. It is quite high as compared to what we can get today with other solutions."
"Pricing can vary depending on the size of the organization and how contracts are negotiated."
"The licensing cost is too high."
"We have to pay for a license. I think it's a one-time payment as my company hasn't notified me about more charges. I don't think it's expensive for large corporations, but it will be costly for an average person."
"It's expensive."
"I don't personally know what the numbers are. I just know that one of the reasons we've limited it to three seats is a function of cost."
"I think it's expensive because you have to pay for the licenses to IBM and all that and maintain them."
"It is expensive to onboard additional users."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Aerospace/Defense Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Helix ALM?
I rate the product price a nine on a one to ten scale, where one is low price and ten is high price.
What needs improvement with Helix ALM?
Helix ALM should be able to integrate with other systems better. Helix ALM should also have an easier user interface, and the solution needs to have drag-and-drop tools included in it.
What do you like most about IBM Rational DOORS?
The traceability matrix in DOORS improved our project outcomes. It helps ensure coverage of requirements at different levels, from user requirements to software requirements to test requirements.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Rational DOORS?
I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten, with one being very affordable and ten being quite expensive. It was a little bit expensive.
What needs improvement with IBM Rational DOORS?
The modeling capabilities could benefit from a web-based tool like DOORS Next Generation, integrated with Rhapsody. So, integration between Rhapsody modeling and DOORS in the web tool. Another area...



Also Known As

Rational DOORS

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Sample Customers

Invision, Softing, CACI, Hunter Industries, ITSO, Itron, EEC, Database Consultants Australia, VirtualScopics, March Networks, WorkForce
Infosys, Chevrolet Volt
Find out what your peers are saying about Helix ALM vs. IBM DOORS and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
790,361 professionals have used our research since 2012.