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Prominent pros & cons


HPE Alletra Storage offers both cost and space reduction, enhancing overall efficiency.
Integrated support with vCenter and the HPE multi-storage plugin simplifies storage management for users.
High-speed data transfers and fast storage performance meet large customer demands effectively.
InfoSight analytics contributes to preemptive problem-solving and efficient system management.
Reliability and uptime are notable, with zero downtime reported since implementation.


HPE Alletra Storage could benefit from incorporating the NVMe feature alongside other storage tiers.
Initial setup can be resource-intensive and confusing.
There's a need for smaller chassis in hybrid arrays and more monitoring for split-brain system controllers.
The integration with GreenLake cloud was necessary but not preferred by some.
Customers face language barriers and frequent tech cycles in technical support from HPE.

HPE Alletra Storage Pros review quotes

Jun 20, 2024
Alletra has helped reduce the time spent resolving storage-related support tickets by about 40%.
Jun 18, 2024
It is the simplicity of the deployment. They have unified all the features they have.
Jun 19, 2024
The solution has been rock-solid since we've had it.
Learn what your peers think about HPE Alletra Storage. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
806,786 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 20, 2024
The stability is incredible. We haven't had a single storage event since we put it into production.
Steve McLeod - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 18, 2024
Technical support is excellent.
Jun 18, 2024
It's easy to deploy and maintain and it's made everything faster.
Jacob Jorgensen - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 18, 2024
We have improved storage performance.
Jun 18, 2024
The deduplication feature is great.
Fernando Hortal - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 19, 2024
It is simple to manage and integrate with our virtualization platform. There is also the storage efficiency.
SewakKhurana - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 19, 2024
Ease of utilization and ease of backup are valuable. You just plug it in, run a few commands, and set it up. It is done.

HPE Alletra Storage Cons review quotes

Jun 20, 2024
Some of the upgrades can take a while to come through. The release cadence of versions is a little bit slow.
Jun 18, 2024
There can be more visibility and statistics for the customers to see. The customers would love to see AI.
Jun 19, 2024
Due to their acquisition of Nimble, there are multiple portals. I'm hoping that that gets cleaned up.
Learn what your peers think about HPE Alletra Storage. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
806,786 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 20, 2024
Long-distance, high-latency replication enhancements would be delightful to see in future versions.
Steve McLeod - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 18, 2024
Since it's a slightly cutting-edge technology, we had to put in quite a lot of new fabric and stuff for it. That's probably the only thing people need to be aware of—to make sure you've got everything sorted out upfront to make the implementation smooth and fast.
Jun 18, 2024
I'm not sure if I've gone through all the features. There's always room for improvement.
Jacob Jorgensen - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 18, 2024
The solution could use more monitoring of their split-brain system controllers.
Jun 18, 2024
Moving from Nimble to Alletra was a little difficult.
Fernando Hortal - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 19, 2024
I do not have any requirements. They can maybe have more flexibility for configurations or things like that.
SewakKhurana - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 19, 2024
When you configure it, the system has to be connected to the Internet. Otherwise, you cannot configure it. That is the most difficult part. They need to have something that does not require a connection to the Internet.