We use ESET to protect our company from evolving threats. We also use it to monitor activity in the network, have a hardware and software inventory, and automate some tasks such as running commands through a console and things like that.
The software and hardware inventory that you can create by using the console is valuable. It is also very light on hardware resources.
They can improve ransomware protection, and there should be cloud sandboxing for Mac.
I have been using this solution for many years.
It is stable on Windows and Mac.
Their support is great and excellent.
It is easy to set up the solution. The duration depends on the number of endpoints and servers that you have. If you have many computers and you're using Active Directory, it generally takes less than a week.
To set it up, choose a cloud. That's because it is easier to implement than on-premise, and you can use GPO to deploy the probe using Active Directory.
By using the console, you can uninstall antivirus from other companies, and you can also set up some alerts. If there is anything you need to look at, such as malware detection, you can schedule alerts via email.
I would rate ESET Endpoint Security a 10 out of 10.
We use a cifs share for our file server, i mapped it to a standalone server and run scans over the weekend.