I use Google Drive to synchronize between computers on the cloud, but I mainly use the solution to manage some artifacts on the cloud while synchronizing on the web between two computers. I share files between different devices, like an Apple computer, iPad, Windows PC, etc. Google Drive is the best solution, in my opinion.
I use all the Google solutions, including Google Meet and Contacts to manage my contacts. I have a lot of contacts to synchronize between phones and computers. Google's tools are user-friendly.
It's not easy to make sure you have enough space on Google Drive. I have to connect to the web application to check if I need more space. I would like it if you could right-click on Google Drive locally to see the available space.
Google should also make it simpler to manage rights and access for different users. I want to share one folder with some people and another with other groups. It's not easy to manage. You have to use Google's web interface to assign rights, but IBM Box lets you permissions directly on the Windows interface.
I would also like to synchronize my notes on my tablet with Google Drive. I don't know if it's possible to manage the synchronization between my personal account for my tablet on Google Drive. When I connect the solution to the cloud, the synchronization is costly, and the account size is small. I want to synchronize it with these types of solutions. You have a simple electronic device to write some notes on, and I want to synchronize with the cloud as a document, PDF, etc.
I've been using Google Drive for five years.
I also have used IBM Box, but I prefer Google Drive because it's effortless to install and manage compared to Box. We have synchronization problems sometimes using Box, but I never have this problem with Google Drive.
Google Drive is much more stable compared to Dropbox. Dropbox is a catastrophic solution. I used Dropbox because I manage many files, and I lost files because the synchronization between Dropbox and my customer folder was unstable. I use Google Drive to back up my files. Google Drive is the best solution to manage the backup between my Apple computer and my personal computer.
I've also used OneDrive, but I prefer Google Drive because it's integrated with all the other Google solutions. OneDrive creates some technical problems if you use multiple accounts. If you need to synchronize OneDrive with the two solutions, it's a nightmare to manage because Microsoft can't use two accounts on the same computer.
OneDrive's price is low, but it's not a good solution. It's a basic solution for file sharing. IBM Box's price is low, and it's a great solution, but it's geared toward professional use. I prefer Google Drive for my personal purposes.
Google Drive is simple to set up. You only need to create a Google account.
Google Drive's price is lower than competitors. I have two accounts, including one with Apple that I use to manage some pictures and contact. I use Apple Cloud for only this purpose. I use Google Drive for everything else. Compared to Google, the price of Dropbox is high and the solution isn't good.
I rate Google Drive nine out of 10. It's perfect for me, but I would like more space for free for my personal usage.