We use the tool for workflow management and business process automation.
The tool streamlines operations, especially from an operational perspective, by facilitating decision-making and ensuring timely approvals. This helps prevent delays in the approval process, where business process management adds significant value for us.
What I find most valuable is how it creates process instances and handles issues. There's no delay in addressing process issues and getting approvals on time. It provides a product-agnostic approach to business process management, allowing us to create workflows quickly.
Case management helps us create, handle, and resolve cases step by step, providing an end-to-end solution. It's especially useful when using cloud-based business automation, often including built-in case management features.
The main benefit is creating workflows. For example, with IBM BAW, we can handle end-to-end processes, from taking requests to assigning tasks for approvals. It can also integrate with third-party APIs and business rules to make decisions, providing flexibility in our operations.
AI is integrated into the IBM BAW in two main ways. First, we can use RPA for tasks requiring human intervention. Second, we can leverage IBM's Watson AI to accelerate business processes with automation. I can predict how soon requests will be approved and decide based on certain criteria.
For example, let's consider our recent implementation in the customer care center. When customers call in, they often have common queries. We've incorporated AI features to address these queries by leveraging data from our customer database. We use tools like OpenAI. Additionally, we've automated most processes for business process automation to minimize the need for human intervention. However, we hold requests for certain scenarios until a resource takes action. But for common tasks that can be automated quickly, we've integrated AI and machine learning features to expedite approvals.