Huntress is very easy to use. That is one of the reasons why we switched to Huntress two to three years ago. The console is simpler and quicker than the competitor I was using. There are not many actions to take. It just runs, and if there is something to look at, they send us an email to escalate. It is one of those things where when you install it, you do not have to log in and check unless they alert you. Once they did an awesome thing where they scanned the computers for any files that said passwords or logins. Sometimes people keep all their logins in one Excel file and call it passwords. It basically scanned the computers and gave us a warning about the computers that had a file called passwords.xls and informed us to let them know to not do that. I reached out and I ended up converting a few of those clients to use password managers and things like that. It was a one-time scan they did, but it was awesome of them to do that. We were able to see its financial benefit immediately. After a month or two, it started caching things and alerting us. It was pretty quick. Within the first quarter of using it, we were already happy with it. I knew I was going to keep it for a long time. SMBs do not always have a big budget for IT. Huntress is the best you can get without ramping up your budget. There is another one that we use for the companies that have more budget. It is called BlackPoint, but it is not an apple-to-apple comparison. I cannot compare these two because BlackPoint does a little bit more than what Huntress offers at this time. The solution is fully managed by Huntress 24/7. That has been great. It has affected us in a positive way where we get an alert, and we know if something was already done by Huntress or if we need to take action. If we need to take action, they list specific instructions on what needs to be done, which is nice. We do not have to figure out how or what. That has definitely helped. We are also able to manage Windows Defender. When we want to put exceptions in and things like that, we do not have to go to each computer. We just put it in the policy, and it alters the settings of Windows Defender. For remediation, Huntress can automatically remediate low-severity threats. There is one option where they automatically do it, and then depending on the issue, there is also a button that you can click to remediate the issue right from the control panel. That saves so much time investigating. If you need to isolate the computer, you can isolate the computer, so it does not spread out to the rest. It is definitely positive. Huntress helped reduce the need for expensive security tools or to hire expensive security analysts. They basically do it all. The only thing higher is an MDR, but I assume they will eventually get into the MDR space. I know they have recently added something that looks at your Microsoft 365 tenant, similarly to how they look at your computers. I can see the product growing and growing. They keep adding things that their competitors are doing. It has taken our security up a notch from where we were. It has not missed anything. It was not like something happened where I was like, "Why didn't Huntress see this?" That has not happened in the past two to three years. It has made our security stronger. Because we protect our clients, we need to make sure we are doing that. I am confident in having Huntress out there on the machines. The Huntress' SOC team is very responsive. Other solutions would never reach out to you or do anything like that. If something is detected, they just send automatic emails to check it out. Anytime I have had a meeting with Huntress about a new product or a new service, there are higher-ups on the call with me. It feels very like a small company even though they are not. You get a small company experience with them where you can get someone on the phone. If you need to talk to someone higher up, they will be on the call. I appreciate that. They are always ready to hop on a call or tell me more. If I need to know more, they will happily talk to me. They always check in on me. My reps often ping me to make sure I do not need anything. We have combined Huntress with other solutions. The only reason we combine is that the customer has more budget. Huntress is what we give everyone. If they have more budget, we will pair that with BlackPoint, which is an MDR that actively remediates anything that does not look good. They are connected to a 24/ 7 security center with people stopping these attacks live as they happen, and you are watching them as they happen. There is an agent for the computer as well. There are some things that overlap with Huntress on what it does, but the ultimate one is 24/7. They will remediate something at three in the morning and leave you a voicemail explaining what happened, but that solution costs three times what Huntress costs. That is why the customer has the budget, we put both of them.